KATAL / Comments

  • Oh man. I feel so computer-illiterate. 0_o.

    I despise Romeo. Mostly just because he changes his mind about Rosaline so quickly.
    He's all [i]"I'll die of a brokenheart because Rosaline wants to become a nun and never have children!"[/i] And then the next DAY, he marries Juliet. I don't know. That just really frustrates me. But I suppose I'm a bit of a love-sceptic, as well, and the entire story is based around love.

    *feels jaded*.

    Mostly I stick to macabre/horror/cyberpunk books. Stephen King, Chuck Palahniuk, Irvine Welsh, William Gibson.
    I suppose it's kind of ironic that I can't stand reading romance novels, yet I adore lovey-dovey fanfiction.

    Bahhh. Anyway. How are you, dear?
    August 3rd, 2008 at 03:38am
  • Ello! I made a banner for attention's like a fire and just updated it!
    Here's the link to the banner!
    I hope you like it!
    August 1st, 2008 at 11:13am
  • We get perverted too. Haha, they pull up each others skirts, it's terrible, let me tell you. I ALWAYS wear shorts underneath my skirt. Some girls get dead angry and others are alright and just start laughing.

    I love my fashion. My dad got me a summer dress and it's really cute, I can't stop looking at it, it's so sad. XD We have uniform, so it's never a problem to dress up when we can occasionally wear our own clothes. We like to try and add our own stuff to it but it's difficult because my school is really strict when it comes to uniform. Hair is something that is VERY important. If anything, you're hair must look okay. Hair is something everyone cares about. Including me.

    Me too. I came on to read one chapter of a story, left for a few months, came back summer last year and ever since then, it's been intense. I love mibba so much, it's like one of my homes. I'm not shy online, it's the only place I can be myself, so why not be crazy about it? I love drawing attention to myself but I know when to stop. That's how I felt. If it wasn't for the incredible way everyone treated their writing I wouldn't be who I am today. I think mibba has kind of lost it's intenseness when it comes to writing, but whatever. I have really, really close friends here. Tbh they are closer than the ones in real life, simply because I can talk to them.

    Haha, thank you very much, I really do enjoy them. Makes me think about my own life. :]
    July 31st, 2008 at 05:27pm
  • Yes, you do make bad decisions. Like Mr. Glass, or mister fruity voice (you know who), or black baggy clothes in 98 degree weather, or jumping on my back when i'm a wimp, the list is long.
    July 30th, 2008 at 03:29am
  • Fine then, I'm creepy, youthful, and a theif. And yet, you choose me for your friend.
    July 29th, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • Heya, yeah I'd love to read it!! Thank you so much for telling me =)
    *runs off to read awesome new sequel*

    July 29th, 2008 at 02:15pm
  • When I first started secondary school I was excited, I couldn't control myself. I was in my perfect uniform and my hair was done up cute and I had my new bag and pencils and everything was so new. But as the days go by I hate school more and more. Don't feel bad about it. You don't like who you don't like, simple as. I know there is a lot of my friends that I don't like.

    Fights follow me everywhere. It's just something that happens to people more than others. I know I can sometimes ask for it but it doesn't mean that things have to get so heated. I've never been in a physical fight. I've seen PLENTY. But I go to a girls school so it's... you know. Bound to happen.

    I think relationships like that are really good for even working in the first place. She's quite open minded for being best friends with someone who she hasn't got everything in common with, so I think that's great, I'd love that but I doubt it would happen. You know, I never wear band tees. I may listen to the music I do, but I don't dress to the music I listen to. I love my fashion. I don't dress like the preps who can walk around in short skirts and tees and flip flops because I could never pull that off. But I love colour and stuff.

    Sorry, I'm wandering off topic. But seriously, have faith in her. Talk to her. See if things are okay. Beat around the bush if you wish to. But don't say what you don't know. If she's a good friend, she won't replace you. That's what best friends are. And petty things like going to different schools shouldn't get in the way. She's allowed to have her other friends, so are you, but you should both be at the top of each others lists.

    I don't really have dead close friends. Where I live is dangerous and people are getting killed on a regular. It's just so crazy. Everyone is basically hood and I'm here listening to the Used. There's nothing really I can do but get on with my life. That's why I'm so hooked on mibba, it's the only place I get to talk about my music.

    I never tell my friends secrets either, for the simple reason that they can't keep it. I'd tell one person, that person tells another person because they think I can trust them, and on and on until I'm denying the secret in the first place. I've seen in happen and I'm not putting myself there. But it's sweet that you don't want to pressure her and put unnecessary weight on her shoulders.

    Awweh, everybody is always saying sorry for their ranting when in reality I love it. Summer isn't something to really plan. Yeah, you say you're gonna do this and that but it's not something that I would set date for date. Nothing crazy interesting has happened yet but I'm sure things will liven up soon.

    Haha, I can't be like that. People are constantly pushing me to do better so there's no time to be like that. If was to ever do that they'd kick my ass.
    July 28th, 2008 at 06:13pm
  • Ahh.
    I'm always in a slight computer-coma. Don't worry. Plus . . I'm not sure. My school seems to give us more homework than others or something.
    It pretty well sucks.

    How do you italic the font in your comments? 0_o. *feels computer illierate*.

    I hate Romeo and Juliet.
    Romeo is CLEARLY gay. The words he uses. Dude. No straight man would EVER be caught dead saying half the stuff he does. Plus he was all "I love Rosaline! I want to spend the rest of my life with her!" Like . . five minutes before he married Juliet.
    And Juliet complains too much.

    They both annoy me. idk. I think alot of people would pretty well shoot me for saying so, but I HATE THE STORY.
    I did enjoy the new-age movie though. Leonardo DiCaprio with no shirt on. Yumm. :)
    He turned not-so-cute after Titanic. Now he's kind of 'whatever' in the looks department.

    I feel mean. Please ignore the meanness in this comment. :)

    Hmm. I don't think much has happened in my life lately. I had to work for ten and a half hours on sunday? In perishables too. I nearly well died unloading the trucks.
    Maddy is a weakling, chyeah.

    July 28th, 2008 at 10:24am
  • Don't hate me cuz I'm friendly and youthful!
    July 26th, 2008 at 09:52pm
  • Um, HI! Welcome to Mibba! See, you DO get welcomes!
    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:04pm
  • Something you and me share then. I am the HUGEST procrastinator and I know that it isn't a good thing. Like you said, cause then schoolwork becomes a great difficultly. That's unfortunate. Work in the SUMMER holidays? I can understand any other one, but we never get work suring this particular holiday. Cause once we go back things will go back to normal with homework and stuffs.

    I don't dread anything, really. I know there are things I'm not good at, but I try to be positive about them. Cause I know if I don't, I will flunk them. I will give up. I don't trust any teachers. I don't get too close because things become difficult, especially when you do something and they snitch on you. It's their job, but at the same time, before they did that they were your favourite teacher. I always have mean teachers, and we do not get along. One of my targets when I go back is to learn to show teachers some respect, lol.

    I don't miss school simply because I ended it on a bad manner. I had a row with one of my friends, and I guess I don't want to go back simply because I don't want to face her yet. And also, I really just don't like school. We do not get along. Maybe a few weeks in, I mean, I've been looking forward to this holiday for a while. I always look twice at those fanfics and when people tell me they get called names and people do stuff to them, because it doesn't happen to me. I go to school, I have my friends and whatever. I act like everyone else and I do the things they do. The only difference between is the music. And it's not like I go around singing Avenged Sevenfold songs. I guess I really just keep things low profile.

    There are always bound to be people who think they are better than you. It's how things work. It just happens to be that the people who think like that, wear that. I know, that happens with me too. I'm always not talking to someone or someone else is not talking to someone, and sometimes I think, Is this what being a teenager is?

    It's gonna happen, you will get into fights and you will not know what the real reason is. I'm not that much older than you, a few months, but still. Things will get hard and annoying but I think that's what life is.

    It's okay, I love when people leave me these crazy long comments, gives me something to do. :]

    Summer? Just a list of things I want to do before I go back to school. Apart from that, no proper plans. I guess I'll let it make it's own path.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 06:44pm

    It's called "Everything We Had" <3

    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:55am
  • yay [: i love it so much. i like how its not "i love you." "i love you too." much more realistic [:
    July 23rd, 2008 at 02:09am
  • update "fire" please?
    July 21st, 2008 at 08:49pm
  • Holidays have FINALLY started and I'm gonna be on more.
    Sorry if I didn't reply.

    How have the holidays been treating you?
    July 21st, 2008 at 05:41pm
  • Ahhhhhhhhh.
    I was all "Oh captain, my captain" to one of my teachers the other day, and he didn't even know where it came from. I was very disappointed.
    But . . you MIGHT cry. It is pretty darn sad. :(

    Ooooh. yeah. My dog just turned 1. Or . . '7' in dog years. So she's pretty much the same age as your sister. :)

    But my lizard moved today. So obviously he's not in a coma!! I'm definitely happy. :)

    .... What book do you have to read for school?

    At the moment I'm reading Romeo and Juliet, and it's . . okay. I've read it before, and seen the movie a billion times, so it's kind of boring.

    How are you? :) :)
    July 15th, 2008 at 12:39pm
  • I'm so glad that you liked the chapter, I was a little worried you would think I was moving with the plot too fast, but at the same time, I didn't want it to sit with the same thing for much longer.
    July 12th, 2008 at 09:17am
    The reason you don't get invited to parties is because you unfortunately can't vomit flowers. I, secretly, do have this ability, which explains the high rate of partying I've been doing this summer. Everyone wants to invite a girl who can throw up flowers. :file: It's better than pulling a bunny out of a hat or something laaame.

    And my harem of fans is pretty damn sexy if I say so myself. :]

    Seriously, it's a great life. You should learn the art.
    July 11th, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • So I'm actually still alive. :) :)

    I KNOWWWW I've taken so long to reply. I've been trying to enjoy my short-lived freedom, before being thrust back into school next week.
    It sucks. You guys are all off enjoying your summer holidays. *sigh*.

    I fan-girled over Robert Smith yesterday. I saw their new filmclip for "Freakshow", and nearly died. :)
    The man is so darn gorgeous!

    You've got me wanting to see Across The Universe now. Kurt Cobain look-alike!!
    Hmmmmmmm. You ever seen Dead Poet's Society? It still makes me cry. :(
    I watched it the other day, for probably the 30th time.

    Oh dude. Your cat walks on you? My dog isn't supposed to go upstairs, so she can't actually get to my bedroom. Which is GOOD. Considering she's barely toilet trained.
    She's been alive for exactly 6 months today. :)

    I've decided to name the lizard "Lazarus", even though it makes me feel super religious - naming my pets after biblical figures. Actually, I think he's in a coma. The stupid lizard doesn't MOVE!!
    He's either majroly lethergic, or there's something wrong with him. 0_o.

    How are you? :) :)
    July 11th, 2008 at 08:44am
  • pweeeze update attention's like a fire! pleease.
    July 10th, 2008 at 09:51pm