Gauges. Embarrassing story, and questions.

Okay, so earlier today, I went to this tattoo shop to get my ears stretched.I don't have any kind of gauges at all.I wanted 8's.So, when i go, the guy said that I could go from regular 20's to an 8.I know that they say NOT to skip at all.But i just went from a 20 to an 8.It hurt.SOOOOO BAD!So the guy (Moe) was doing my right ear first. He was doing it, and it started hurting. A lot. And we were...
November 7th, 2010 at 03:07am

School, Life, Posers and QUESTIONS :]

"Our an awesome god....he reigns...from heaven above""Dude, i thought you were an atheist!""I's just a good song".so.....yeah. i'm that bored.I'm at home...sick:(So, i decided to write a journal:)School.I love it:)I love being around my friends!I love getting up in the morning, getting dressed, doing my hair and makeup and then going to see everyone.It might make me weird, but i...
October 7th, 2010 at 09:46pm

My room looks like a Lady Bug's back! :) [questions]

This morning, I decided to change my room up a bit.So, I went to my dad's shed, and got his drill thingy, and took things off the wall.I hung up this pretty painting of a forest with dead trees.Then, I decided my wall's need more color.So, I went back to the shed, and guess what I found.Black spray paint!!!I was like YESSSS!My walls are a really deep red. Kinda like blood red.I love them:)SO, I...
September 20th, 2010 at 02:54am

"Stop fondling Mr. B's beard!"

Tonight was "Meet the teachers night".First, we (My mom and I) saw my English teacher, Ms. Bland.They said "Hi" and everything, and then Ms Bland was like "You weren't wearing that shirt today were you?" and I was like "Yeah", and she got all mad. Just cuz it had a demon monster with blood everywhere. Psh, she's just jealous :pThen, we went to see my Chemistry teacher. It was quick.Then, I went to...
September 15th, 2010 at 06:10am

My concert experience [Halestorm, Stone Sour, A7X and Disturbed. Video and questions!]

okay, the concert was CRAZY!When we got there, It was about 5.Britt, Edward and I were walking around.Edward was trying to find some chick.Brittany and I were just walking with him.Hell Yeah was playing at the Pavillion. They didn't wanna go see them, and no one wanted to go with me, so we didn't get to see them.After them, Halestorm was gonna play at the main stage.So, we walked over to the main...
September 13th, 2010 at 06:37pm

Avenged Sevenfold concert, a bunch of random stuff, and questions!:)

So, tomorrow, i'm going to this concert with my bestest friend in the whole world, Britt!:)It starts at 3. There's gonna be Stone Sour, Hell Yeah, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, and a bunch of other bands.I'm so excited!!!!!!:DI'm gonna wear my black mini skirt with my hot pink shirt, and these knee high socks that are pink and black striped with my black converse.I told Britt that i'm gonna get...
September 11th, 2010 at 05:27am

"So...are we still gonna go to Chuck E Cheese?"

lol, I know...Random!I was thinking earlier, about my childhood, and, I was so selfish!!!lol xDLike, I always thought of myself. No one else.Here are some examples:I was 7 years old. My mom came in and woke me up. It was halloween, so, when she woke me up, I was all happy and what-not. She was like "Hey baby. I need to tell you something", and I was like "Okay", and she was like "Your grandpa died...
September 5th, 2010 at 10:31pm

Boys, boys, boys! ugh, oh so frustrating![Questions!]

I started school 2 weeks ago.It's INSANE!I'm a sophmore.there was some glitch on some computer program that has to do with our class schedules, and, well, I was put into Boy's Basketball, and Men's choir!I signed up for Medical Terminology and I got Boy's Basketball???WTF!I's been a while since i've been on.I've been writing a lot, and hope to post some new poems and stuff!I startedThey...
September 4th, 2010 at 11:24pm

I'm officially crazy...

Right now, I'm in the bathroom! Not using it lol.Lindsy didn't wanna be in here alone. So i'm sitting on the floor while she's in the shower.Anyways, This morning, I had my psychiatrist's appointment.And, he wants to start seeing me every month instead of every 4 months :/and right now, i'm taking Lexapro everyday. It's an SSRI for my anxiety and depression.But he wants to put me on Abilify. I...
August 21st, 2010 at 04:33am

"She look's like a Jonas Brother, right!", Condom hats, Haunted asylums and tracks, Rainforest Cafe [QUESTIONS]

Ok, I know, i've been gone for a while.i was on vacation in San Antonio:)It's not that far from where I live though. About 3 hours.I drove all the way xDanyways, the good parts now.Has anyone heard of the restaurant "DIck's Last Resort"?It's basically this restaurant where the waiters insult you and do stuff like that.This is how it went.My aunt and I arrived there at about 11:45PM.They stop...
August 20th, 2010 at 05:26am

Driving in the rain, Embarrassing stories, Art, Nicknames, MCR fanfics, and 2 free comments if you answer the question right!

Ookay, Today, I had to drive with the driving teacher. AGAIN!I have to have 6 hours before I can get my license. This was hour 2.And it was POURING! The rain was comming down sideways!We started at 4. Luis drove first. Then, at 5, I started driving. Adam still had to drive. But he had band at 6. He told the teacher that he had band at 6 at 530!So the teacher made us switch. A couple of minutes...
August 12th, 2010 at 06:31am

Music. [A little ranting and venting here]

Okay, so I was in the living room with my mom, and my dad came in, and I started to watch this Rock and Roll concert on HBO on demand. It's like the Rock & Roll hall of fame or something like that.It started out with music by Stevie Wonder, and Smokey Robinson and stuff like that.My dad LOVED it.[I love music. I love it so much. Any kind of music, i'll listen to, because I love the variety and...
August 9th, 2010 at 05:20am

Haircuts, Skinny Jeans, and Subway! [questions]

Grrr!I was like on the last sentance on this stupid journal, and I somehow went back, and it like erased everything :(ugh.Anyways, Right now, i'm eating a Tuna sandwich from SUbway. It's AMAZING by the way!:)I got my hair cut today!i'll post pictures soon!I lOVE it!I just look like crap right now, so i don't feel like taking pictures!I have yet to break up with my boyfriend.I just don't have the...
August 8th, 2010 at 08:17am

I feel like CRAP! [questions]

Hmmm, Well, i don't feel good!I have a sore throat, an ear ache, i'm losing my voice and my head is starting to hurt. Oh yeah, i'm sick to my stomach too:(Grrr...i hate being sick:(Today, was sooooo boring! I played guitar and piano a lot. Not much to do around here.Oh. My. Gosh. yesterday, and today, I loved my best friend even more!Haha, I'll tell you why!!!My best-est friend is...
August 3rd, 2010 at 08:47am

Today Sucked:( Pictures and questions!

Okay, so I had a long, well structured journal. Then, I accidentally clicked something, and i went to a different page, and it was all lost:(Today sucked.Last night, I stayed up texting my friend Marco.He's a sweet heart.Till like 3amThen, this morning I got up at 8, and ate a taco. (I love being Mexican!)Then, we left out of town to go to a mall.I went shopping, and I bought a bunch of clothes...
August 1st, 2010 at 06:19am

Boyfriend problems. Anyone willing to help me?:)

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months.One of our friends got us together. Told us that we would be perfect together.At first, I really liked him.He's sweet, nice, caring, everything.I was his first girlfriend. First kiss. First everything.But, lately, i've been feeling like...ehh.It's hard to explain. It's like, we're too different. I know they say oppisites attract. But I think that we're TOO...
July 30th, 2010 at 10:38pm

Grrr....I don't know what to do:(

Lately, I've been feeling kind of...Ehhh towards my Boyfriend Adam.I mean, I love him. I really do, but I feel like if he loves me wayyy more than I love him.He's always telling me that he's thinking about me, and he always talks about the future and how we're gonna be together forever and everything.But I don't know if I wanna be with him FOREVER.Or at least till we die...I feel like if I could...
July 30th, 2010 at 04:07am

I'm Sooooo weak! True Life, Bowling, Injuries, Coffee, Pictures and Questions!:)

When I was about 13-ish, I was 5'1, and I weighed around 165lbs.I was really strong, I had big shoulders and stuff.Now, I'm still 5'1, I'm 15, and I weigh about 125lbs.I feel so weak!My arms are all skinny and stuff.And today, I was carrying my little sister, and she felt so heavy!She weighs around 100lbs, and I feel so weak when I struggle to carry her.I kinda liked being bigger better.Today, i...
July 29th, 2010 at 03:28am

My Chemical Romance, lazy eye, Peace tea, South Park, Questions and MCR fanfics!

I seriously can't explain how much I absolutely LOVE this band!Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Bob(Even though he isn't in the band anymore)They all inspired me so much!I'm not sure if they "Saved my life", But I do know that they did help me get through A LOT of hard times. Yes, I did used to self harm, but sometimes, I would watch LOTMS or listen to their music, and it made me feel better, and I...
July 28th, 2010 at 05:25am

Let's do the time warp again!! [Questions!]

I'm here with Brittany (BrittaniiBoom!), and we're EXTREMELY bored!!!!So, we watched the "Rocky Horror Picture Show":)It's AWESOME!We did the Time Warp and made my little sister do it with us. At first, she was all "You guys are weird", but after a while, she was dancing with us. It was fun:)Earlier, we had a big thunder storm, and we got in our swim suits and danced and played in the rain. It was...
July 27th, 2010 at 11:38pm