on my own

do you ever feel like your on your own and have nothing in common with anyone. That your last of your type and are slowly dying out. That nobody understands you for who you are?I do. I hate it when people always want you to be someone your not, I hate it when people compare me to other people, and I feel like their saying, god your not good enough or talented enough.At school I get teased for...
August 10th, 2011 at 10:49pm

Birmingham riots?

for those who live in England, we all have heard about the huge riots in London? well apparently they have spread to Birmingham :/well to be honest it's probably just chavs, but apparently big stores have been attacked.Why??Really have they got anything better to do, because attacking police officers and setting buildings on fire it's so stupid. What do they think they are going to achieve...
August 8th, 2011 at 10:34pm


I was thinking about my mibba stories today, and I realized that my fan fictions get more love than my normal regular ones.Is it because my originals don't get noticed? because really when you're searching through the story page, I know I just scan the stories. Or is it, people see them and think, oh that looks rubbish?!Where as My fan fiction get comments and readers and subscribers! are fan fics...
August 8th, 2011 at 06:29pm

Friend? or not friend?

I have this friend and were supposedly supposed to be best friends but she keeps lying to me. For example a few weeks back we were sitting in class and she turned to me and said what are you doing this weekend, so I said nothing, and she invited me to hers for a sleepover.Later that week I had asked my mum and then texted her saying yeah I am free, what time do you want me to come? and then she...
August 7th, 2011 at 03:16pm

True beauty

What is real beauty? Who is actually pretty?I have been thinking and listening to what people think is pretty and really I don't understand it!! Is one person beautiful to everyone or do people lie. Because from experience I know some people say I'm pretty, and My friends are, and then another person will come along and say. No you are not, you are ugly.Is Ugly beautiful? In my year group at...
August 6th, 2011 at 08:32pm

Judgemental people

OK so today I decided I would work on my mibba profile, and when I came to the bit where I wanted to change the bit about me I got stuck.Because so many people are really judgemental, but I wanted to write something that would show me for who I am, but would make someone want to read my work. So I started to write it and then realised I sounded to strange... Is being happy to hyper and weird, or...
August 6th, 2011 at 06:03pm