The adventures of Kayleigh and Ada

Hi guys! So! Me and my friend Ada are in Tennesee and we are going on some crazy ass adventures! Let's start from Saturday! Our first night here. We were in Nashville and we went to the Grand Ole Opry and saw Billy Ray Cyrus, who touched my hand by the way, and he was absolutely amazing!Then on Sunday we went to breakfast at this place called Sky Blue Cafe. It was yummy yummy! And then we drove to...
April 23rd, 2013 at 04:28pm

Who I Am!

My name is Kayleigh and I am 16 years old. I am a confirmed Catholic and I am very religious. I go to church every week and I am an active member in my church. I am ALSO Pansexual, but I prefer girls. I believe that God has created everyone. Gay, straight, trans*. God made us the way we are because he has a plan for us. I also believe that God puts someone on earth for everyone. My one...
January 23rd, 2013 at 05:30pm

Let me tell you!

Ok, so I am a reasonable person right?? Yeah! I am!! Now I don't care if you talk shit about me...I mean call me fat. Call me ugly. I don't give a fuck because I know that it just means you can't get me off your mind. But don't you dare talk shit about my girls. Any of them. Because I will fucking kick your ass! I am not afraid to pull your hair right out of your fucking head! I should not have on...
January 7th, 2013 at 04:52pm

What NOT to do. (I am really just ranting)

DONT get a really bad spray tan....(dont get a spray tan in general)you will look like you just rolled around in a pile of diritos! It is really NOT a good look for anyone. Trust me. There is a girl at my school and it is so uneven and she has weird pale blotches all over. Plus her hands are brown. They look like she stuck them in dirt. I want to warn you not to be like her. I can't believe she...
May 23rd, 2012 at 03:24pm

WTF? (a look into my crazy mind set)

I had to spend my entire weekend with my ex boyfriend who I still have feelings for. The entire time, there were other girls all over him and even though we broke up I couldnt help but feel so jealous. Then, last night we were flirting and when I asked him if he thought we could ever get back together he said not right now but also not never....which for those who dont get double negatives, means...
March 26th, 2012 at 07:17pm

Busted. Broken. Burdened.

"when life gets the hardest you find out who your real friends are"This week had been so crazy. Last Sunday I broke my six inch heels and feel, pulling a ligament in my foot and braking a toe. It hurt but I managed to make it through the day.Monday I was running in P.E. class and I fell AGAIN on my ankle, this time completely tearing the ligament. I went to the school nurse and she sent me home to...
March 18th, 2012 at 02:52pm