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XxAshley GxX;;
You're automatic

My name is Ashley and i need to get on more often

And your heart's like an engine
Active Stories
I die with every beat

Title: title title title
Who: queen & king
Ch.? ? of ?

Title: title title title
Who: queen & king
Ch.? ? of ?

You're automatic

Content: you @ Mibba.
Lyt By: Mandie @ WhisperWars
Resources: o x o x o x

you steal and die!

August 26 2010 9:14pm
HEARING: Usher --> OMG
TALKING TO: Guillotine Dreams
EATING: nothing
DRINKING: nothing
READING: Nothing at the moment

My Bff Guillotine Dreams is so awesome ;D go read her stories

Bold, Underlined, Italized, Strike-through, and Link!

And your voice is electric Why do I still believe?