i hate memories

some people have bad memories me i dont. i wish i had bad memory i really do then everyday i wouldnt think of my father abuseing us or how my grandma did on christmas. i will never forget that christmas i was 5 1\2 my grandma was layin in her char by the fire place reclined. We knew she was fading at i think 10:00 pm christmas eve. she alway told as she will make it to christmas. all prayed i...
August 1st, 2010 at 05:09pm

do i need her by my side

she is my everything i made a misstake with her by letting her go. i love her still to this day. i dont know why. she gets mad at me alot but i always forgive her. she was the reason why i woke up in the morning now without her its hard to get to sleep or even wake up. yea we dated 5 times but i need her now more then ever. i cry everytime i think bout her she was everything to me she was my whole...
July 19th, 2010 at 03:32am