xerinxelizabethx17 / Comments

  • its probably really bad for me but oh well, I'm a teenager basically everything I do is detremental to my health lol
    Naps are the best. I cant believe when I was younger I used to hate nap time, now every day needs one lol
    So what chapter are you now on your journey? lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 09:08am
  • Haha sleeping is one of my favorite things ever, but luckily I can nap tomorrow so i'm not too worried about sleep lol. My scheedule for sleeping is so messed up though. Some nights I sleep for like 14 hours and more often some nights I sleep like 4 hours lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 08:50am
  • haha yeah I don't blame you. It's 240 here and I have to get up at 740 not fun! So im highly considering passing out.
    But new update is up! lol
    I'm glad you're liking what you're reading though!

    Hahah that status is so true! although my mom isnt so secret about it, she even made up some moves to Stella with me. ahah <3 Iloveher lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 08:44am
  • A few of my male friends who are decent at least listen to them on the DL with me hahah.
    My mom loves them too, we laughed the whole DVD, and she loves dancing around and knows their lyrics to her favorite songs which range from Stella to Remembering Sunday haha
    I'm just about to post the new chapter! when you get to it check the authors note lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 08:29am
  • You can do this!!!!
    I know, I love their lyrics, and even though my brother and like virtually all of my friends (who are all guys :/ hahah) except my bestfriend (because she is a girl and she too has good taste in music :) hahah) give me crap about listening to them but I am always like HELLO! they're gorgeous, they have fabulous music, and you're just jealous because they constantly have chicks throwing themselves at them.lol
    I know I watched the DVD like three times the day I got it (I'm like stalker-esque ahaha) and all I could think is IWANNNAA BE THERE! I WANT TO PARTY! I WANT TO PARTY WITH ALL TIME LOW! hahah
    July 27th, 2010 at 08:15am
  • Haha, that's not bad. It's bad that I litterally tell everybody my second dream (following going to columbia/being a writer) is to get on that tour bus <3
    A bit stalkerish but so true, and hey at least I have multiple aspirations and they differ from each other so it means i'm...diverse and well rounded right?
    And here, I'll offer to foot half the bill on anything you use to stay awake and read the story lol. Including but not limitted to: tape, and engery drinks lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:54am
  • Ooh you're on fifteen prepare for major drama-rama coming up!
    And Gaskarth does sound like trouble, I'm a Barakat girl but I wouldnt mind getting in Gaskarth trouble. Or Dawson. Or Merrick for that matter ;)
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:45am
  • Haha, that's a good system!
    You're out getting that dough while your stats add themselves out lol
    uhoh Gaskarth almost always causes problems in stories <3
    Haha yes more to read, you'll probably be the first person to read it besides me, hahah!
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:32am
  • Uhohhhhh, some shit about to go down! I'm guessing that might have something to do with nothing more then a casual fuck! hahah
    Usually I just read ATL fanfiction or original fiction but I really like the Morgan and Kyle stuff and I love how it all intertwines!:D
    I really appreciate the comments you're leaving, I'm fininshing up this chapter now and it's cute and fluffy adn should be up in like 10-20 minutes, but I can tell you that drammaaaaa is about to go down. I have lots planned but I just want to check with my cousin Aly before I write it, and I'm positive that she'll love it and go with it. lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • Thank you, I think no matter what I'm doing as long as I'm a least writing on the side I'll be a very happyyyyy person haha. And I really love your story, I cant remember what day it was but I stayed up catching up, I was so happy when Audri and Jack finally made up and I totally love this Morgan/Kyle drama :D
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:02am
  • I agree, I have been writing stories for as long back as I can remember. I've always loved it and hope to some day get into the writing field, well that's what I'm going to college for next year anyway lol
    But my problem is I have such a hard time ending stories haha life I legitamitely get upset because you get attatched to characters after writing hundreds and hundreds of pages on them. It's like you spend time in their minds and thoughts (granted you caused them and put them in their situations ha)
    I really like your Audri character, and that's funny that you kept saying Audri, I've done that before too lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 06:44am
  • I know, I love writing. It's like whatever I'm expierencing, pain, happiness, fear, I just want to write about it in that moment. Which is often never possible but I always base my character's feelings and emotions on me. They're all a part of me mwahah! how creepy! lol
    And Yesssss. I get my spastasic self from my mother who is me just with a license that says she's not underaged. haha
    but on the inside she's 17 like me.
    July 27th, 2010 at 06:27am
  • agreed, And especially if I'm basing a scene on one that I've actually lived through which I often do I can tweak and fix things that I couldnt do in the moment.
    And Spazzes are forsure the best people to be around! Everyone else is so blah and bleh and there is only so much blehblah that one can take in a certain period of time! haha
    July 27th, 2010 at 06:15am
  • I know, sometimes I get like a power trip!!! hahah It sounds so effed up, and it pretty much is but I love that I can make them do and THINK whatever I want mwahahah!
    July 27th, 2010 at 06:06am
  • Haha, are you kidding, spaz is my middle name. Completely on the same page with you there,
    I'm glad you like it, me and Aly love drama, well drama that we can control in stories that is :D
    I have to get to work early too :/ hahah but I'm going to be up writing for you! lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:48am
  • haha, Thanks for reading and commenting it.
    I hope you like it!
    be prepared for Alex/Jasyn
    lots of Jack/Chase drama comingup! lol
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:38am
  • yay lots of comments! I enjoy those haha.
    I'm actually updating a chapter for this right as I type this and it should be up soon.
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • I'll be updating again tomorrow :)

    I LOVE playing drums!! Ah, you are officially on my List of Awesome People! xD
    July 27th, 2010 at 03:24am
  • I was already on but ur not!!! IDIOT!!! hahaha
    July 27th, 2010 at 03:07am
    July 27th, 2010 at 03:05am