FEELING:All girly and blushy >.< Damn you Simon ._.
HEARING:Pierce the Veil.
DRINKING: Blue Monster Biaaaaaaaaatch.
CURRENTLY: Online. Offline.

Put your updates here! ATTENTIONWHORE, fancypants, shutup! and muy importante. Nifty no? I could do this allll day.
Emileigh Hale. 13. Obnoxious bitch who needs to learn to shut the fuck up? I don't care what you think of me anymore, got it?
Rest in Piece Jacen Tyler Green I wish I wasn't forced to say goodbye to you like this. You were a boyfriend who didn't treat me like shit, after you said you wouldn't anymore... I don't know why I let you listen to the doctors and let you sleep, I should have stayed with you and kept you awake. I should have let you kiss me one last time, but I said no, because I didn't want to get you sick.
I should have told you I loved you when I got the chance
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Amis. Meilleur ami et grand frere.