Same shit, different day

Again Im gonna apologise cos this is another rant but it has been ages since my last so I reckon its pretty good of me.So still no boyfriend or prospect of one, no surprise there really, nearly had someone but then I got drunk and did some stupid stuff and now he has obviously changed his mind seeing as I havent heard from him since. He wasnt even there when I did it either, he got told by my...
January 5th, 2011 at 03:47pm

My shitty life and all that annoys me

I'm sorry, this is going to be my main place to rant cos I have no where else that people who no me don't no about and that is the point. I don't want people who no me to no this stuff cos it would probably worry them unnecessarily. I'm sorry if you end up reading this cos its not going to be anything worth while...just the rantings of a bored and lonely 21 year old.Why is my life not what I...
August 20th, 2010 at 12:01am