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Are ya ready kids?


Currently: Online
Listening: Four Kicks- Kings of Leon

Hey! I'm Melissa and i love reading and all that great fun stuff... Ok now lets gets to the interesting stuff. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Patrick Wilson. If you don't know who he is its ok most people don't but i STRONGLY suggest you google him. I'm overly obsessed with Broadway musicals, i would love to be in one day but i really can't sing well... which sucks. Oh and Kings of Leon is the BEST band ever!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Well since this is a website where you write stories and poems and such i guess i should tell you my favorite books: A million little pieces by James Frey The Host by Stephanie Meyer The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld Searching for Davids Heart by Cherie Bennett Naked by David Sedaris Why Me by Deborah kent Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike How to dress your family in Coduroy and Denim by David Sedaris Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah Our Town by Thornton Wilder Can't get there from here by todd strasser. Many More!
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he.
If nautical nonsense be somethin' ya wish.
=]=]=] Pictures, Images and Photos
Sponge Bob Square Pants!
Melissa rocks! :D All of the coding of this layout belongs to Kate @ Love Drunk Layouts
Do not, in any way redistribute the coding as your own.

© Love Drunk Layouts