Bucket List. (long and short term)

1. See Halley’s comet2. See the northern lights3. Have a street named after me4. Be in a movie5. Visit Japan6. Learn 2 foreign languages7. Ride in a helicopter8. Be the star of a TV series9. Learn to play the drums10. Write a novel11. Dive in a submarine12. Ride a train13. Go backstage and meet a band at a concert14. Break a world record15. Visit the rainforest16. Climb up the statue of...
February 20th, 2011 at 05:34am

Just another rant from a spoiled girl.

...I swear....I don't know who to talk to or where to type my rants. DXI'm seriously in tears. It's a pointless reason to be, but my mom doesnt give me attention. I know you are like 'what? really?'But I have a younger brother (by a year an a half) and he has troubles in school and making friends and problems with people....So my mom worries about him more.I have troubles too! I have friend...
February 1st, 2011 at 01:49am