Think about it. Learn. Hope.

HAY-LO again! 'Tis I, Wolfgirl, the girl who two days ago admitted to cheating on her boyfriend a week into the relation ship and one day ago posted a very meaningful journal about Sexual Orientation and how it's becoming re-donk-u-lous.Today I thought I'd bring a conversation that I had with a friend of mine named, Jean. She used to go to a private Baptist school. That's right folks, I'm about to...
October 30th, 2007 at 11:33am

A Contreversal Topic.

Hey. It's me again.The girl who earlier this week admitted to cheating on her boyfried a week into the relation ship. I also admitted that I feel little to no remorse for doing so and that I'd do it again! Haha.This time around I'm going to rant about Sexual Orientation and why it's such a big deal to closed minded people.First off, I would like to explain why this suddenly popped in my head. I'm...
October 28th, 2007 at 09:17am

No, I don't feel bad. I'm just cold.

My nose is running. There are goosebumps creeping up and down my arms. I can't seem to stop shivering. Why? Because I fudging cold. I guess it is about time I put SOMETHING on my Mibba. For one thing, when mi amiga Bree (ninjaofdoom, check out her stories she's amazing) told me about Mibba my mind automatically thought of Ameoba... like the little single celled organisms... yeah.And now it's time...
October 27th, 2007 at 10:37am