Twinkies, and the zombie apocolypse (C'mon you KNOW you wanna read!)

So I'm not American. Hell, The only American thing about me is that I say mom. Well..To all American Mibba people out there, I WANT TO KNOW what a twinkie is! I thought it first like a mars bar, but apparently its a sponge cake witha cream filling. Like snuggies. And Walmart. Hell, you Americans get all the fun stuff!Anyways, I have a question...And that is-What will you do when the zombie...
April 17th, 2011 at 11:50am


Anyone want to know WHY im freaking out? well....There-Is-A-Morpork-Outside-My-Window-And-Everytime-I-Turn-Towards-The-Window-It-Stops-Making-A-Noise-And-Now-Its-Getting-Louder-Because-Its-Getting-NEARER-And-Oh-God-Help-MeHey, that actually sounds like a song!But, back to the point, ITS OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!And it may not seem like a big deal, but I have seen mutant seagulls which have doubled in...
August 7th, 2010 at 01:16pm

Hot Guys Are Always Fun To Stare At Until They Notice You Staring And Your Like..."CRAP"

I have a hot guy in one of my classes.....He's Brazilian....XD Not saying what class, but if my friend reads this she will knowAren't hot guys fun to stare at? And if your a guy....You have to admit, even some guys make other guys drool :) They probably have to be extremely hot though....And exchange students usually areSoooo, back to this hot guy. I spend 20 minutes in class, full on staring at...
August 6th, 2010 at 10:44am


Doesn't it just suck when you love some guy....You have loved him for YEARS and you never have told him.... Its not just a crush, you would literally do ANYTHING for this guy, even though he breaks your heart time and time again without even REALISING it. I have wrote so many love poems about him its just not funny anymore. I have cried so many times for him, but people just think im just being...
August 4th, 2010 at 10:41am

Sex Education - CAPTAIN CONDOM

I want to know if its NORMAL....Like actually fully NORMAL to have a school, that when we do sex education they give us this website with a interaction game thingy called Captain Condom....WHICH CONSISTS OF A DANCING JIGGLING STONED CONDOM. Is it normal? I think not. The condom is also in outer space, and you can move him around with your mouse cursor. This is an AWESOME way to teach kids "Hey,...
August 4th, 2010 at 08:49am

Why Im Annoyed

Yes I am annoyed - I get annoyed easily. Just found out from a pen pal of mine that they learn in social studies where she lives (Japan) that New Zealand people apparently speak German. Not only that, but we also like "Pet animals" which consist of Cows and sheep, and we give them names and such....Funny thing was, she wasn't joking.Which doesn't make it funnySo i am ANNOYED!! People need BETTER...
July 31st, 2010 at 04:08pm


Insomnia is keeping me awake again. I cant sleep so im writing poems. Seems pretty boring, I have to admit, but whats new? Insomnia SUCKS, but at least I can get homework done withought the stupid teachers going off at me for handing it in late (or not handing it in at all)The downer of this, is that the teachers start thinking im finally changing my ways, that im becoming a GOOD STUDENT. Which is...
July 31st, 2010 at 02:41pm