long while.

Hello, it has been over a year since I have written a journal or actually been on this site at all, thought I'd say hi and be like "hey I'm alive"A lot has changed over the last year and a half.My parents divorced last year in April :c though my mum has a new partner and is due with a baby this march, but the divorce is still being processed and the divorce isn't a nice one at all.I'm single.Um,...
February 8th, 2012 at 02:07pm

One confession.

I’m not always a nice person. I can be selfish, shallow and only ever think of myself. I can say harsh things which hurt people deeply. And I admit to it. I admit I can do wrong things, and I can be wrong. I sometimes just see myself and my problems. I complain too much, and that is another I admit; I have always known that. I don’t want a lot of attention from it, maybe a little, like we all...
September 16th, 2010 at 11:18am

First day of September

Lately. Yeah has been, somewhat. Good, like days have been really good. But some have just been shit.Two mondays ago. Me and my boyfriend has this fight, and i was crying, and he was swearing and I felt like an idiot and crappy, then i did something i regret, but we worked it out. He rang me that night, and we talked for ages, just about anything. And by the end of the night we were laughing on...
September 1st, 2010 at 10:12am


I have established, that I am better a journals on a regular basis rather than stories. So yeah i have a few blogs;www.giveuponallhope.tumblr.com and www.loveispainatitsbest.piczo.comc:Stories take me longer to get working on I guess.Eh i am so embarrassed right now, like last night my boyfriend was over and yeah we sort of were like kissing and what not. We joke about it being 'claiming' each...
August 16th, 2010 at 09:16am


They frustrate me. They do, they make me just want to rant at them for their wrongs. Though to me a wrong could be a right to someone else.Little kids; I can't stand them very well, especially the obnoxious ones, where they are learning new words, new stuff about the world, and they think they are older than they are and can do what they please. Pretty much think they are top shit as they close...
August 9th, 2010 at 10:11am

Out of Place

I just spent like two hours, searching for layouts, like actual decent ones. I will stick with the one i have, although it isn't perfect, but nothing ever is; is it?Tonight, I feel out of place, again another night of nothingness. I so badly want to be with Rowan, but I know I probably won't be able to see him this weekend, and I don't think i can wait till after school next week, I prefer being...
August 6th, 2010 at 02:00pm


Night everyone. It is 10.34pm here In South Australia, and I have school in the morning. SO i must be off. I hope when you all go to bed, whenever that is, you sleep well and have amazing, bright and imaginative dreams. They are always the best ones.I wish I had amazing dreams, I don't dream to often, does that make me boring or sad? I have some dreams, on rare occasions, i have little ones, like...
August 5th, 2010 at 03:11pm

It's late

I have school tomorrow.I have been inboxing my relationshipee. aha, i have a thing with the word boyfriend, i don't know it just seems so immature, but i have a thing with saying I love you, even to my family.So yes back to inboxing, I really don't know what to say about him, i know i can say anything because no one i actual know has one of these. It just all seemed to fit you know, I started...
August 5th, 2010 at 03:05pm

Piano Compositions

Im just in that mood, for pretty piano compositions; they make me feel sad but I like that. Oddly enough, im a bit twisted like that, sometimes i listen to cetrain songs to sort of 'punish' myself in a way? It sounds.. so, I don't know you chose the word. Sometimes we get too happy, and we think everything is going right and you need a little bit of reality or something to hit you to bring your...
August 5th, 2010 at 11:03am

I Love you.

There's only one thing two do three words four you, I love you. - 1234; Plain White T'sCute cute cute cute song, I really do love it, it makes me feel like wrapping daisy chains around my head, dancing around a campfire with friends and just jumping.Alright well, the reason I created an account on this site is because, someone was faking me on here, and I needed to register to comment to tell them...
August 4th, 2010 at 11:37am