witch. / Comments

  • That makes so much sense! I was thinking, what was so bad about the end. I thought it wasn't too bad. Lol thank you for commenting and btw, love your profile its brilliant esp the quote:)
    February 23rd, 2012 at 06:32am
  • I mean, I'd like to know how I could fix it and make it a better story overall:)
    February 23rd, 2012 at 06:17am
  • What's wrong with the end? Please tell me what it was
    February 23rd, 2012 at 06:10am
  • OF COURSE.(: I like shoes cause you can grow out of clothes if you get too fat or too skinny but shoes always fit.(:
    Exaaaactly. We don't need to be babied. The longer parents treat us like kids, the long we're going to act like it. And the harder it'll be when we move out.
    Chase your dreams.(:
    Where in Colorado? My grammy lives in Pueblo. Lots of Mexicans. hahah.
    Ahhh. I have guitar hero. Which I kind of like better. But Rockband has better songs.
    We will win so many awards. We'll go down in history.
    on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know.
    I go a lot cause they're EVERY WHERE. and I love subway. i get the meatball sub during fastpitch season cause i eat soooo much to keep up my strength. and they're always warm and delicious. but ham and cheese is good when it's hot outside cause it's cool and yummy.
    it really, really does. but when it sucks, i write, so that's kind of a plus. ;P
    February 23rd, 2012 at 05:57am
  • YES. i might steal your clothes. and also your shoes. because i am a shoe FIEND. i love shoes so much.
    ohhhhh. that makes a lot of sense. mine is just 9-12. and i admit, there's a lot of immature people at my school. but i think that teenagers can rise to the occasion, when it's called for. we handle a lot of things as teenagers that adults don't realize.
    ooooh. that's so cool.(: is that something you want to pursue when you get older?
    i like arizona.(: i like colorado, too. but mostly that's because my grammy lives there. and she has a pool. but her town is like a chonga. gang-central.
    i play drums.<3 cause RB guitars are weird and i can't use them. hahaah
    YES. IT'LL BE THE BEST THING EVER, TOO. and you know lots of actors and i know lots of actors so we'll have people to star in our awesomeness.
    hey soul sister.~ i usually get that. but sometimes, if i'm not suuuuper hungry, i get a ham and cheese sandwich. mmmm. it's not as good but it works as a snack.
    yeah, this is also true. it happened like twice yesterday so it was like "wow universe, really?" ;P
    February 23rd, 2012 at 04:03am
  • you have no idea how jealous i am. sun and disney? CAN I LIVE WITH YOU?!
    that sucks.): art is basically pushing boundaries. going beyond the limitations. they shouldn't underestimate high schoolers. we understand a lot more than adults give us credit for.
    do you act or just direct?
    a lot of my friends want to go to arizona. it seems like paradise compared to where we live. sunny and dry. :P
    you can do that... ON WII. go rockband<3. i've never really given up my dream of being an actress but it's on hold. i've always wanted to be in front of the screen but i'm much better behind it. filming, taking pictures, writing the screenplay. ;P
    ohgod me too. i looooove meatball marinaras even though they're SUPER bad for you and have like the amount of calories you should intake in an entire day.
    YEEEES. i'll hide in a box and we'll save. i'm small. i can fit in a box.
    i know. i feel bad but i didn't do it purpose. and i can't tell her that because then she'll think i'm making excuses. so i let her yell at me and then i said sorry and that was that.
    LEGIT LOL. mission accomplished. ;P
    February 23rd, 2012 at 03:19am
  • But but it's so sunny and warm there!
    I love that play so much.<3 We do a lot of pushing the boundaries plays, I think. I'm not knowledgeable about theatre so I can't be totally sure. But Chicago is very exciting!
    Definitely. It's about Hurricane Katrina survivors, a group of teenagers from all walks of life. It's also a true story.
    In a perfect world, I would go to New York University for college and major in journalism with a minor in creative writing. And life would be amazing. Do you know where you want to go?
    I love Taco Bell. I wish they were as abundant as Subways. There are literally Subways all over my town, which isn't very big. But we have one on like every road.
    Aw thanks.(: I'll fly out to Florida, haha.
    Yeah, it didn't. But whateverrrr. All the reasons she got mad at me were either accidents, or she knew what would happen, or blown out of proportion.
    We will BATHE in the rainbow. Screw tasting it. :P
    I betcha it will.(:
    February 23rd, 2012 at 01:18am
  • Do you live in a ghetto state?
    I live in Washington so there's a lot of hippies. And a lot of rain.
    That's so cool! We're doing Chicago for our next play, which is kind of hardcore considering we're high schoolers. But it's exciting. We just finished Evangeline Drowning. Dunno if you've heard of it but it was so beautiful.
    Do all art schools have that option? Cause I'd so go to one if I could major in creative writing.
    Woohooo! ;P We went to Taco Bell, which, looking back on it, probably wasn't a very safe idea since our drivers were all under the influence...
    I want to come to one of your parties! ;o
    Yeah. She was mad about a lot of other things, too, so I guess that was just like the icing on the cake.
    YEAH BUDDY. We'll have a rainbow bathtub. (And that phrase literally made me laugh out loud. A LEGIT LOL.)
    That sounds like it'll be really pretty. Corsets are hardcore, maaaan.
    February 23rd, 2012 at 12:16am
    The things you learn... :P I'll never forget that now.
    I've always wanted to go to like an arts school but I'm not really good at art... Any form of it. Hahaha. :P
    My BFF went to one cause he was part of the musical crew on the last play and he told me about it and I was like "...CURSE YOU STAGE-FRIGHT." Cause I've always wanted to go to a legit high school party, just to see what it's like.
    that sounds like an awesome party. ;P
    I've only been to one "party" and it wasn't really a party. It was basically my friend inviting like 5 bunch of people over to drink and get high. Yeeeahh... Haha.
    There's a lot of stores here that sell "hipster" clothes. But I don't have the body or personality to pull them off.
    None of the other colors stained so I guess she figured the purple wouldn't? Even though I told her that it would probably stain really bad.
    If you ever get that place, I'm living with you. Although I may stain your bathtub with my hair dye. I apologize in advance.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • I have no idea what a chonga is.(:
    That's cool you go to an artsy fartsy school, though. Normal public school for me. Our reputation is that of sluts and potheads. So. But there are a lot of artsy people. So that's kind of cool. And the art people THROW GREAT PARTIES. or so I've heard. They're very selective about who goes, though.
    EXACTLY. Even though I wish I could wear their clothes because hipsters have great style but I could never pull it off. :P
    I straighten my hair a lot cause it flips out at the ends, especially where my layers are. And that's annoying. :P
    Yeah, my friend got really mad so... I warned her about the purple.
    YES. I want to live in Papaya or F21 or H&M. With a small shop of like thrifty stuff.
    DIY is better for errythang.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 11:45pm
  • That is really weird. :o People here have this dark red hair that's slightly curl. WHICH IS WHAT I WANT. But it's "hipster" to do that so all the hipster kids are doing it. But I am perming my hair this summer so I can have wavy hair FINALLY.
    Yeah, any old color you'll miss. Especially if you just dye over it cause it'll make a certain color with the previous color. So it's hard to get that color the same.
    I understand.<3
    Hahaha, that's what I was planning on doing. My friend dyes my hair but then the purple stained her bathtub so she's pissed off at me so idk what I'll do, haha. I'll probably just let it fade and then that'll be it.
    YES. I wish I could reinvent my wardrobe too but that costs SO much money.):
    Yeah, it's hard to stop. And it's actually pretty cheap to do it yourself. Professionally, it costs about $80 - $100 and when I did it that way, it faded really fast. But if you DIY, it's maybe $10-$15 so it's just easier.(:
    Hahahaha. Thanks.(:
    February 22nd, 2012 at 10:40pm
  • Red was the first color I ever dyed my hair. I LOVED it. But my whole school has decided that red hair is the thing to do. So I'm all sad cause I want my hair to be red but then I'll look like half the girls at my school so. :P
    The color you have sounds really pretty. But so does the color you want. Red and purple look really good together, I think. The only thing about a color like purple is that you have to touch it up every week or so because it fades SO fast. Which is super annoying.
    The summer that I dyed my hair was probably one the worst summers... EVER. so the hair dyeing was partially to save my sanity haha. It was very refreshing. And then I just couldn't stop.
    I bleached my hair a few weeks ago, so I've been every "natural" color under the sun. :P
    February 22nd, 2012 at 06:58pm
  • We definitely will!
    Aw, thanks.(:
    There should be a link somewhere
    on the bottom
    somewhere on my page
    that takes you to mibbathings and their layouts and divine and skjfkowjfwls. they have the best of everything.
    i just dyed the underneath of hair purple today... :3
    i started like two years ago and i can't stop. my natural hair color just seems so boring now!
    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:39am
  • the last bit of your message was cut off.):
    i like the word spicy, too.
    spicy foods are delish.
    like jalapeno chips. i could eat those for DAYS.
    until my stomach catches fire and then the bathroom becomes my new bedroom.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:28am
  • thank you for the story comment!(:
    i'm glad you liked it.

    also, i love the quote on your profile.
    i'm very wanderlusty (is that word? no? it is now.) and so i really love quotes like that.(:
    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:20am
  • Thank you for the request. I'd love to have tea with you, haha. c: Thanks for all the comments too!
    December 26th, 2011 at 08:04pm
  • thank you for the friend request, AND the message that came with it c:
    November 27th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • thanx 4the invite :D im orael^^ whats ur name?
    September 24th, 2011 at 02:34am
  • Awe.
    Well, I am pretty wicked.
    But being a creeper is nothing to be ashamed of.
    I creep a creeper life. (:

    Well, hello, I'm Missy.
    What kind of stuff do you like to read on Mibba?
    September 23rd, 2011 at 08:22am
  • Thank you so, so, so much for the wonderful story comment! I've been in a rut about that story for ages now, but your comment brought the biggest smile to my face! I'm currently in school and trying to adjust to college life, but I'll be sure to post an update as soon as possible. (:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 05:18am