The First Time Pt 1 // The True Story

I still remember the day we met.I had been walking outside my workplace with a few of my co-workers after a long shift. We were awaiting a night out on the town for a few drinks to wash down the stress of the afternoon dinner rush.I laughed and joked around with my friends as we waited for my best friends boyfriend to arrive to join us before we left the parking lot.Poking fun at each other and...
August 21st, 2015 at 01:31am

There is always a Beginning...

Most people get story ideas from true stories, or real facts or just a random thought.Me? i guess you can put all those ideas togethor and you get dreams?I have lots of them.I have big ones, fat ones, juicy ones, slimy ones. What ever.I just always have a lot :PThey are special to me, and ever since I was a little kid; I always wrote them down in my diary.So i didn't forget any one of...
July 13th, 2010 at 08:34pm

Day 1

Day 1 is a joke.This is really my 38423984623 day.But the first day i am writing this to see, I've been in love with this kid since grade six. I remember it like it was yesterday.He'd walk in school with his baby blue eyes, blonde hair flipped to one side and stride in like he owned the place. And he did own the place. That was the funny thing about it. You see, every girl wanted him. Of...
July 13th, 2010 at 07:48am