
i think i know just what i have to do

jessie maddison hollow. 17. pierced. gauged. happy. i'm gay i like girls only so sorry for all the guys out there.

i love making new friends, so you can be that right? :D

i'm single sadly, i need someone who makes me smile.

my friends mean most. :3 but if you want to be my friend be aware that i will either call you babe, or love.

sometimes i laugh really loud, mostly somewhere public and people look at my like i'm a freak.

my mum is my one and only hero.

i believe in world peace, you don't have too.
comment my pictures, make me smile(:

love not war get to know mee(:

add me on myyearbook:

baby, make me scream;

but there is one thing you should know

chapters: 100
characters: name & name
genre: type

chapters: 100
characters: name & name
genre: type

chapters: 100
characters: name & name
genre: type

leave her arms and forever be in mine

content: sailorjesse
coding: twisted spines
lyrics: stay // sugarland