
Okay, I don't have ny school today. TEacher Coference thingy. A big meting for the teachers.Let's get you updatedI have no clue what I'm doing. But, I do know one thing. You can read my story and comment. If you want me to, I'll read your stories. Good deal?I have alittle saying. I made it. It's my motto, whatever that is. "I don't know, but I never do!" Yep, that's me!I can keep you entertained...
October 15th, 2007 at 11:15pm

Okay, I'm good.

Hey, I learned to use Mibba. *dances* :DWell, thank you everyone who helped and thank you everyone who commented on my profile! =)I think I know what I'm doing! *walks away* Bye *loud crash* I have it under control!Okay, well bye!Thank you again everyone!=D
September 25th, 2007 at 04:41am

I'm new here.

Hi, I'm new. I was wondering if II could get help.I need help badly, I don't know a single thing but how to type journals...I'm writing a story, I might post it!
September 24th, 2007 at 10:55am