Stupid bugs

Yesterday night I couldn't sleep. Guess why. There was a cricket outside, and it wouldn't stop doing... its chirping. It was so annoying and I couldn't sleep. Had I known, I would have gotten ear plugs, but unfortunately didn't have any. Damn you stupid bugs. One of the reasons I hate summer. I just can't sleep. Especially how it's so hot! xP In the winter, I sleep nice and peacefully, but oh, I...
July 21st, 2010 at 04:42pm

My Dreams?

OK, everyone has weird, good, horrible dreams. I just want to record my many dreams, and recent ones, in case I forget them. I want to remember them. (because, they really do get crazy and funny sometimes xD)Starting with last night's,(although I could barely get any sleep) I see just the computer screen. And all I see on the screen is google Chrome(you know... the web browser?) and the theme is...
July 20th, 2010 at 05:56pm

Writing Problems

Okay, it's been troubling me a lot, but I have problems writing an actually INTERESTING thing. My sentences are bland and wierd, and usually run-on(another problem). I always think "What should I write next? Blah blah blah did this? or Blah blah blah did that?" And for essays, I have no idea how to explain, because I have trouble with explaining things as well.I can tell that I was meant for art,...
July 20th, 2010 at 04:04pm

Story idea+love life

There is this guy who I know for sure that he likes me, and I'm considering writing out how our love starts, and how I had this crush, but then I realized I liked the current guy. Let's call the current guy, "Guy M" and the previous crush, "Guy B".And maybe I'll turn it into a love triangle with Guy M liking me and I like him, and guy b likes me.I was writing some of it before, but then I realized...
July 20th, 2010 at 05:24am