randy.candy / Comments

  • drown her to sleep

    drown her to sleep (100)

    United States
    How are you? :)
    June 27th, 2011 at 06:59pm
  • drown her to sleep

    drown her to sleep (100)

    United States
    Hey there! I'm Miranda :)
    June 9th, 2011 at 08:34pm
  • the author

    the author (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey, no problem, i like to be helpful.
    I'm truly sorry about your brother, I'm exetremely anti homophobe, it disgusts me that people are willign to judge and harm a person over their sexuality.
    I had a huge problem with self harming before, but i've been getting over it.
    I was actually thinking about puting a bit more of Bens past into the next chapter, so thanks for reminding me to do that.
    Strangely enough, I go to school in Wimbledon. did I mention that before?
    And I really don't like tennis at all, but everyone in my school plays it, so what can I do?
    Wow, i'd love to hear your band, I play guitar (self taught) and I've been playing piano since I was six, but never really cared too much for it.
    I like your taste in music, don't worry. I like to be open minded baout anything, as long as it's original. I'm a bit critical about the music that's on the charts, but generally, i'll listen to whatever. Mostly alternative or punk music, but I'm adaptable.
    I feel really bad for your brother, I hope he finds friends who aren't stupid enough to bully him. It really sucks when you become depressed because of external reasons. Life hands us such crap, but I've got to the point, where I want to appreciate people individually, regardless of situagtion, or preference. I hope it gets better for him too. It's always a struggle... but it's not one you necessarily have to lose :)
    I don't think you're creepy at all, it's nice that people say things, without fear of judgement, I love that in my commenters :)
    I hope to see your story up sometime in the future :)
    Mia xxx
    July 29th, 2010 at 08:11pm
  • the author

    the author (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lol, this last chapter wans't a dream, but you [i]may[/i] hate me, for what i have in mind.
    and you're right about the mom thing, I mean, I got it done, I guess.
    'fraid to say, i'm neglecting the kids a bit, right now, but then again... they are sleeping. How much can they really get upto when they're in bed?

    Okay, so the story thing... (prepare for a long comment)
    Go to your my mibba page, and scroll down. On the right hand side, there will be little sections for each bit of your mibba account. get down to the Stories section, beneath the Journals section. Click on layouts, and create a new one. It's pretty easy to figure that out, just mess around with it, for a while.
    Or, you can skip that, and instead of clicking layouts, click on the stories link, which is above it, and then click Add a New Story.
    Basically, you need to fill in all the fields that you can, and on the tab which says Layout, you will find that there are a lot of pre made layouts you can choose from. some are decent, some are plain weird.
    I stick to making my own, even for a layout as simple as my therapy one.
    If you need to learn BBcoding on mibba, here's a link, cause it will come in handy at somepoint. and you pick it up naturally, suprisingly fast.

    Any other questions, just comment my profile :)
    July 28th, 2010 at 02:34am
  • the author

    the author (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, thanks for your comment!
    It's really nice to have people comment like that, and i'm so glad you liked it :)
    I'll update soon, for sure :)
    And it's nice to know that guys like good slash too!
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:34pm