About YOU!
"I'm the top of the food chain and well...you're the food." ~Ash

Guess who hijacked this!!! YEAH OOFA! WHAT'S IT TO YA? That rhymed xD But anyways Lovely Leyra. You are dancing with brightness on your profile. Even if you are pissed that is the way you'll be dancing xD HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY DOLL!! LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!


Date, Song, Doing
"Good, Bad I'm the Ash with the gun." ~Ash
Date: June 30! 2011
Song of the day?: Any of the Nickelback songs
Listening to?: Anything
Doing?: Talkin' to my Oofa ^_^
Anything new?: Kids in my art class are assholes -__-

Your Creative Art
"Astrid wants me to make friends. I don't know why. Some weird woman thing. She's trying to make me more sociable." ~Zarek

Arrange Marriage to a VAMPYRE?!?!?!?
Chapters: 20
Status: Not finished in the least

Chapters: 3
Status: Not finished in the least

I'm the Emo and he's the Asshole that's been crushing on me....Oh and did I mention? He's a Werewolf
Chapters: 2
Status: Also not finished in the least

Your Friends!
"Don't look at me, i've never been on a date." ~Ash
"How cliche , little partner. Wanna tell me to be out be sunup, or better yet, this town ain't big enough for the two of us?" ~Zarek to Talon
Quotes from THIS website!

The Layout is created by!!!! Kelszillagatesa7x14

The layout was created for my love AreYouReal!! ^_^ Love you! ~ Oofa