School is stealing Mibba o_o; [read, comment. I'd love you forever <3]

There are a lot of people at my school who use mibba; well, sort of.About six, and most of them are on my friend's list...'cause, well we're friends.{Don't get mad if you're reading this, eh?}Thing is, I've been a Mibba-user for more than two years{i didn't always have this account.} ...and I remember how I used to be able to post more,...heart-felt, honest things.Why?Because I wasn't afraid of...
October 12th, 2010 at 09:35pm

Is it cowardly to not speak up, or strength for holding back?

Y'know, right now, I really am questioning...why are we here?It sounds stupid, cliched--- Whatever. But I really am wondering.I believe in God; in angels, in Heaven And Hell...But what I don't believe in, is the crap that people put other people through, because of complete ignorance and one sided-ness.Like everyone else, I occasionally reach a breaking point. I feel like a fucked up little...
August 3rd, 2010 at 06:20am