Synful Shadows / Comments

  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Haha, that's good to know, then x) I should try doing the same thing, though. Seeing invisible dogs. It sounds so much better than the way I actually see them xD

    Yes, there are many, many things they have to fix before they can even think of going back to the way they were before. And you couldn't be any more right about Matt's obliviousness. He's just too blind and he doesn't notice other's problems. And I also want things to be good with them. I really do. I hate having to write them acting that way. (I don't, really. But I preferred when they were good friends, haha!) I think jealous is his second name, by now xD But yeah, what's happening to him is more or less what you figured on your comment. He never really noticed how much his absence was affecting her, and he wasn't exactly happy when he found out about it... No comments on the Sid and Zacky thing, though xD I'll just remind you that she's not completely over Matt, yet. Oh, and you're absolutely right. Even if she was developing some sort of feelings she would never ever admit that! I'm glad you enjoyed the calling each other, too haha :D

    Yeah, that's sort of like what happens in here. But even with them doing that outside school, there's always a very small number of people that are carrying stuff with them and end up getting caught, though it only happens very rarely.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 12:58am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I hope that too. And that's totally understandable. Haha, I'm sorry I gave you the description of what hell hounds seem to be like to me xD I'm just... not a dog person.

    I guess it's not important. And yes, Matt apologized to her on Leana's party, but not him or Sid are back to the friendship they had before. There's too many things to fix before they can be okay with one another, again. And I'm glad that you were feeling torn about the band practice, but nothing bad happened, this time. It'll still take some time until Matt finally bursts. Or maybe not. I can't really tell :D

    I think the busts are becoming more frequent everywhere in here. And the druggies keep getting more secretive about what they're doing, so the busts rarely had any result. That makes total sense.
    May 9th, 2014 at 01:05am
  • Skella

    Skella (100)

    United States
    HAha woohoo! Success on laughter! And Astrid, oh man, pretty soon she's going to be like Tomato with just stuff I've never found a use for that smiley before this. Haha yeah, the asshole Kicking!! You reminded me of Genie just then when he cheers for Jafar, hhaHA! :)
    Are you kidding, it was a fantastic comment!! And thank you tons for it much ♥♥
    May 8th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Strangely, I'm not spoiled at all! I've only seen the episode posts on their Facebook page :P I know how that feels like. My mind likes to wander as well, in the dark, sometimes to places that are way too creepy, even for me *shudders*. Yeah, I guess I understand why you didn't like them. And that's definitely the problem with the hell hounds. The fact that I imagine them as creepy, bloody, human murderer dogs just makes me very uncomfortable. It's totally not cool.

    It is, indeed. They know that they can piss each other off as much as they want because they always end up speaking again, if only to mess a little bit more with one another. I can't blame you for that, haha. As much as it pains me to admit it, Matt deserves that. No comments about what he'll do, though. I'll just let you stay pissed at him, haha xD

    Yep, exactly. It's the same kind of search we have here in airports as well. Actually, my school never had drug busts with dogs, that's why I didn't mention them in that chapter. Even with the bigger chance of ditching their stuff, lots of people are caught, still.
    May 1st, 2014 at 12:54am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Well, I'm glad they're taking those steps, then!

    Haha, yeah. I finished re-watching that season yesterday night. Now I'm going to start watching season 9, because it finally started in here Kicking Oh, I remember Bloody Mary! I think I was never creeped out by any episode. I think I love them all xD My only problem is really the hell hounds; I'm not really a dog person xD

    Hahaha! Exactly, even if they fight constantly, they're still friends. It's a good thing for the both of them, especially because they always end up going back to being friends after their fights. Oh, and I definitely agree with you on the Matt thing. He shouldn't have started dating Paige. He really shouldn't have. And he shouldn't have invited Sid to go to the aquarium with them either. And he had no excuse for his jealousy, because he had the chance to tell her he liked her and he didn't. You can only really stay pissed at him, haha xD

    I know for a fact that on concerts and events and even festivals, every officer can search your bags, but only female officers can search your pockets, clothes and such. At least that's what happened 100% of the times I attended any of those events. I've also seen people being searched at night by undercover officers who retrieved every substances they were carrying with them, but those officers never searched girls. The drug dog thing never crossed my mind, to be honest! In school I've always seen undercover agents or the police, who were always searching for someone who was doing something illegal. Maybe the dog will come in handy in the future!
    April 26th, 2014 at 08:57pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Oh, that's great. Even if they're going to take unwanted steps, that'll bring them closer to one another, so the effort will be worth it.

    Exactly. It's terrible, and it takes away all of the fun. Yeah, I remember that recap. I actually watched that episode from season 5 a couple of days ago xD I never had many problems with the monsters they face. Except when it comes to the hell hounds. I'm not a big fan of hell hounds. They're a type of dogs that freak me out.

    I can't really tell you if they'll ever see the truth or not... xD And yes, you can always imagine what would have happened if they remembered the kiss; it's always an interesting thing to do, haha! I'm glad you were pleased with her attitude with Zacky and with the fact that they're are getting along. But they're only getting along that great because they're the only ones who don't have a significant other. Being on each other's company is much better than being all alone. Matt didn't tell Sid that he got together with Paige because he was still pondering about his feelings. He knows he's still not indifferent when it comes to Sid, and he shows it. But yeah, he had absolutely no excuse to take so long in telling her about his relationship.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 09:58pm
  • Skella

    Skella (100)

    United States
    Lol, yeah. I guess if I think about him long enough he's kind of a weirdo old man. And I suddenly got a mental image of Neal Schweiber's dad with just thinking of a weirdo old man ahaha Shifty

    Returning the asshole is in progress ~~
    April 22nd, 2014 at 07:26pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I guess I can understand the emotional distance there's going to be. I won't like it, because they've been apart from each other for far too long, but small progress is better than none!

    Yeah, the latest spoilers won't even affect much of the first seasons because there are different characters and the plot is completely different. They only bother me when I'm seeing the first episodes of a season and then I come across with spoilers from the last episodes. It's really frustrating on that times xD Haha, yeah, I understand what you mean with the first season. I would have liked some heads-up about people burning on the ceiling as well... ._.

    It's alright, I guess... There has to be some frustrating characters. Even if they're too frustrating. xD Oh, they're definitely blind! And Sid eventually made up for her lack of appreciation, by doing his school work and handing it to their teacher under his name. And she's also trying to get along with him, even though most times she only wants to murder him. And regarding their kiss... the two of them not remembering it was really the best option. :P

    Haha, yeah xD That's probably the best thing to do.
    April 12th, 2014 at 10:05pm
  • Skella

    Skella (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the story com(pli)ments!!!
    I think the principal in A Little Less Conversation is best defined as a person beginning to go through a middle-aged crisis hahaha - a sort of 'wanting to be hip with the kids and wanting to adapt to the level of "edgy coolness" that Baker appears to have' type of guy. I don't believe he will pop up any time soon for a while :)

    And I'm so glad that you really get everyone in Nothing but Trouble. You always understand each character so well at the end of every section (or at least where I wanted to take them). Grant, for instance, you've nailed him so far. And your outlook on the two relationships that Brian has is a bullseye. I really thought it was a little much when I first wrote Astrid's part, but I was just thinking about the first few times I had gotten into trouble. Man, I was so paranoid about everything haha, so I'm glad that you got it. I mean she's such a "blue ribbon" (I really can't think of any other words to describe her besides goody two-shoes). Shifty Hopefully, the asshole will return and take over Shifty ♥♥
    April 12th, 2014 at 07:35am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    That's good. And I really want them to go back to being a normal couple, but talking to one another is good enough for now :P

    Hah, Supernatural spoilers are the thing I hate the most >.< When I was watching season 7 I had already seen most of it on tumblr. It was awful...

    Oh, yeah, definitely. I don't like letting go of anything, as well. I like stand-alones best. I don't really know why, but I do. I hate the fact that he's drifting, too, even though I'm the one who decided to make him act that way. I don't even know if I'm supposed to feel that way or not xD And I completely get your frustration with Matt and Sid. They're both blind; that's just the bottom line. As for Zacky saving her from detention, he was only that nice because he was tired of seeing her that angry and not reacting to his teasing. Her attitude will definitely keep him from doing that again, though.

    I think you will never get used to it. At least I won't x)
    April 5th, 2014 at 10:43pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Well, I only managed to read it today, so I didn't have to wait too long :P

    Absolutely. If I was scared easily I would like to know when something scary would happen as well.

    Yeah, it's understandable that way. I think the only trilogy I ever really liked was The Lord of the Rings. I'm not really a fan of series, I guess. I prefer the other types of books (which I don't really know what to call, to be honest xD). I understand the way you feel about Paige, especially because of that comment Brian made. As for Matt seeming to only drift away from Sid, I think you'll realize he's drifting away from everyone as the chapters go on. But yeah, his absence is definitely most noticed with Sid, especially during her birthday party, on the previous chapter. I'm glad to know that you were pleased with Sid and Zacky's awkward hug, haha! I can't promise you they'll keep the friendly acts after Sid's prank, though :P

    Exactly. You read it everyday on newspapers, or on TV or the computer... And you speak with people everyday. It's weird to make such big mistakes...
    April 2nd, 2014 at 11:04pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I hope you're able to update this weekend, then!

    Ah, I kinda like it when there's something scary that I am absolutely not expecting. I love scary stuff :P

    I don't usually buy series, so I never had to force myself finishing any book. It sucks that you didn't enjoy many of those books you decided to keep reading. Yeah, I guess it'll depend on the chapter, whether you'll handle him or hate him. As for her brother, I think he's going to show up on the next chapter, or on the chapter after that. I can't really remember. Izzie had also talked about Sid liking Matt plenty of times before. And she is indeed her best friend, that's why she admitted that suspicion with such ease. She's also the only person Sid's ever spoken about that matter as well. Regarding Paige's subject, I'll only remind you that on the last chapter everything that was said was on Sid's point of view. It's all her opinion about that matter, apart from Brian and Leana's comments towards the end. I understand your uneasiness about Paige, though. But she and Matt aren't together in any sort of way. I mean, they're not dating; they just spent the whole night in each other's company.

    Ugh, I know. Especially when they are taught that same language for years! I mean, throughout every school year there's at least 12 years with that subject. Making those big mistakes is just really hard to understand.
    March 22nd, 2014 at 10:31pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    That's really nice! Maybe you'll be able to update soon :)

    Ahah, me too. And going in not knowing what's going to happen is definitely the best way to do it. It's also the most interesting way, because it keeps you excited about guessing what's going to happen next.

    100 pages is already too far in the book to start a new one, in my opinion. But if I can't get into the book then I just give up about halfway into those pages. I don't have much patience to keep reading if I can't get interested in the beginning, to be honest. Yeah, I know. It was a completely useless comment, on his part. I think he's not going to be a very 'pleasant' character to anyone, and you're definitely not going to like Sid's brother as well. Maybe he'll grow on you after several chapters, when he's being civil. Though that'll only happen sometimes. And I'm glad to know that you enjoyed reading Mr. Cuddles tragic fate, lol. Sid's been having mixed feelings about Matt for awhile now, but that revelation is only her process of thinking. She's not sure about anything, hence her saying that she thinks she likes him. I can't really comment anything on the Paige subject, though :P

    That's surely nice to know, ahah. It happens exactly the same with my language. Portuguese is a difficult language, but there are some people - who were born and taught that as a first language - that make mistakes that make me cringe. I can't really blame them making those errors on foreign languages, though. We don't have the same word for that, but we have really distinct words for each placement (not really sure if this is the best word to use?), which makes that task really easy. In and On can be used in different situations and that's what confuses me most of the times, I guess xD
    March 18th, 2014 at 10:33pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yep. I think that's what happens with pretty much everyone.

    There are some people that put some kind of warning in their posts saying that it's a spoiler, which is great because then I can just ignore them until I watch the episode. I don't even like them in that situation. I just like being surprised as I watch the episode.

    My mom can't do that. We're similar in that kind of stuff. You'll have the answer for that on the next chapter. He's already recognized her. Now he just needs to put the pieces together and figure out where he knows her from. And I actually didn't mean for his comment to come out that way; I only noticed it did sound that bad after I posted the chapter. And, as I told you before, don't worry about Paige. She'll have her chance.

    It does make it better to know that there are English-speaking people who mix that up. And yeah, I know I mix those two words a lot. I'll look them up. Thanks :)

    And yeah, I agree with you.
    March 8th, 2014 at 05:10pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yes, I agree with you on that. I think the best thing to do is to just really listen to some music and try to get inspired to write something good, otherwise it'll probably just be a bunch of words that make no sense at all. At least that's what I always get whenever I'm not inspired. I always have to erase everything and rewrite it on another day.

    Gah, I hate them with a passion. Every episode that I see, I've seen parts of it on tumblr gifs. It's so frustrating sometimes. But other times I'll just be like 'I can't wait to see that scene', and then I get a really satisfied feeling when I see them, but that happens very rarely. I love tumblr, but yeah, spoilers are dumb, I hate them xD

    Exactly! No one can do that voluntarily. It's always a pain in the ass... Ahah, that's okay x) I think he had every right to be pissed as well. After all, she cornered him in the lockers and forced a kiss on him. It's a pretty disturbing idea to imagine that happening, I think! Regarding the explanation about Sid knowing Zacky, you won't have to wait too long. After today's update you'll get some small insight on how they know each other. And yeah... he should stop being a jerk, but Sid will keep stressing out whenever she sees him. Ahahah, Paige definetly died right there. And don't worry about Matt keeping his word - Sid will make sure he won't break his promise. And aw, I'm glad you found their scene cute :3

    Oh, and thank you so much for those corrections! I keep correcting that last mistake all the time, but I somehow missed it on this update. I keep messing up whenever I have to use 'sported' or 'supported' -.- It's so frustrating, though I'm trying hard to stop confusing them, lol.

    Indeed. Or at least a plot twist. Just something that keeps the story going, I guess, haha :b
    March 2nd, 2014 at 04:34am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Aw, that's not good. I hope you get your inspiration back, soon.

    It really is sad... Yeah, it's usually always like that. And I always get to see some spoilers from the newest episodes because they're always appearing on tumblr.

    Ah, I know how that feels like. I'm really picky on some shows, too.

    That's great. I wish it worked the same way with me :P I always hate starting to read them, because I have to stop reading other stuff that I want to read, but then, if I enjoy it, I'm quick to finish the book. Yeah, most probably. Haha, I had so much fun writing that chapter xD Oh, and she didn't just touch his cheek, she actually kissed him, hence why he was so pissed. Now that every character is introduced, the story will unroll much faster, and you'll get to know what happens and whatnot :)

    Yeah, exactly. And I need somebody to create some chaos, too, haha!
    February 26th, 2014 at 10:29pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    That's good to know. He still puts her first even with all the crap that's happening around him. I can only wait for his small progress, now.

    Exactly. Only a small portion of my friends can name some European movies... I think it's great that America has that kind of impact, but sometimes it's too much, in my opinion. Yeah, I'll have to wait a long time. Season 8 is only on episode 16, still, and the channel where it is broadcast only plays one episode per week. Season 9 will only get here on Summer, most probably.

    I can only recall Friends from that era. Maybe some day I'll do a research about other sitcoms.

    I cared about all of the books I had to read for school. I think I liked all of them, with only one exception. Just knowing that I'm obligated to read them is the worst. You probably only missed it because it was in the beginning of the story. She hadn't even appeared as a character yet, when Matt referred that happening. She can definitely be called creepy, ahah! I won't comment anything about Paige, though. Or anything about how Sid knows Zacky, hehe! And thank you for the correction :)

    Oh my, that's awesome to know! And yeah, I think Gareth's a typical character in the horror genre. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter!
    February 22nd, 2014 at 11:40pm
  • Skella

    Skella (100)

    United States
    I was actually worried that it would've been too much to reveal about Brian just with that little bit! But I didn't really know how else to write those parts about him without giving a little back story either (and have it to where the reader wouldn't get so confused as to why he chooses/feels obligated to do something without feeling like I'm just throwing shit at him for no reason..?)! Man I was stuck. But I'm so glad that you liked it and that you didn't find it to be too much info!! ♥
    I've actually been really skeptical about writing in that sort of stuff about him, so I'm really glad that you haven't felt bad for him or haven't give his home life a single thought until now... I just, I guess I don't really want the reader to have any feelings towards Brian's character other than him being an asshole for the most part, a really big one Shifty

    Thank you so much for keeping up with this story ♥♥♥♥especially after a years worth of time♥♥
    February 19th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yeah. And even if he apologized, it wouldn't make a really big difference. I hope Brian finds a way to start solving his problems, though. I think he's already doing some kind of effort to make things better with interacting, even if only for a little bit, with Lexi, but it's still not enough. I'll be waiting for better days to come, between them.

    Exactly. I think American movies actually have a bigger impact than most of the European movies, in here. It's weird, I think, seeing as foreign cinema gets a bigger recognition than the national, or even the one made in the same continent. I mean, some American movies are really great, but there are some really good European movies too, nevertheless. Ahahah, I love all seasons equally, though I'm really really enjoying the 8th season, which is the one I'm watching now. I just really adore those series.

    Yeah, that's true. Whenever I think about the 90's era I just think about Friends. I don't even know if it's a good depiction of that era or not, but it's just the thought that pops into my mind immediately.

    Oh, I know that feeling. I only wish I had that same feeling with the books I have to read for school. I enjoy reading them, but there's something wrong about being obligated to do so. It decreases my will to read them... And yeah, Janine is definitely somebody else. It's a character I really like to write, and I think she'll have some great appearances in the story, even if they're not going to be many. Though I think you'll change your opinion about her not being a creep. I mean, after all Matt has already said that she climbed up his room while he was sleeping, in one of the first chapters. But I think you'll enjoy her appearance on the chapter after today's update. I'm not going to comment anything regarding Sid and Matt, ahah. Just don't forget about Paige Wink

    And I'm glad you considered the last chapter from As Your Nightmare Comes to Life unsettling. I wouldn't want to find that sight either. Jason really did care about her, in his own way, so it was a really big shock to find her dead body like that. I can only tell you that this won't be the first time Gareth does something like accusing somebody from the group.
    February 15th, 2014 at 09:38pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I honestly don't think there would be the need to give any insight on their relationship. I think everyone wanted to see Lexi together with Brian, not with Ricky. I don't know if he would get much love, even if we got to know his best. I'm glad to know that she'll have time to fix her problems. And it's also good that Brian is trying to work in their relationship, or at least trying to, since he's making small progress.

    I think it became an international thing. At least my uncle told me that those movies were given some attention when he was younger. He loved them. Oh, I'm up for a Supernatural marathon over the summer, too. I'm up for a Supernatural marathon any time. I'm a sucker for that show xD

    Yeah, I think that's true. But it's just really a matter of doing some quick research, or talking to older people. I know how things worked like on that time thanks to listening to my parents, I just decided it would be better to use some of the modern technology. Using the 'set time technology' would make some scenes more difficult to write, though.

    And thank you for your comment. I understand your side completely. I get lost in some books too, and I completely zone out to the world around me. I'm glad to hear that you don't dislike Janine, ahah. She's kind of a character, and I do feel bad for Matt as well, lol. And Izzie and Prince Charming... well, I guess it's pretty obvious what's going to happen between them. I can't really comment on anything regarding Sid and Matt, though :P
    February 2nd, 2014 at 02:05am