vanete. / Comments

  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    We're doing the French Revolution :P The only good part to it is I get to learn about Marie Antoinette, and I [i]adore[/i] her to pieces, even if she was a bad Queen to her country :)

    What's your favorite subject at your school? :D If electives count. Lmao. Mine's Show Choir. I'm addicted to it <3
    October 14th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • grapevine fires

    grapevine fires (100)

    United States
    j;lakethse5ty I dunno how often it's checked, but I attempted a start on that RP. So I suppose I should be sending a comment out to people involved to try and make things all ~official and whatnot.
    October 13th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    I love you. Arms
    October 11th, 2011 at 02:19am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Awh, that sounds like so much fun! I'm... Well, I'm alright. I'm a little stressed. I [i]should[/i] be working on homework right now, but I'm being stupid and I'm not doing 50 problems of History >< Gahh. This is what slacking off in class does to you :P
    October 10th, 2011 at 04:58am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Definetely :) How are you doing today? Good, I hope ^^
    October 8th, 2011 at 07:16pm
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Oh, seriously? That's awesome!! That sounds like so much fun :) Rise Against are amazing. But I'm really glad that I finally saw my favorite band. I've been a fan since like... late 2005. :)
    October 8th, 2011 at 06:44am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You're very very welcome, seriously. Arms

    Ack, I heard that. That is very silly, I don't understand why people schedule things this way. It's definitely worth the wait, though. Weird I've seen it twice and I want to see it again, it was so good.
    I want to see everything he has ever been in ever but I am lazy and terrible at getting myself to do things. tehe I definitely want to watch Hawking and Third Star, and War Horse when it comes out.
    October 4th, 2011 at 07:54pm
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, that's awesome!! I've never gotten one x) Next summer, though!!
    Oh my goodness. Don't even get me started on how I'm doing. I saw My Chemical Romance, Blink-182, and Matt and Kim last night. I'm like... Still dying inside. I WAS IN THE SAME AREA AS TRAVIS BARKER AND FRANK IERO.
    October 2nd, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I apologize if I offended you on the Confessions board. However, on Confessions you're allowed to speak your mind as long as you do not single anyone out in a rude manner (trust me, I've been preached these rules and banned twice because of them). And, in that post, I did not single anyone out: I pointed out a group of people, perhaps, but I could of done the same thing with vegetables.

    In the end, if I offended you, I apologize.

    October 2nd, 2011 at 06:05pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Somehow I failed to notice your comment 'til now, I'm such a fail. Facepalm And yes, you, you are an incredibly talented writer and sometimes I read things you've written and wonder why I even try, you're so damn [i]brilliant[/i].

    They are amazing in TTSS! They only have a few scenes together but they are glorious, together and apart. They're both such incredible actors, especially Tom, omg, he plays so many different types of characters and he puts so much into every last one of them. Benedict is amazing too, so amazing, but I haven't seen as many things he's been in so I can't judge. tehe Stuart, though, Stuart is that kind of film that rips your heart out your chest and stomps all over it and you don't even mind because it's the good kind of hurt.

    I know, I was a bit gutted because I heard something about it being back this Autumn ages ago, but eh. At least this way I get Doctor Who then Merlin then Sherlock and there's always something I like on TV. Weird And yay for birthday presents! I actually have a friend who's only recently watched Sherlock and her birthday's in January too so she's excited for it being back then as well.
    October 2nd, 2011 at 05:47pm
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    How are you? Pretty name as well :D
    October 1st, 2011 at 01:30am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Your username is really pretty :)
    I'm Madi. *waves happily*
    September 30th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh my god, I totally creep on you from time to time because you are awesome and I secretly fangirl you. tehe But yeah, thank you! I loved Stuart: A Life Backwards [i]so much[/i], and the interview Tom and Benedict did was so precious. I kind of love them both a whole lot. In Love

    Your theme is more amazing, though. I can't wait for January, why does it have to be so far away, I needed Sherlock back in my life last year. Cheese
    September 29th, 2011 at 05:32pm
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    I know you don't mean to worry me! it's honestly not something I mind, I SWEAR. I only mind it insofar as I don't want you to hurt and I wish you could be happy 101% of the time, but since that's just not the way things are, I will take it as it comes. the flip side of it all - the part that makes it [i]so[/i] worth it - is that I get to be joyful when you're joyful; I get to celebrate with you when things go okay! not to mention I get the benefit of having a wonderful friend, who I'm very, very lucky to have met out of all the people in the world! Arms I'm glad you're going to see the counselor. feeling like killing yourself, in my opinion, is just as bad as actually doing it. (okay, technically not quiiiite because one way there's a chance of fixing it, the other there's nothing)... but you see my point, right? the dying part isn't really the problem, to me, it's the feelings. if there's any chance of changing them, that's very important. trust me... you don't want to pile on years and years more of those feelings, regardless of whether you'll actually "do it" or not. there's nothing ridiculous about the kind of feelings that make you think about suicide; doesn't really matter what your actual risk of it is (in my opinion). I don't really know what to say about telling people or not. Cry I feel like if you can't tell a therapist (and if they only care about meds...) I'd get a different therapist. :/ it's usually good to have a psychiatrist and a psychologist who work together, but one deals with meds and the other just talks to you. idk if that's what you have or not, but that's what I understand to be best. you are the most important person in this equation, though, and whatever you choose is 100% supported by me. I hope you don't think I give you my advice and experience to convince you or show you you're wrong... I would NEVER get offended because your experience is not the same as mine or because you don't agree with something I've said. it's just to give you a different set of perspectives or possibilities on things. I do think I have some life experience (or at the very least, the anecdotes of others) to offer, as well as some knowledge I've learned doing my BA, since I study some of these things. but I'm a fucking sociologist... the very core of my science is that everything is subjective and socially constructed. lmfao so please, please never think I mind hearing that you don't experience things the same way I do! that's [i]life[/i]. :') honestly, v. i just tell you these things because I understand that cognitive dissonance very well (why do you think I promote fat acceptance while trying to lose weight?!) and I hope to chip away at it, just the tiniest bit, by sharing my stories. i think it helps, but at the very least it can't hurt. Arms

    you are so beautiful, v, [i]thank you.[/i] how can you make something like that sound so gorgeous and eloquent? and how can such poetry be said about me?! impossible! Smiley I'm honored, truly. Arms

    p.s. I think about you every time i'm sitting in my sexual diversity class because i think you'd find it really interesting :3 like, to the point where you're practically an honorary student because I keep thinking "vanete would like this if she was here" Facepalm XD
    September 27th, 2011 at 04:51am
  • grapevine fires

    grapevine fires (100)

    United States
    Whatever fits you best, then :)
    I'm a junior, too. Everyone says it's supposed to be the worst year, too ;~; a bit nervous about it, especially since my school is so damn competitive with academics.

    Also, sorry if I'm being a /double/ creep, but I saw your confessions, and I don't wanna be intrusive or anything, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can PM me anytime. 'Cause you seem really rad. And I know it probably won't mean a whole lot because it seems as though you have other really close friends on here and I'm just a randomer, but yeah. I hope you feel better. I struggle with depression, too, so I know it's hard as hell. But it's definitely safe to say that you rock, and are a really genuinely great person Arms Arms
    September 26th, 2011 at 04:26am
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    of course you're one of them; don't even say that... you are SO important to me. i'm worrying a lot after your last few posts. i don't say that to guilt-trip you, please don't think that-- i just want to be honest so you know i'm always honest with you. Arms i couldn't help worrying if i wanted to... i take on other people's feelings; sometimes i don't even notice. but i don't resent it. It would feel wrong to me not to hurt if someone I cared about was hurting. and I'm [i]so[/i] sorry you're hurting. Cry
    hmm, yeah, it could be the prozac. it could just be your hormones stabilizing, too; periods don't always become regular until around age 18 so yours might just have finally settled in. either way, you can see how it goes and talk to your gyno if you ever do decide you want to stop getting them. there are lots of reasons that periods can be bad. just because it's not a physical reason, doesn't mean it's not important! the right gyno can be really sensitive to that kind of stuff-- i know someone who's still taking yaz because it actually helped with her depression and anxiety, and she talked to her doctor about the side effects and they decided she'd stay on it. so i don't think it's stupid if you feel like it's a gender thing... why couldn't it be? there's such a wide range of emotions and identities surrounding that, and if you feel like it's wrong, who's to say otherwise? everybody wants to be a special snowflake, but stop dissecting your motives so badly. sometimes you're just allowed to feel the way you feel, whatever the reasons behind it. even if you think your problems might not be important (personally, I attribute the majority of the problems I had from 12-18 to hormones, which might mean they weren't important... but I disagree) it's actually [i]okay[/i] to have them taken seriously. you are such a valuable and important person, and you deserve all the support and worry you could possibly get. i know i'm a pretty tiny drop in the bucket, but i'm not going to stop. <3 hopefully this doesn't sound patronizing, but i'm actually [i]excited[/i] for things to get better for you.. i see all these really amazing things in you, and when you have a chance to see them too, and embrace them, LOOK OUT WORLD. In Love you already bring so much brilliance and talent into the world; if you were more confident, I can only imagine. :') you'll grow into being vanete, genderwise and talentwise and intelligencewise and everythingwise, and it'll be fucking beautiful.
    September 26th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    Arms Arms Arms Arms Arms <3
    September 26th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • grapevine fires

    grapevine fires (100)

    United States
    XD I can assure you, "cool" is not a word to describe me.
    Weird You have a wicked awesome name. It's awesome to meet you!
    Ooh, school is always stressful. What year are you?
    September 26th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • grapevine fires

    grapevine fires (100)

    United States
    HI. I'm sorry if this is a creeper comment (which I seem to be leaving more and more as of late...) but I noticed you like Sherlock and I think people who like Sherlock are marvelous, and you seem to be very awesome and well liked, and I wanted to let you know that I think you're cool :)

    September 24th, 2011 at 10:57pm
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    Don't EVER feel guilty about worrying me, I mean it. I'm insanely lucky and blessed that I have people in my life important enough to worry over, and that's the fucking truth. Arms I'm not mad at all! I'd much rather it be period blood than blood from any other part of you. :') just tell me to shut it if I'm being a know-it-all; I'm sure you've thought about it, but ever consider going on the pill or another type of birth control where you won't need to have them? I know some people can't take the pill, or can't have other types, or whatever. but personally my periods were so fucking horrible that I now take yaz and skip the placebos (with approval of my gyno) and i know i'm risking blood clots etc. because yaz is big and evil but really, it's worth it for me. :'3 different doctors have different philosophies about it, but mine definitely thinks periods are pretty much useless most of the time. I don't like to think that you have to feel so uncomfortable every month like that. Sad I hope you're doing okay. <3
    September 23rd, 2011 at 06:01am