How do I tell them?

Okay so I am wanting a sex change (FTM) but I'm having trouble gaining confidence to tell my family. All my friends already know but I am afraid that if I tell my parents and brother they will shun me and not want anything to do with me. They know that I am bisexual and they accept it but I don't know if they will accept me going from female to male. Truth I'm more afraid to tell my mom then my...
March 29th, 2013 at 02:29am

What Do I Do?!

I need help. I have no idea what to do. I used to think that I was different then other girls. But now I feel like I'm not one. I know I am bisexual but I also feel like I am a boy when I'm not. My problem is that I don't know whether to stay a girl and be with the guy I am in love with (he is straight) or lose the one I love for my own sake. I want to feel comfortable in a girls body but i can't....
July 25th, 2011 at 12:23am

Help please

okay so there is this bitch that hacked my friends email account and we have no idea who it is. she is threatening to show my friends parents the email my friend mollie and her gf have been sending to eachother. mollies parents dont like the fact that she is bi so it wont turn out good if they see the emails. me and ashley(mollies gf) are trying to get mollies email back but we cant do it. i need...
April 25th, 2011 at 02:21am

Ive fallen in love

i finally did it. i finally told kyle that i love him. and he loves me back. he said that i changed his live and that he feels so happy with me. ive never felt so happy in my life. he is my world and i wont let him go. i love him so much that i want to be with him forever. he is the only one i want to be with. the only one i want in my life from now on and he only wants me. i dont know what i...
February 26th, 2011 at 10:27pm


I think i fell in love with someone. His name would be Kyle. Every time I'm near him my heart speeds up. When he kisses me my heart stops and my whole world is spinning. When he is gone it feels like a whole in my chest. He knows i like him but he doesn't know i love him. He is on my mind all the time. I wanna tell him how i really feel towards him. that i dint just like him that I'm in love with...
February 20th, 2011 at 04:11am

my would-be self

I'm always wondering what i'm missing in life. It isn't my friends or family, not even the one i love. I'm missing my would-be self. the person that i want to be in life. yea the would-be self part is from shugo chara but watching that show made me think about my own future. What i want to do in life and who i want to be. I've always been caught up in everyone else's problems that i never thought...
February 14th, 2011 at 04:43am