
Sometimes you feel as if the whole world's against you and you can't do anything about it. well you just have to keep your head held high and keeping walkinh no matter what the weather because you are specail and so is everyone no matter what their flaws are or what they're like because who are we to judge personalites anyway? if you don't like the personality don't be mean it just means they're...
January 23rd, 2011 at 02:35pm

not myself anymore

hello! i have no idea where to start. let's start with school. my grades, levels, marks, let's start with english it's the mopst important for me, lately my levels have been dropping, in English, science, RE, PE. English is the most important to me since i want to be an author when i older.m i'm still in the top sets for most things. the problem with the whole top set thing is that my best friend...
January 14th, 2011 at 06:36pm