Take me out tonight
where there’s music and there’s people

This isn't the usual ginger Olivia you know and love.
This is the next best thing, her best friend Natalia.
Olivia is my favorite person in the world, so talk to her for two seconds and you'll fall in love. She's beautiful, smart, funny, original, and as I previously stated, quite the looker.
Find any reason not to love her, and you're completely insane.
She constantly makes my day, and can always put a smile on my face. (:
That's all for now, kids. Don't miss your shot.
Oh, and by the way, make fun of her for being a ginger as much as possible.
It gives me amusement. :]

Who are young and alive
driving in your car

Date: July 31st, 2010.
Music: Probably Taking Back Sunday, or something else amazing.
Doing: Making Natalia do her Mibba profile.
Mood: LAZY.

I never never want to go home
because I haven’t got one anymore

My First Poem.
Be patient, kids.

There is a light that never goes out

Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts