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| Bekka Harmony | Photographer | Single | Excited | Pictures Up, Comment? |

Hello there, my name is Bekka. I'm a photographer, I also play acoustic guitar; I adore taking pictures, it makes my day. I have a hard time comprehending things, so don't get mad or anything. Haha; I love meeting new people for the most part, so you should comment my profile; I am a foster child who was abandoned when I was just a young child. I was taken in by amazing parents, even though they're not really mine. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I'm very well to get a long with. (: You should comment my profile, yeah?

Loves; Photography, My guitar, Friends, Family, The Ocean, Lakes, Talking, Movies, Mountain Dew, Tacos, Glasses, Peace, & Love.

Hates; Fakes, Posers, SceneGirls, Haters, Cruel Name Calling, Homophobes, & JustinBieber.