Synful Shadows / Comments

  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Exactly, we never really got to see how he was like as her boyfriend. And that's good. That's really good. If they keep making that small progress, it may help them going back to normal, even though it may take a long time. I agree with you on that. Brian needs to stop pulling away and act like that.

    It's not only in the US, I think. At least older people like it a lot too, in here. I can watch movies any time. I get lost in them, and it's really cool. I did a Supernatural marathon during Christmas break. I didn't regret it a single bit. I was three seasons late. And yeah, it's the same with me.

    I'm going to keep everything in the set period, except for those technological gadgets. I'm just way too distracted, and I forgot to write that down on the author's note. I cleared that up already, though.

    Yes, on that point of view I would prefer to be called boring too. As long as they let me keep doing my business I'm okay, I guess.
    January 19th, 2014 at 09:29pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I keep forgetting that he only started acting that way when Brian appeared again, but the cheating thing was awful, either way. Oh, and hearing that is so good! I've been wanting them to progress for such a long time. Last chapter was like a breeze of fresh air, when Brian accepted going out with her.

    Ugh, everybody hates westerns xD Well, not everybody, but it's one of the genres I see most people disliking. I think I'll give it a shot in the next school break. I really love movies, and I've been hooked on some series for the last few months. I spent some days of this Winter break seeing episodes non-stop. I should have used my time for other stuff, but it felt great watching the episodes all in a row... xD I think the same. Sometimes I struggle so much to leave a comment, but I just can't figure out what to say. And that chapter was exactly one of those.

    Ahahah, I can relate to Paige too, on that chapter. And I'm glad you enjoyed how they met :) Oh, and relating to those questions: the guys are supposed to be on their last high school year, just like the girls. Paige just doesn't know for sure how old they are, she only thinks they're older. As for the Skype thing, I've been meaning to put some sort of explanation on the author's note, but I completely forgot it Facepalm I simply decided to merge some of the modern stuff that we use nowadays, to that year. I don't even know if that's a good idea or not, but I decided to give it a shot...

    Yeah, that's true. Aw, that sucks. But at least they don't call you on that, that's good, right? :P
    January 11th, 2014 at 05:13pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    He was an asshole. I'm glad he didn't stay with Lexi for too long.

    Yeah, I know that feeling. I can't get into westerns, for example. I just can't seem to like that type of movies, and I don't know why xD And I've never seen Doctor Who, even though I've heard some great opinions about that series... I've been thinking about watching it for a long time, but I never had that "want" to really watch it (I can't remember which word to use, and I don't even know if that sentence makes any sense... sorry about that). Ahah, yeah. And that's okay, it was more like another introduction. There wasn't much to be said about it, in all honesty, so no worries!

    It's more or less the same in my house. Even though my brother has been respecting my privacy more, lately. It's still not enough, though. Lol, that's so awesome xD I think they know solitaire is not that interesting...
    January 6th, 2014 at 10:54pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yeah, maybe. I remember not hating him completely when he first showed up, but when he started dating Lexi I really started despising him. But, yeah, that's definitely true. People like that do really exist, unfortunately. Ahah, that's good to know, then xD

    Oh, I love those movies. the whole saga, really. I think it's amazing xD But I understand that you're not into them. Most of my friends don't like it either. Ahah, I won't tell you anything about that, though. I'll just leave it to you to figure out as the story goes :p I just really wanted to know who you thought would be. It's always fun to find out x)

    It happens the same to me, but it's only because she doesn't pay any attention to computers or what I'm doing when I'm on it. Oh my god, how I understand you. I think mine know that I'm not on Google or playing cards as often as I am, but they gave up on asking me what I was doing for a long time. Now they only try to peek at the screen when I'm not paying attention to them -.-
    January 1st, 2014 at 08:50pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I guess it was kind of soon. But I keep telling myself that she was asking for it for a long time. Oh, I didn't like Ricky at all, too. I think everyone hated him, honestly xD Exactly, I think the same thing about that. If she had a reason for acting like a bitch all the time I would probably have a little more sympathy towards her. As for Gareth's feelings it's really like I told you before. The next chapter will probably give you a little insight on his intentions... I guess... I haven't really written it yet, in all honesty xD

    Oh, that's nice to know. I don't know if the influences are going to be very visible, I just know that they're going to be there, lol! And I was already thinking that Matt would be your guess, exactly :P It actually a really random choice. I just opened a picture of the USA map, closed my eyes and moved the mouse until it stopped, and it randomly landed on North Carolina, so I chose that as her state, ahah.

    Gah, exactly! The only place where I have wi-fi is always full of people, and they're always peeking at what I'm doing. It's so frustrating and infuriating, grr! Grr
    December 27th, 2013 at 05:50pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Thank you! :)

    I'm sad to hear that you're not on your best, these days. I hope you solve that mess soon :/

    Haha, I actually thought you were expecting some people to die. I'm glad it was a surprise, though. I wasn't too torn up over her death, either. Probably because I never really liked her. I don't even know if writers are supposed to hate the characters they make up or not, but, to be honest, I never really liked Anna. And I'm glad I don't have to write about her anymore xD And yeah, she's a really mean person, only deciding to be nice when she's about to die... And Gareth's feelings for Mary Elizabeth... I'll just let you know that he really likes her, for now. The next chapter will probably give you some more information about that matter. As for the other questions, I can only tell you that you'll find the answers as the chapters are updated, ahah :P

    And I'm so glad you're excited for my new story! :D I didn't know if that inspiration list was going to put people off of wanting to read it or not, but I'm glad you liked it. Oh, and thanks for the compliment on the first chapter. I thought it would be a good idea to start it some years after everything happened. I tried not to put much information in there as well, regarding the identity of the father, only leaving a hint, so I don't know if you already have any idea of who he is or not... xD And I had no idea you were from North Carolina! :o I mean, I think you'd told me that before, but I had completely forgotten that, ahah! As for the next chapter, I'll only post it next year :)

    By the way, I just wanted to let you know that I plan on reading your new story soon. I just need some things to settle down until I have my free time and wi-fi back, otherwise I always have people surrounding me and I don't feel comfortable reading anything if I'm not alone :/
    December 26th, 2013 at 05:37pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Hey there! I hope you have an amazing Christmas and an awesome new year with all the people you love :)
    December 24th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    It definitely was exciting to read that :) Finally some progress!
    November 9th, 2013 at 09:38pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    True. I'm glad you updated though :)
    October 27th, 2013 at 08:17pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I'll agree with you on that one.
    October 9th, 2013 at 12:16am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I wouldn't be sad if she died, either. Yeah, it just sucks that I don't have time to do something I like, but I can deal with it.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:41pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Eh, I just didn't feel like it was the right time for her to die. Or if she's going to die, really. But that opinion about her dying is the same among everyone who reads that story, apparently :P I'm sorry to tell you that you'll have to wait until I come up with a new update, though... I don't really have any free time with school now... :/
    September 25th, 2013 at 10:13pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    It really depends on people's music taste. But I agree that their best works are in the latest albums.
    Yeah, I agree.
    That's so awesome! I only started listening to the music I like thanks to my cousin. The records he lent me made me want to find new bands and that's how I ended up finding Avenged x)
    Oh, and thank you for your comment on As Your Nightmare Comes to Life :D I wanted to kill Anna on that chapter, I really did, but that wasn't supposed to happen. And there's definitely no future in her relationship with Jason. Well, I can grant you that they're all be different people when they leave the house. If they leave the house :P Some of the details are going to be explained in the next chapters, I think. I can't be certain about it because I have nothing written at the moment. I'm still waiting to get some free time and an empty house to be able to write something xD I'm glad you liked the update, though :)
    September 16th, 2013 at 03:16pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    There are some pretty decent songs on that album to me. I really like Streets and Turn the Other Way. But Waking the Fallen is one of my favorite albums ever. One of my favorite songs by Avenged is actually Second Heartbeat.
    Yep, I agree with you. I'll just hope the fans realize that, now.
    Damn, that must be awesome! My mom's music taste is awful xD
    September 9th, 2013 at 05:04pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I had trouble getting into Sounding The Seventh Trumpet at first, but I actually really liked Waking the Fallen the first time I heard it. Probably because I'm used to half singing-half screaming songs. I'm just not that into full screaming too.
    It really depends on the person, I guess... finding similarities in songs... everybody ends up having different opinions :P Oh, yeah, I was really surprised with his outburst as well, though I thought it was awesome the way he stood up for Arin. Passionate is definitely the right word to describe that, lol. I couldn't agree more with you on that statement. Plus, fast and complex drumming wouldn't go along with this album, and I think some fans aren't realizing that...
    Man, it's awesome that your mother goes with you to music concerts! xD
    September 8th, 2013 at 12:33am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I love the self titled as well. I love all of their albums, each their own way. I just have a special love for the album that got me into liking them.
    Yeah, the riffs were awesome. But I think Heretic and St. James have resemblances with their previous works, with the dueling guitars. I think Sheperd of Fire and This Means War are the songs that sound the most like Metallica. I've heard other people say that about Crimson Day, but I can't really hear the similarities honestly... :/ Damn, I could really picture Axl singing Doing Time xD Oh, definitely. Zacky was pissed about that, it was so cool ahah xD But I really agree with what he said on the Q&A thing. People need to understand that fact once and for all. It's getting annoying already.
    Yeah, if you think of it that way, the hair is definitely a similarity. It would be cool seeing him with those round glasses that Ozzy uses, though :P
    Yeah, I hope so :D And maybe they'll add more dates to their tour and you get to see them more than once too.
    September 4th, 2013 at 01:13am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Oh definitely, it would be terrible of they only made it available for one place and not the other... Yep, it's more mature and the sound is like... better studied and worked on, I don't know how to explain it xD But well, City of Evil will always be my favorite work from them. Though I love all the experimenting on the self titled and all the emotion on nightmare.
    The dueling guitars was pretty much the only big difference I found from the other albums. It was something that I loved about them. But the riff-oriented songs are insane as well, so it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that they changed that. I think Heretic is the song that sounds more like their past works. Are you kidding me, Doing Time sounds so much like GNR; I thought that too! And This Means War just screams Metallica's Sad But True. Yeah, that and the fact that they don't seem to pay attention to the new interviews where Matt says they didn't want Arin to overplay or do something like Jimmy did. They wanted the drums to be simpler, it was a band decision... And I definitely agree with you on the hair matter! It's not like it changes their sound!
    Yep, that's true.
    He sure as hell can pull the long hair! :P But I don't think he'd look like Ozzy xD Ozzy is cool, but he's a creepy guy. Matt has an adorable face, I couldn't imagine him looking like Ozzy haha!
    That sucks.. But at least you'll see them next year :) They only have one date where I live, so I can't really miss it. The last time I saw them was in 2011, and it seems like it was too long ago already xD
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:48am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I had some American friends that couldn't listen to it while we could, here in Europe. They had to change the store into another country in order for the stream to appear. But that only lasted for a couple of hours, I think, because then a7x posted that info on their Facebook page. I think they did an amazing job! It's not my nr 1 favorite album by them, but its one of my favorite works they ever did! It just flows really great from a song to another!
    Exactly! They never had a certain genre, they always changed their sound throughout the albums. I don't get why there's so much hate... There's hate on Arin, on Matt's hair, on the single.. It's crazy! o.o But yeah, it still has their signature style in it.
    Crimson Day is so sweet! Syn said the lyrics were inspired by his nephew, which means Matt's son! I thought that was really cool :) But yeah, Acid Rain is definitely my favorite song. It's musically brilliant! It flows so great, and the lyrics are literally perfect! I agree with you on Doing Time. It's the weakest song on the album, but its still great.
    Oh, my mom's main complain was Matt's hair xD I already told her that he's keeping it that long because its pissing off some people but she doesn't listen to it. I think he looks cool with it, though.
    Yeah, I'll have a chance to see them too. I already have my ticket for November and I can't wait for that month to arrive.. I'm so freaking excited now that I already heard the album! :D but it would really be awesome if they streamed the show!!
    August 23rd, 2013 at 10:15pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I knoooow, it started streaming on the 19th in here, at 10pm or something like that! I was so excited about it! I love it, I honestly do. Some of my friends hated it because they said it didn't sound like the old A7X, but I can't agree with them, because 1- They chose a certain type of music that I absolutely love; 2- They change in every album, which is great and 3- The album is simply awesome xD I think my favorite song so far is Acid Rain. Or Sheperd of Fire, or This means War, or Plantes, I'm not sure yet. I just think Acid Rain is the perfect ending, and the lyrics are absolutely amazing. What about you? :D
    Oh, absolutely. It isn't my favorite video, but I think it looks awesome!
    Aww, I'm sorry for you. I wish I could go to that show as well, but I don't even live in the US, so it's completely impossible for me :( But I can't wait to see and hear videos from that show! It's gonna be so awesome!
    August 21st, 2013 at 08:44pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Oh, I know that situation! TV shows are constantly taking over my life too. Days should be longer. That way we would have more time to watch everything...
    I don't think you're being overdramatic. I'm suffering a lot with the wait, as well xD I loved the music video! It was really unexpected, and it was awesome! I only wish I lived in California so that I could go to their show on the 26th. I bet it's going to be amazing!
    August 19th, 2013 at 09:03pm