Join my team pleaz?..

hey everyone.Well its very random since my friend made a group for her fav. band so I decided I'd make a team of my own.. Team MSI.. Of course a team for Mindless Self Indulgence :)Well, if you wanna join I have an application:- Join TEAM MSI!-Hi there. My name's Harley Karjaleinen and I am the person who made team msi.This group is for all dedicated MSI fans. MSI is of course the initals for the...
September 22nd, 2007 at 05:34pm

Comments pleaz!!

Hey dudes and dudettes~Well I'm gonna go to bed now but before I go I just wanted to say.. I have my new story up called "Rip The Pages Out Of My Life" and I'm on chapter 3 so far.. It would be really sweet of you and mean a lot to me if you could read and comment my story. If so, thank you so much guys!!~Harley~ xxoo
September 20th, 2007 at 04:40pm

Chris Crocker vid. on youtube?

Hey everyone.Well I notice that this guy on youtube named ChrisCrocker who's obviously gay defended Britney Spears by practically yelling in the video for everyone to leave her the hell alone.. Well its such a most watched video that its all over the news.. In my opinion its really stupid they're talking about this on the news. The guy didn't do anything wrong. God, they act like he murdered...
September 19th, 2007 at 03:50pm