I'm really upset. Can someone give me some advice? Thanks. :(

I vowed to myself that I would never become one of those girls who expressed their feelings on Mibba, Tumblr or Facebook, but I really want some advice.I really like this guy, but he has a girlfriend. He says he likes me back, and we've been talking for days now. He hasn't broken up with his girlfriend, and I said that I wasn't trying to break them up because that's rude. I want to date him, but I...
July 11th, 2011 at 08:25am

Someone please answer this question haha, it's been bugging me all day!

So one of my friends who recently started using Mibba pronouced it weird. Now that I think about it I don't know how to pronounce it! This feels awkward to ask since I've been a member for so long but is it pronounced Mee-bah or or Mibba with a short i? I'm kind of going to be embarrassed if it's prounounced Mibba haha because this whole time I've been pronoucing it Mee-bah. Since this has to be...
July 9th, 2011 at 07:06am

Boys boys boys, we like boys in cars..

Okay, so recently a user on here named elizabeth; was kind enough to make me a layout for my story She's a Dwelling Place for Demons (Ifyou don't know what story that is, please check it out here.) So for the 6 1/2 of you who actually read my story expect a new layout soon. I'm getting into writing my story, and for now I'm updating weekly. Comments encourage me, so the more comments I get,, the...
July 7th, 2011 at 09:48am

Oh haha, you guys. ;)

lskfjdmaemcakdflakmlkdma. SO! I finally updated my story. If you guys don't know what I'm talking about then please go here.anyways, I'm kinda wh*ring my story around, and I would totally appreciate some feedback. I LOVE it when I get comments. (What author doesn't?! Haha.) If you guys are interested in A7X fan fics, then that's what my story is. Even if you don't know who A7X is, you'd still...
July 6th, 2011 at 09:31am

Somebody help me before I explode.

I'm getting kind of annoyed that no one will comment on my story. It's an A7X fic, and I've gotten one comment so far, and I'm on chapter three. Does anyone have any good tips I could use to writing longer chapters? I get so stuck on what to write, and everything like that. PLUS I have no idea how to make a layout for my story. I'm pretty much clueless right now, and I'd appreciate some help. If...
July 6th, 2011 at 04:54am

Thank God. :) | Questions?

Finals are finally over! Plus this cute guy gave me his number today. :) I thought it was fake so I texted him to see, and it wasn't. :) Anyway, I'm pretty happy today, besides my hair looking like sh*t. :P Tomorrow should be a good last day of school, hopefully I get more numbers. ;) Hahaha, also it would be cool if someone commented on my story or something, I don't know if it's good, because no...
June 22nd, 2011 at 09:54pm

Now I see why everyone loves Mac Miller.

Okay, so everyone at my school is making a big fuss over Mac Miller. I had no idea why, and I never took the chance to actually listen to him. I honestly think he's pretty good. But before I actually listened to him, I shoved everyone's "Oh my Lord Mac Miller is so great!" of my shoulder. I'm considering downloading his stuff tomorrow if I have time, so that would be cool to do. Anyways, what do...
June 21st, 2011 at 07:40am

Enjoying my day.. :) | Questions anyone?

Today was surprisingly less stressful than I thought it would be. The finals I took were really easy, and I got out of school at 11:25. After I got home, I went with my mom to Target, got some hair dye (Finally) and then got Taco Time. :D The sun actually came out (Shocking for Washington.) and I feel like the universe has been by my side for a bit. :) I'm hoping tomorrow will go the same,...
June 21st, 2011 at 05:24am

The hope for me is you. | Questions?

Ah, so final exams are tomorrow, and I'm not to excited about it. I know we only have two periods and such but really? I hate final exams. All they do is put stress on us fellow students that don't need it. -_- Anyways, I was listening to My Chemical Romance, and I was like, I love these guys even more than I did before. Haha, yeah it was weird because I decided to put some music on while I slept,...
June 20th, 2011 at 07:17am

Okay, read this.

Okay so I'm about to leave and I have hardly enough time to get this out but hopefully some of you guys will actually do this. I made a tumblr this morning and I'm kind of wh*ring it out write now because I want people to follow me. It would mean the world if I just got 1+ follower when I got home from dinner tonight, so please follow me! My link to my tumblr isSamanthaVengeance.tumblr.com!Thanks,...
June 20th, 2011 at 03:54am

Just made a tumblr.

Okay, so I've been thinking about this for quite some time now, and I've recently read some postings on here sayin how great it is. Sooo, if you guys would go on my tumblr and follow me, give me some feedback, anything. That would be awesome.It would mean a lot to me if you guys followed me, because I don't want to post things and know that people aren't going to read it, therefore I would be...
June 19th, 2011 at 09:52pm

I need some constructive criticism. Or just some thoughts please? :)

So it's one in the morning from where I'm at, and I can't seem to fall asleep at the moment. Seeing as I had this song that I had partially written taunting me in my notes section of my iPod, I decided to try to finish writing, resulting in partial completion. -_-SO. That means that I need your help to see if I should keep our kill this mofo. Here it goes:She's got her middle fingers facing the...
June 19th, 2011 at 10:13am

Here are some questions for everyone to answer.

1. How is your summer going..? If you have already started your vacation, that is.2. Any plans..?3.Favorite band..?Regardless of all of those questions I just asked, how is everyone? I've been pretty bored here, only because I refuse to go outside in this horrid weather. Yes, it is raining right now. How lovely!On another note...Do any of you know of any acoustic bands or any bands with acoustic...
June 18th, 2011 at 11:58pm

I've decided to update.

Not on my story, (That no one bothers to read or comment on!) I know you're all dissapointed. Haha, sarcasm rules. :) Anyway, I just felt like writing everything that's been going on. I have finals next week (Yes, I'm STILL in school. Stupid Washington snow days..) so I'm really stressed about that. Other than that, I'm just dying for school to be over so I can finally end my Freshman year.Right...
June 18th, 2011 at 05:27am

Sometimes, I just wanna kick some a**.

So I'm still not out of school because of stupid snow days, so I have finals next week. I have a chance of getting extra cred in science if I write down all the key concepts in 7 chapters + vocab. So I've been doing that for the last four hours. I'm supposed to be sleeping by 10, but I thought this was way more important. But apparently sleep is more important than acing my science final. So I...
June 17th, 2011 at 08:26am

I'm not like them, but I can pretend.

If anyone recognizes the title of my entry, it's because it's the song Dumb by Nirvana.I felt like talking about Kurt and the band because I've been listening to them a lot lately, and I've been taking in Kurt's lyrics, you know, kinda analyzing them. Not to sound like a weirdo or anything, I just kinda really pay attention to what I listen to I guess. It seems to me that even though Kurt Cobain...
June 16th, 2011 at 08:10am

I'm sure that I'm the only one who feels this way.. Haha.

I always have those dumb moments when something lame happens and I end up sulking by my window listening to a childish "Look at me, I'm a preteen!" type song, thus all the while the rain is casually hitting my window.Now, you may be thinking why I would be having one of those moments now right?Maybe not. If so then cool. Haha..Anyway; so here it is, June 14th, 2011 and being the sh!t pile...
June 15th, 2011 at 08:20am

Oh Mother, You Always Cease to Understand When it Comes to This.

Okay, so lets see. I have to go to church two; sometimes three times a week. And don't get me wrong, I love God and stuff, but honestly I just hate going to the church that I go to. I've tried to convince my mother (And came pretty damn close) to switching churches. I actually love going to church when I don't have to deal with snot nosed little stuck up bitches. They all think they're better than...
June 14th, 2011 at 04:34am

Totally awkward request but..

Does anyone know of any good 40's or 20's music? I doubt I'll get any responses to this, considering I don't think anyone knows any. Haha, I'm just in the mood for some old fashioned music. You know with the women singing and the weird trumpets in the back ground? I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. If anyone of you play game where you harvest little girls and kill robots under the sea,...
June 13th, 2011 at 08:37am

Bored, tired, and thinking.

Do you ever have one if those moments when you should be doing something like eating, thinking, sleeping, etc. But you're really just staring at a wall or ceiling just thinking about things? I do all the time. I mean, the things I think about aren't even important you know? I kind of just go off in my own world. Don't get me wrong, I don't have ADD, but I tend to tune out everyone and everything...
June 13th, 2011 at 08:13am