
United States
Joined date
July 10th, 2010

my first kiss went a little like this,

| Tiffany | 19 | Oliver Sykes? | Hannah Beth? | Single | Bisexual | Happy <3 |

Heyyo, Tiffany is a typical teenager who loves making new friends, and falling in love with that perfect person; She's loud, happy, and always smiling. You should really get to know her, because you seriously won't regret anything; <3 -Morgan.

Hello, I'm Tiffany ^^ as was said up there, that was from my best friend; I'm obnoxious if you wanted to know. But I am really nice to talk too; I am A GIRL. So don't fucking say i ain't; I originated from Texas, and love every moment of it; My best friends are Morgan, and Bryce. They make me happy, to bad they moved far away from me </3; I like meeting new people, so you should talk to ME. (:

comment my pichta's, and i'll love you.<3

i have a big mouth, but that big mouth of mine keeps secrets;

loves; harry potter, starbucks, monsters, dinosaurs, morgan, bryce, happy bunny, new moon, eclipse, twilight, reading, friends, peace signs, laughing, smiling, dicks, vaginas, you<3

hates; liars, fakes, haters, name calling, posers, labels, writing, death.

tell your friends about me, yeah?
