Today: 4-20-08: They're Ba-ack... O_e

OH CRAP! My last journal entry (A YEAR AGO!) was about how annoying those stupid bugs were!THEY'RE BACK!They're sooooo annoying! They just keep clining to my windows and they all like, stalkers or something! They keep clining to my window and watch me!Thats right. They don't do anything! But it is still very annoying because whenever they're there, they're just a black speck in the corner of your...
April 20th, 2008 at 08:08pm

Today: 10-9-07: I HATE BUGS!

So since winter is coming and all, all these freakish bugs keep on clinging to my house's windows. So I say:Me: Hey bug....could ya stop?And they're all like: No!So I get really pissed off and stuff cause they keep on going on my windows and I'm freaked out by them. I just flick the window and watch them fall to the ground... or fly off...But then...THEY COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And that makes...
October 10th, 2007 at 04:50am