10,000 cookie points if you notice this!!


United States
Joined date
July 10th, 2010


Hmmmm...about me....I'm a writer (of fan fiction!) and both my BFF's have a Mibba so it was only natural that I got one to (to go along with my FanFiction account.)

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Although I love to write stories, my secret passion is in poems and painting. Yes, I said painting. It happens to be my favorite past time!! >.<

Ummm...what else, what else, what else.

I love working out and running... ( Ya, I'm just a little weird like that :P ) I would walk forever if I could!

Loves: I love CHOCOLATE!!!!!! <3 As well as walking, veggie pizza, anime, and yaoi ;)

Likes: I also adore, Cade and Reah-Beah, my cats, long walks, writing, fanfiction, and color guard.

Dislikes: annoying people (doesn't everyone?), violence, hate, homework, and my sister on alternating Wednesdays. I'm sure there are other things I could bring myself to hate, but hey, I'm lazy and it seems kinds troublesome...

I can't say I'm that exciting, or special but I certainly hope you at least like my writing!!
And that's me, myself, and I in a nut shell.

And when I say nut shell, I mean NUT shell. (I'm just a LITTLE crazy!!!! I swear!)



I had a strange realization...in the three days I wrote 24 poems.

O.o That is a lot of poetry. I'm beginning to scare myself actually. I mean, what if I skip a day and explode rhymes and limericks all over people. That would not be good.


Also, I have some quote for you all. Love 'em or leave 'em.... >.<

“Do or do not; there is no try.” -Yoda

"You can't cheat Death forever, however, you sure as hell don't have to go down without a fight."

"All the good ones are gay"

"Ductape and superglue...the two things that hold a marrige together."

"Live long and prosper." - Star Trek (in general)

"Never give in, never give up."

"Love me or hate me, still an obbsession. Love me, or hate me, that is the question." -Lady Sovergin

"You may hate the Player, but you all love the Game."
