MerrittMadison / Comments

  • hahaha
    there were a bunch but some of them i didn't see.
    i did see Ozzy Ozbourne. Avenged Sevenfold, Motorhead, 3 Inches of Blood, Alexisonfire, and Halestorm.
    October 18th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • it's cool. sometimes life is slow.
    other times it picks up and you can't keep up.
    just gotta decide which time is more fun.
    ... i think i was confucious in a past life.

    but omg excited. i'm going to loud park today. its a metal festival.
    kind of wish you could enjoy this with me...
    October 17th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • haha delicious. up until the report jerk that is...
    pretty good
    i'm supposed to go help with a homecomming float today.
    and my friend is gonna come over and teach me how to play tuba.
    so i'm excited.
    how about you?
    October 16th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • oh lord. hahahaa
    i love chatroulette. like me and my friends favorite pass-time when we're bored.
    i have a friend who looks like jesus. he's one of the "show me your boob" guys.
    only his sign is "show me your boobs and i'll send you to heaven" xD
    October 15th, 2010 at 12:54pm
  • whoa.... that's crazy.
    i didn't know schools did that.
    convince someone to play tuba. i swear it's the most fun i've ever had learning an instrument.
    when i mess up it sounds like a fart or a grizzly bear. xD
    October 13th, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • I have seen the blind side. it was heart warming.

    dude, totally off topic but i'm so excited i have to tell everyone.
    my friend is letting me borrow his tuba and giving me lessons!
    i'm so happy i could die. anyway... (:
    October 13th, 2010 at 12:39pm
  • It's alright...
    mostly it was "rocky" because it wasn't a real relationship. it was mostly a friends with benifits thing. and it just caused so many problems so i ended it.
    i feel freaken phenominal now that i have. :D haha
    October 11th, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • no problem.
    in a way... i guess you could call it sad. hah
    i'm actually just proud i can help out. it makes me feel better too.

    as for me? i'm alright. i've had better weeks. but finally got myself out of a really rocky relationship. and i'm feeling good about the future. i think everything just might be okay.
    October 11th, 2010 at 02:34am
  • I'm straight, but totally not against love.
    But I am happy for you. I hope she's everything you could ever want.
    I'm so tired of seeing and hearing about such great people settling for less than they deserve.
    And I may not know you well, but I think you deserve something great. (:
    October 11th, 2010 at 01:46am
  • it's cool. it's cool. (:

    aw, i'm happy for you. that's awesome.
    literally, i'm all smiley for you and such. :D
    October 10th, 2010 at 07:15am
  • haha, i mean, what's better than anouncing your presence without saying a word.
    because in the end you feel fucking crunk and the people around get a good giggle.
    my tactic to brighten people's days. (:
    the world i live in is okay. slowly loosing what sanity i have left, but in a way it's all okay.
    i finally convinced my band director to let me learn tuba (which has been my dream instrument) so i'm entirely too happy because johnny has already started teaching me. i can play Hot Cross Buns! :D
    how's your little slice of the universe?
    October 6th, 2010 at 10:19am
  • pretty much xD
    man, but atleast you get to go somewhere.
    just gotta turn everything into an adventure... even if it's not so adventurous.
    like, when i go to mcdonalds... i like to ninja roll. makes sure people know i'm there, and it's just hilarious. tee hee :D
    October 5th, 2010 at 10:01am
  • ahh, totally legit then. haha
    atleast you get something out of it.
    dude, i love festivals they're my favorite.
    japanese celebrate everything here. kind of wish you got to see it.
    like the cherry blossom festival is by far the best. it's in spring and it only happens for like three days when all the cherry blossoms in japan bloom and the petals fall, like in memoirs of a geisha. (whoa off topic. xD)
    October 4th, 2010 at 10:50am
  • oh good lord then why do you go?
    i see no reason behind working unless you get something worth while out of it. like money to do things or it's just the most fun you've ever had. maybe that's just me though. xD
    October 2nd, 2010 at 01:44pm
  • awh dude. creepy on the stalker. i had a stalker once but i made it known that i would hit him with my car. he found new people to follow. maybe that will work. ;D
    but to be awkwardly cocky, yeah, my friends get stalked. xD
    man, work blows too. but atleast you get paid right? even though it still means doing some kind of work.
    October 1st, 2010 at 01:59pm
  • hahaha. true dat
    yeah, nawh dude, same with my family. 90% are in jail for it, the other 9% is running from the law. my 1% some how made it out safely. xD

    it goes okay. been having a sceries of incredibly bad days. but i'm going to stay optimistic until it kills me. judging by the epic thuderstorms we've been having... i could get struck by lightning. xD but i don't think my luck is THAT bad. haha
    how about you?
    September 30th, 2010 at 10:25am
  • i know right! bob the drum guy at my school says that if we smile while we play then we just look like a bundle of idiots banging on drums. so he ban smiling. it was a sad sad day. i still smile though, i don't care if i look like an idiot.
    that's epic. i love watching people fuck up xD

    i used to. but... it just became like "meh, don't feel like it anymore" so i stopped. but it was never serious like i needed a fix, it was just... whatever.
    September 29th, 2010 at 02:25pm
  • dude, i always love the homecomming game for that reason exactly. we have the worst field ever at our school, so the girls in heals always trip... and i could die laughing everytime. but instead while all that's happening the band has to play... and drumline can't smile >:/ (frustrated face) xD

    but i'm doing okay. kind of had a rough night, but went to play in a park so i'm all better.
    i've found that instead of doing drugs or punching shit when i'm having a bad day... playing in a park by myself makes the world a more bearable place. so life is quite alright. (:
    September 28th, 2010 at 01:54pm
  • delicious.
    i actually was sick like two fridays ago... and up until last saturday i had laryngitis. then sunday it came back. but as a birthday present my dad got me tickets to see metallica.
    and...i rocked a little to hard. voice gone the same day i got it back.
    not that i'm complaining though, totally worth it.

    but how do you do? all good i hope (:
    September 28th, 2010 at 12:13pm
  • awe. that makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
    kind of like the outside of a pear... that's how i feel.
    like, i have that effect on my friends, like... they don't stay any kind of angry or sad when we chill. but i didn't know i had that effect through the interwebs.

    so, i lost my voice, can't really hear that well... but am now dancing around my room. you made my day, love (:
    September 27th, 2010 at 10:47am