Melbourne Cup! Horse Racing!!!

The 2nd of November is Melbourne Cup Day in Melbourne. 'The race that stops a nation'. I look forward to it every year, because, y'know why? Mum and dad like to award money to the winners! There's $5 for 1st place, $3 for second, and $1 for third. Sometimes we have 50 cents for last place, but not always (not worth it, really). Then for the Big Race, the Emirates Melbourne Cup, first place gets...
November 4th, 2010 at 01:18am

The Internet, and QUEENSLAND!!!!!

Hello to anyone who reads this. Thank you and virtual hugs!!Y'know, sometimes I really dislike being middle class. My latest hate is this computer. Or, to be more precise, the Internet. It's so darn SLOW! You know how long it takes to get to the Mibba homepage? Five minutes! Five minutes of sitting here staring at a blank page. And then it takes another five-to-seven minutes to get here, the...
October 14th, 2010 at 03:00am

Newbie here!!

so hello everyone, i'm a total newbie on mibba so any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks!!!i don't really know what to say....i live in good old oz, in melbourne at the bottom of the world! i can't wait till i can travel overseas. yes, melbourne is good, but it's a total boredom hole (if that makes any sense)! the weather is clear and sunny right now. my mum is hanging out the washing. she...
July 26th, 2010 at 06:47am