Asteria / Comments

  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    I'm wise, aren't I?*arrogant look* lol jk, I try to have an open mind my friend, I try. =P Pfff...I'm jealous.I really like studying Ancient History at school, I always get a 20/20 in that class, but I guess it won't be a simple course in university, right? When I was younger I wanted to become an archaeologist, I still think it's a cool thing to do, but I don't think I would get a job easily. It suits me though, especially since my father is from Ancient Olympia and we've spent every summer of our lives there (and yes, at the opening ceremony for the Olympics of 2004 at the ancient stadium I WAS THERE TOO :D lol)
    July 25th, 2011 at 04:39pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Hahahaha "the enemy" ha, lol? xD I consider Turks more of an enemy than from what my relatives have told me, Italians were kinder to our enslaved people than any other race that stepped foot in Greece.Plus nothing good can come out of becoming obsessed with the dark past, how could we possibly make the future better and brighter like that? I want to go to Venice so bad as well..mainly 'cause one of my all time favorite classical novels takes place there at the times of Doges (have i told you about that before?i have an odd dejavu feeling) and especially see the carnival up close. But Ireland, omfg, i wanna go there too! I've seen all these pics of its fantastic sceneries and so's so green, and let me tell you, I love nature lol =P And Scotland simply seems so strangely beautiful with this gloomy weather and castles
    July 25th, 2011 at 03:04pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Yeah I guess you're right, but leaving your country isn't that easy now is it? I think I'd want to live in Italy if I ever had to live abroad, they say it's an awesome country plus very close at home ^ ^ Lol, is it that bad? I don't think they'd understand much with my poor greek accent either xD I wouldn't want to live there anyway, for someone who has spent her life in a place that's sunny the most days of the year, England seems too cloudy and gloomy
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:48pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    I'm sixteen years old so..for now I just have to focus on my studies and decide what i want to do with my life.Not the easiest thing in the world snce Greece is in such a poor economical state at the moment.I'll go fifty years old and we'll still be indebted, so I have to choose carefully..there's this huge problem with unemployement too.
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:39pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Haha no need to be like that, if you come here at spring or at June the weather should be awesome ^ ^ I also want to travel as much as possible when I'll get older and get a job. Lol, by dreams i meant your deepest desire, not the kind you see when you sleep.I tend to dream a lot, and very bizzare adventurous dreams too though o.o
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:26pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Lol why, what did they tell you? It's fantasy and romance, and has to do with the search of an object that can make one of your dreams come true if you give it your blood or a relative's (<- the readers are gonna learn about that in the next chapter xD)and various other things mixed up like transforming into animals and and controlling the elements..basically a kind of strange story i came up with a year ago =P
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:00pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Well it's about forty degrees Celcius here those days, so no, I don't think you'd really wanna bear this lol.

    It's the biggest update I've ever written lol, but since i'm a pathetically slow updater i guess it's ok to make those two-three readers of mine feel like the wait was worth it=P
    July 25th, 2011 at 11:44am
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Fav reader? Awww I'm touched haha xD I'm ok I guess..trying to cope with the heat wave and struggling to translate my monstrous update of thirteen pages lol
    July 24th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • Emotional Wind

    Emotional Wind (100)

    To all people interested in Angels and other godly beings, this is for you.

    Almost all Ark angels are DEAD. But that is old news because this story is about what they left behind; their children. Young, stupid, and immature, these children of angels have completely taken over the gangster roll. but only one person is brave enough to stop them, her name is Elika, a twenty year old undercover agent working for the A.U.S. spying, living and even shopping with the notorious Gang lord Prair, a sixteen year old with a blank history.

    But all hell breaks loose when a war between families begins in major cities, public streets and pubs. So the question is, which gang will you pray for.

    The Old Religion
    June 24th, 2011 at 06:19pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Of course not, it was sooo sweet and incredible!^-^
    NO WAIT,WHAT?!When did you post the first chap?!
    Ugh..I'm so slow..T^T
    I'm off to read it!Quick question though: would you prefer me to leave you comments on your story's each new chapter,or leave comments here?
    June 18th, 2011 at 08:49am
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Can't wait!Leaving us hanging like that would be a crime,woman!=P
    May 29th, 2011 at 11:51am
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    I know lol,I'm subscribed to this story =D
    Effing AWESOME chapter btw!The action,the drama..fantastic!I loved how Elysia and Samael were so protective of each other in battle,and when I thought they would die and he said he'd rather die with her in his arms it was so touching T^T I know I've probably told you this before but, I'm really amazed by the whole plot,the connection with the gods and so on,this book has to be one of the best I've ever read!And Let me tell you I'm a total bookworm XD
    May 28th, 2011 at 10:47am
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well I need to have a play and see what sort of paint and style would suit me. As you say, some paint may like me, others may hate my guts. But water colour is something I like the looks of. It's smooth and to me, looks quite nice to look at. Once I am stable again I'll see what the evening classes have for me and if painting is actually something I enjoy. Might have a look and see if they also do sketch work too. Planning to draw landscapes and often 'practice' as such in my head, plotting out how I would draw the basic skeleton, when I'm outside. It's far easier to do that in my head then actually draw it on paper however ;_;
    They do? Hmmm, they might have something like that here but I have not heard of someone considering to go back to uni our of family and friends. Apart from my sister but she's planning to do a Master's degree and that's going to cost a bit. But at least you're comfortable money wise to return to do something you really quite want to do. I wish you luck with that :D
    May 14th, 2011 at 12:19pm
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was sorta guessing that so I wouldn't worry. I take forever to reply and I have more than enough time on my hands to do so :P
    Ooooooh. I really want to do a course like that. I have taught myself how to draw in a manga-esque style over the years but I realllllly wanna learn how to paint. That's not exactly going to be easy to do by yourself so I might see if there's an evening class or some such at the school nearby. Do you paint then? And is it as difficult as I believe it is?
    Making pretty pictures is fuuuun. I do sketches still and make them as pretty as I can with simply a pencil but hopefully I shall begin introducing colour to them one day. I pray for this to happen :I
    You can do another course at uni?! By gawd. It would be waaay too expensive here now to do another. Is it a reasonable price to go to uni in Australia then?
    May 11th, 2011 at 10:07am
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry about the uber long comment I just sent you. They seem to be growing every time :I
    April 24th, 2011 at 01:17pm
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    GAWD NO!! I just clicked on the outside of the comment box and lost everything I just wrote!!! Nooo!!! So lame!!! Shall get some tea and start again :<
    Right! Now I will not click outside this box! >:I

    Just like me! Dohohoho :3 The only old readers I have contact with is yourself and an american lady known as Neoplatinumiris on quizilla. She gives me critisism alongside compliments about my writing, which I find quite useful. You can't improve much without critism. :D But it is nice to hear praise and whether or not your characters are liked. My very close friend keeps track of my stories and she had a love/hate thing for Blackburn, a character from TBPC. It was interesting to hear why she hated him but also loved him :3
    I never use chatspeak, even when texting. Which is increadibly slow for me. I don't use my phone often so texting is slow for me in general, but writing out long and complicated words just makes it even slower. Needless to say, I don't text often.
    I remember only reading one story where it sounded like it could've been stolen, but she could've honestly created the story from scratch. It's just that there's the problem that most stories written online are simple and generic, easy plotlines and characters teenagers can come up with. Remeber that most writers, especially on quizilla, are in their early teens. Most will have simple ideas for stories and can be influenced by the ideas of others, thus unintetionally creating a copy. That's what I think anyway. I might be just be looking into it too much :I There will be and odd few however that actually take ideas intentionally which is a pain.
    I just have books. And two huge bookshelves thus not much room for much else. My family also uses me as a library, well mostly my mother and close friends. Dad just stores his Terry Pratchett and Tolkein books alongside my own. But I think its mostly that you and your mother had a similar taste in books more than you having good taste. I don't really think there is such a thing as 'good taste' in anything to do with books, films or music. I share a lot in common with my dad, e.g we both adore LOTR, discworld novels, Bill Bailey and Flanders and Swann, an old comedic music duo. My mother however cannot stand any of that and says its a load of rubbish. Its not in my opinion, but thats what my mother thinks, so I think you share taste with your mother, just like I share tastes with my dad. :)
    The cheapest book I have ever bought was for 49p! Which was a hardback! Who cares if the till put the decimal point in the wrong place! But most books I buy is for £6 on average. I will maybe buy them for £10 if its one I really want and in hardback, but I never really go much higher than that. Possibly because I am stingy and a little scottish. But books where you live sound expensive. That could be due to the money difference though :I
    Aaaaah, ebooks. Not keen on them. I am like you, I prefer to feel the book and have the solid printed version. I am also a collector as such so I like to have the book, not the data, which would also be lost quite easily. But reading is also one of the few things I can do easily so I take a sense of accomplishment when I finish a book. If I read a big book on an ebook, like Gormenghast, I wouldn't have much sense of accomplishment as the pages would just be a number, not something I could see, if you know what I mean.
    Visual arts, explain the details. Could be anything like sketching, art using computer graphics and so on. I have a funny feeling it could be art using computers....I could be very wrong though.Deadlines suck though!! Hate them so. Especially when I can't reach them. But that's uni. Stressful place apparently, but just as enjoyable :3 History!! Something I love. I also enjoy ancient history more than modern. Well, anything from the Victorian Era and beyond is interesting for me. Will you be studying at uni again then for history once your visual arts course is finished???
    April 24th, 2011 at 01:17pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    I really did enjoy it!Never thought Dominic would act this way lol ^ ^
    April 22nd, 2011 at 09:04am
  • childishinsanity

    childishinsanity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It did make me sad when an author just stopped too :< Sometimes it was because they became too busy or just lost interest, not just the lack of feedback. I am stuck however so I have plenty of time to write and, due to the lack of things I can do, writing is one of the few things that keeps boredom away. :3 I do love getting feedback though. Got some through Mibba the other day. Maaan, that made me so happy :D But I shall work harder though to gain feedback from quizilla.
    Aaaah, the dreaded chatspeak. I hate reading like that on social websites anyways, like FB. It's like code!! So hard to figure out what the hell they're saying!! And it usually makes no sense and sounds rather idiotic. That's one of the thumbs up I have for Mibba as one of the rules is not to use chatspeak when writing stories. I agree completely with that one. But stolen plotlines are expected. My onlines I just threw together, in fact it was only meant to be one story. But alas, my imagination had other ideas so four other stories were spawned alongside a world of its own. I have had LFHMB stolen once but I hope no more than that. It's really quite depressing/infurating when that happens, whether or not I created that story to be posted online specifically.
    Haha! My room is virtually my library, I even have my books in sections. I need a bigger room though. I have no wall space and my books keep breeding (my dad doesn't help. He tends to buy me cheapo books).
    Is it just me or when do all main characters have to have some sort of drama in their background or the story will be quite boring? :I I was thinking about that and I found it would be veeeery difficult to write a decent story if there was nothing drama-esque happening. Poor characters ;_;
    Aaaah, the dreaded uni. A place I am not going to in a very long time. What you studying? And is it as enjoyable as it is stressful?? :P
    April 21st, 2011 at 01:07pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Really?On my way to reading it!
    April 20th, 2011 at 12:04pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    You're welcome!Just bear i mind I'm not trying to flatter you, I mean what I say^ ^
    You should't worry so much though, if you like what you're writing, I believe everyone will understand and see what you saw i every new idea!Hope you get what I'm trying to say, I don't really know how to explain this in English =/
    April 19th, 2011 at 11:20am