shakethesky / Comments

  • Well that is silly. Right now I'm winding down this term and I'll stop going to school five days a week and reduce my sentence to three days a week which is fantastic! So I think you should follow in my footsteps and take a few days off. :)

    Is it a German film ? Because it sounds really interesting, I want to check it out honestly. I like films like that, that have a really sweet message and an interesting plot.

    Uhm... I think that's really rude too honestly. I can't believe she didn't thank you at all! That's horrid. It's like... common sense to thank someone for going to all the trouble to purchase a present for you. Were they like that at all when you lived with them?

    And honestly, if you don't want Jess coming over the summer, just say so. Maybe I'm just a super blunt bitch or something but if you don't want her staying with you, just make up an excuse. Like oh I'm going on holiday for most of the summer or I'm working full time this summer so I don't think it'd be very fun for Jess to come over. OR (my personal favorite) just say your parents aren't comfortable with a stranger coming into their home. It's not like she can argue with that-- I totally use that excuse when I feel like staying in and my friends are pestering me to go out, haha. I'm so nice. ;)
    January 19th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • A part of me is super impressed that you lost three pounds in four days (even though it is ridiculously unhealthy) but then the other part of me is relieved that you're feeling much better now. I'd be devastated if something happened to my favorite German twin! :) Aside from sporatic illnesses, how're things for you?

    Ich bin gut, danke. I'm like soo exhausted; I went to school all day today and then worked a nine hour shift. I'm nearly falling asleep at my keyboard, but I'm trying to stay awake for a bit longer because my cousins from Germany (you're like six hours ahead of me so like.. I'm going to bed now and you're getting up for school now. It just amazes me; my mind is blown!) ... they came to America for the holidays and I was helping them with their English and I ended up helping them with this project thing. So they have a question for me about it, so I'm trying to stay awake so I can answer their Skype call before they head off to school for the day. Hence why I'm on mibba at one in the morning, so I can amuse myself until they call. I hope they don't mind that I'm in my pajamas and my hair looks fantastic as I just got out of the shower not too long ago, baha. So I apologize in advance if my comment gets rambly and doesn't make sense. I'm sleepy. :)

    Anyways, aside from that, it's just been school and work nonstop. I'm ready for another vacation, haha. Oh! And my new nephew is due in like six weeks. I'm so excited to meet him! :)

    Ahh I see. You're like a super sneaky awesome ninja with your food then. What happens if you get caught though? Do they just make you throw it away? Because I'd be the fat kid who always got caught with food. I pretty much always have food on me for some reason or another, lol.

    Baha. That could have been dangerous. I love fireworks; they're so much fun! And I can't remember where the Green Day show was. I was a bit tipsy. Shh, I'm not underage and drinking or anything. :P

    Haha, well I can name her Allison. Or Louisa. Or really any name you'd like. It's totally up to you, dude.
    January 12th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • Gah, it's going to be incredibly daunting trying to top your poetic little New Years shpeel (fucking epic word right there! Kudos to me for using it). So I will just settle for saying I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Years and you got everything you wanted and then some.

    Ooh that's good then. So in Germany, the teachers let you have food and drink in the classrooms? Because it's soo not allowed over here, except if you have those random rad teachers who just don't give a fuck and let you drink/eat in class all you want. I had a few of those in high school. They were my favorites. :)

    Awh that's a cute gift idea! I'm sure she appreciated it--I think all moms are programmed to like your presents, just because they came from their kid so they're automatically awesome. That being said, happy birthday to your momma! (How awesome would that be to be born around New Years?! It's like everyone's drinking in your honor)

    My New Years was really good, thanks. I worked 6am to 2pm on the eve AND on the day of New Years (But I was making like $20, thanks double time wages, so it was sweet) so I ended up staying in. Or at least that was the plan. The boyfriend ended up driving over with his two best friends and we watched films and drank in my basement until quarter to midnight when we went outside. Everyone was setting off fireworks at midnight and I got my New Years Kiss (:D!) and then as intoxicated as we were, we deemed it a good idea to set off a cannon. Long story short, I almost blew us all up. But I'm still alive so I consider it a good night, haha.

    How was yours? Ooh, I think I saw the Green Day show! Because they played a pre-taped show or something and I think I caught a bit of it. I think we're talking about the same thing or maybe not as I don't know how the broadcasting thing works in Europe and America. :|

    Oh my god, that's amazing and yet creepy at the same time. That's so cool that she only got the last thing buggered up, since the two of you are twins so it's only like a few moments between you two, yeah? I've always wanted to have someone read my palm because I'm totally interested in stuff like that but I'm slightly frightened of what she might find there, if that makes any sense. That story makes me want to go out and find someone who can read my palm now, haha.

    Awh. I've got the biggest, stupidest grin on my face right now from reading that last bit. It honestly means so much to me, what you've said and I'm so happy that you think of my writing in that way. This is making me want to open up my word documents and start writing again, haha.

    I think I'm going to make you a friend of Rilla's from college. Is there anything in particular that you'd prefer? Like a specific name or anything? You'll show up in two or three chapters. :)
    January 5th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • PS- I totally loled at your comment on my story. I love when you comment, because you always have the nicest things to say and it makes all the time I spend writing worth it to know that at least one person appreciates it.

    And sooo... I have a few character spots open, if you'd like to be in the story. I need some college friends for Faye and Rilla, a few people from Gilmans and some friends of Billie's siblings. So let me know, yeah? :)
    December 23rd, 2009 at 07:07am
  • Oh no, I didn't hear about poor Billie. That's horrid--I hope he's feeling better soon. Food poisoning isn't fun at all. And I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling well! Being ill around the holidays wouldn't have been fun for you.

    I know, right? I just want it to be summer again. I'm tired of school; I need a really nice long break. I'm well burnt-out, maaaan. Not cool.

    WHAT?! A drinking fountain?! You don't have those? How the hell do you get a drink then? Like you're sitting in class and you're like 'Shit, I'm thirsty. So now would be the time to stroll on out to the water fountain to quench my thirst but oh no! There is no drinking fountain. I am fucked now. Way to go, German schooling system. Way to go.' But seriously, I'm so intrigued. What happens if you get super thirsty in the middle of a lesson?

    I think all moms are programmed to say that because that's exactly what my mom said to me too. Because paying for my mobile and car insurance and to fill up my car (I drive a big SUV, so it's really expensive to fill up as opposed to a regular compact) twice a week is hell on my wallet. Especially since I only work two days out of the week since I go to school the rest of the days. Which is why I'm glad that my brothers were willing to go in on presents with me, so I could still get my parents something nice, just without setting me back too much. :)

    I think people in the UK do that. Like take a break after their GSCEs before they head off to uni. At least that's what my friend did. But she worked. Apparently they use it to relax and travel around. Which sounds like a really cool idea, it makes me sad that I didn't do something like that myself. Maybe in-between universities next year, I'll take a few terms off so I can recharge myself.

    Maybe he can bring his average up in the end? I mean.. is it really difficult? Maybe he'll pull a miracle out of his ass and end up with a really good score afterall. He sounds like my brothers--they all managed to skate through high school and get accepted into really good colleges. And I had to work my ass off just to maintain my B average, haha. Too bad my work ethic went out the door when I got to college...

    Anyways. In case I can't come online in the next few days, I just wanted to wish you a happy christmas. Hopefully you get some really cool presents and some time to hang out with your family. And relax on your off days from school! You need them. :)
    December 23rd, 2009 at 07:03am
  • Jesus son. That does not sound good at all. Are you sure you shouldn't get that checked out or is that completely normal? I've never had a vaccination from the flu before so I'm really actually quite clueless. But it just doesn't sound good!

    Are you feeling any better now though? (Because it's been a few days since I suck at life and commenting back promptly). Ahh the 22nd. That's my last day of lecture too. We can be free-from-school-for-the-holidays buddies together. I'll celebrate here in Ohio and you can celebrate in rad-ass Germany. :]

    Oh! I actually knew that, to be honest. One of my best friends in the whole wide world lives over in England and they call cafeteria's cantines too. To be completely honest though, I thought of those little... water flasks at first when you said cantines. I was like... uh great dude. We have cantines too? But I get it now, haha. Finally.

    Well that's completely understandable--the present thing. Thank god I was born in August so I have some time between my birthday and the holidays. That'd be devestating to have to share some of your birthday glory with Christmas; I'd be mad! My cousin is getting married like January 8 or something and I think it's so STUPID. Because then his wedding anniversary is going to be super close to Christmas and New Years and his fiancee's birthday is in January too. So he either has to come up with three ridiculously good gifts or get one really rad big one. Either way, it's too much pressure. I vote for marriage in like.. May. Or something else equally far, far away from the holidays, haha.

    I SOUND SO GREEDY RIGHT NOW. But I just enjoy presents. Maybe a little too much. But that's okay. I'm a girl. It's just expected of us sometimes, haha.

    Uhh me too. I'm constantly second guessing myself when it comes to presents. I'll stand in the store and just sortof wander up and down the aisles until I stumble upon something really cool. It's why I never buy clothes for anyone because I'm so worried that they won't like what I buy.

    But lucky me, I got my Christmas shopping done last week. I went out on a Saturday night with my best friend and we spent quite a few hours downtown shopping. The lines were atrocious--another reason why I should have started shopping earlier. But I'm such a procrastinator and I say it every year so I know it won't happen yet again. Haha.

    But I hope you get your shopping done! And that you feel better. Just in time for the holidays. :)
    December 18th, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • Yeah. That's what everyone keeps telling me, that the hours are long and tedious and the pay is literally non-existant. Which is why I'll start off at a regular job, I suppose. Since obviously I'll need to pay rent and be able to eat. Hopefully though one day I will be able to support myself on my writing alone. We'll see though. :)

    I think dentistry could be really rad. Except I'm a bit of a germaphobic and I couldn't put my hands in other peoples' mouths. Especially if they have horrid teeth. Dude, if she becomes a doctor, she'd be Dr. WhateverYourLastNameIs and then people will be super impressed when they meet her. I would be anyway. ;)

    Ahh! Those are all fantastic songs, I am ridiculously jealous. I wish our MTV would show rad stuff like that. But then again, I don't ever have time for tv because of school. Except I'd make time for Green Day because well... it's Green Day and really, I'd be insane to not want to make time for them. Is it bad that I was secretly rooting for Billie's pants to fall down? :P

    Gah. Airports are so silly. The last time I flew alone, my gate got changed and I just barely made it across the airport. It was so annoying; it's why I will never fly by myself if I can help it. Plus it's so boring when you're by yourself.

    Oh jesus. And I thought my twenty-five minute drive to campus was horrendous. I thought driving was really bad though in Berlin. From what my aunt told me about the city, everyone just walks everywhere. Though, granted I realize now that it'd be next to impossible to walk a forty-minute car trip and possibly expect to get to class on time.

    Also, what're cantines ?

    Uhhm me and you both, mate. I'd have been beyond mortified if I walked into my room on the first night and saw a stranger completely naked. Some people are just super comfortable with their bodies, I guess.

    I think all siblings are like that. I'm one of six and I know growing up we fought nonstop over everything but the moment someone else made fun of a sibing, the five of us would group up and get all protective and defensive. It's like.. a law in the sibling's bible. :)

    Alsooo, tell your brother I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I want you to know I attempted to write it in German but I can't remember the exact translation. So I figure he'd appreciate the English version just as much. :) How old is he now?
    December 7th, 2009 at 05:30am
  • I think when I speak German, it sounds terrible. But like.. when my cousin starts to talk in German (he practices English with me), I think it sounds really cool. Maybe it's just me and I have a thing for accents and foreign languages in general. I don't know. I mean, it's not a pretty language by any means, but it still sounds really cool.

    I guess it's kindof like how I don't think English sounds cool at all. And I've never met anyone who think it sounds good either. Maybe it's just because we speak our own languages every day so we're just sortof jaded, you know?

    I'm really not sure yet. I know ultimately I want to write. But I've been talking to local authors here and they've all been saying it's really hard and obviously I know it's going to be, it's a lot of work. Anything that's worth anything is work. But I brought in some of my writing for this published professor at my college and she absolutely ripped it to shreds. Which is fine, I took the writing in and asked for her help with it. But I mean she was going on and on about how horrid it was and everything and this is how the story really should have ended and whatnot. And I was like.. oh, okay then. Because as tough as I act, I really don't have thick skin and that story was really important to me, it was like my baby.

    So now I'm just doubting myself and I'm really not sure how I'm going to get there, you know? But in the mean time, I'd love to be an editor. I think that would be an amazing job, to sit there all day and read people's manuscripts. I can see myself doing that. :)

    Sciences were never my thing either, haha. I have a cousin who's a dentist! I think law would be really cool- my uncle's a lawyer and I've always found listening to his cases really fascinating. Plus you get paid to argue, even if you're wrong. And architecture sounds rad too. I think that would be really cool to walk past a building and be like "Yeah, I designed that. What now?!"

    Haha. Kindof like when I flew out to Cali for a few weeks. It was comfortable here in Ohio and then we landed in San Diego and I nearly suffocated walking out into the heat. What was Frankfurt like? Or did you not really venture too far into the airport?

    That's what happened to Cait, one of my best friends. She got assigned to a dorm in her freshman year with this girl named Mary. She was SO annoying. I spent a weekend up there and I very nearly smacked her. She had this high-pitched voice that sounded like she sucked on helium twenty-four/seven and she was SUPER Christian. She spent like forty minutes trying to convert me and I finally turned to her and said I worshipped Satan and we were planning a spring wedding. She left me alone after that, haha. Ooh and one of Cait's friends, Ellen, got paired up with this girl who slept naked. Even with Ellen in the room. Poor El walked in the first night and was like WHOA and Ria was just like "Oh yeah, I sleep naked." To be completely honest, I'd have requested a new roommate after that, haha. The entire situation is just awkward to even think about...

    Other times though you get really lucky and get assigned to someone really cool. Like my mom met her two best friends back in college; they were all dorm-mates together and they've kept in contact for thirty years and to this day, they're still best friends. They come over all the time and everything. So you pretty much have a fifty/fifty shot at getting someone rad or just creepy.

    The size really depends on the housing units. The majority of dorms are pretty tiny, barely enough room for two beds and two desks. But sometimes you can get one of those really cool, two-room dorms so you have like a sitting room area and a bedroom. It just really depends on what university you attend.

    I have seen the film once, a long time ago. I remember bits and pieces of it but I think I remember what you're talking about. :)
    December 3rd, 2009 at 08:07pm
  • Aaaaaaand I forgot to answer your question about the dorms, oops.

    Anyways, the dorming system here in America is really simple. If you're an incoming freshman, you decide to either dorm on campus or commute daily to school. If you decide to dorm, you get paired up with another incoming freshman, a stranger basically. And you get a letter a few weeks before your orientation week that tells you your dorm room, what building you're in, who your roommate is etc, etc. And you just move in with them for the entire school year. But if you're a returning student, meaning you've dormed the previous year, some universities allow you to pick who your dorm-mates for the next year will be. Like if you've made friends with someone and you want to live with them.

    You can have anywhere from one to three roommates in one dorm-room. The way my best friend lives is on a four story building and the first floor is boys, the second floor is girls and so on. Each floor has an RA (Resident Assistant) who is in charge of the floor. You report to them if there's a problem and they make sure people follow the rules. Basically like a parent.

    Anyways. Each building has a common room (like Harry Potter--I named Cait's common room "Gryffindor Tower" because I'm rad like that) and that's where everyone goes to watch TV or hang out with friends from other buildings. There's also an area for when the cafeteria is closed and that's where there's a microwave and whatnot so you can snack if you're hungry between meals. But most college students keep mini-refrigerators in their dorm-rooms and even microwaves so they don't have to share with others.

    Dorm rooms are normally pretty sparse. Some come furnished and others don't. My friend's room was completely empty when she moved in. But I know other people who got issued one bed, one mattress, one desk and one bookshelf. And then it's up to you to decorate your half of the dorm and make it cozy and homey because that's your home for the next eight months of your life, haha. :)

    Hopefully I haven't bored you to tears with my long-winded explanation and that you understand it, haha. It makes sense to me, but I suppose that's just because I know what I'm talking about. So yeah. Does that make sense at all? Haha. :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 07:02am
  • It's understandable that you'd miss Germany if you came over here again. Hell, I'd miss America if I went over to Germany. But if you really, really want to come over here to study, why not go on after you've graduated from university in Germany and can pay for it yourself? Like... I don't know the German equivalant, but here it's called your master's degree. You get what I'm trying to say?

    My uncle teases me all the time because (he used to live in Berlin, so obviously he knows German really well) I'll be trying to say something and I can't quite get my mouth to move the way I want it to (that's what she said!) to form the word properly. And I feel really stupid because I end up butchering your language. But I'm getting better! Slowly, but surely. I feel like half the time I'm just throwing together consonants to make up a German word. :|

    My mom speaks fluent French and so she's been speaking it to me since I was little so I'm actually pretty fluent in it. So I grew up around English, French and German. I was a trilingual baby-- my grandma used to sing to me in German. :D

    I can imagine switching gears like that'd be pretty difficult. Hell, I've been speaking English for almost twenty years (holy crap, I'm OLD) and I still get confused. But maybe that's just because I'm really slow sometimes... ;)

    Well I go to a tiny college here in my home city right now. It's my second year here and I graduate in about twenty-seven weeks with my Associate of Arts degree. So after that, I'm transferring to this private university so I can complete my bachelor's degree in English. So by the time I'm 21, I'll have two college degrees, if I graduate on time. And after that, I might be going on to get my Master's degree, but we'll see. I fucking hate school so it probably won't happen, haha.

    Okay, so don't quote me on this but I'm almost positive it's right outside of Frankfurt. So if you're in Hannover, that's to the south of you, correct? I have family out there and I've only ever seen it in photos and I was curious to see what it was like. My parents are talking about flying out to visit in a few months and I'm like DUDES, TAKE ME WITH YOU! So hopefully it works out-- I so want to go to Germany. :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 06:50am
  • Holy shit. Yeah... I'd have died if I went to school in Germany. It makes sense, the way you explained it, but it just seems SO complicated. I mean you must be absolutely burnt out at the end of your Tuesdays. How can they possibly expect you to pay attention by like, the seventh class of the day!? That is actually ridiculous. I'll be feeling for you on Tuesdays from now on, haha.

    Ooh it's international. Which means you can study here in Americaaaa. I already knew about the Abitur and the 1-5 thing. And I'm not sure where I picked that up from-- I probably read it somewhere and filed it away for compeltely random info. :)

    JESUS. Yes okay. I'd positively die if I went to school over there with you. Note to self: don't even attempt to go into psychology over in Germany. I feel so immensely stupid now and sortof like America's schooling system is a joke, haha.

    Well I'm pumped you liked my German attempts. I'm like a million times better at writing it than I am at speaking. I have such difficulties pronouncing some of your words. But I can get by pretty well. So if I came to Germany, I can rest assured that I wouldn't embarrass myself too much. Key words: too much.

    I actually don't live in a dorm. The college I attend now is so tiny, there wasn't any room for dorms. So I drive thiry minutes every day to attend lectures. The next university I'm going to, however, does have dorms. So I'm looking into dorming just because it's an awesome experience I don't want to miss out on. However, my best friend lives in a dorm which is why I know how it all works out and everything. It's actually a really cool setup-- the dorming system I mean.

    Okayyy so random question. Have you ever been to... Nauheim ? I probably butchered the spelling on that horribly but oh well. Anyways I asked because that's where my family lives over in Germany and I wanted to know if you've ever been there. :)
    November 22nd, 2009 at 07:27am
  • Ahaha. I'm no where near fluent in German but I like to think I can stumble along pretty well. I'm still not sure what made me start writing in German, I think it was because I may or may not have been blasting Nena. But shh, don't tell anyone. ;)

    I totally thought of you after I posted it too. I was like 'pffft, she'll appreciate my horrid attempts at German.' Yay!

    Billie's a smartass and I love him so much more for it. Actually that's how I answered something on my biology final back in high school. My teacher was so amused she let me keep the credit. Being an obnoxious, smartass totally pays off sometimes.

    I AM SO EXCITED FOR BILLIE AND RILLA TO MEET. So excited, in fact, that I had to use caps lock. I feel as though you'll appreciate my enthusiasm so I needn't worry about embarrassing myself. :)
    November 15th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • Awh. I love babies- did he ever get to kiss youu? You were his German girlfriend, haha. :) Your host family should have taken you trick-or-treating! That's half of the fun of Halloween, getting candy and then eating half of it and getting super hyper and doing stupid things, like attempting to skateboard down the biggest hill in the neighborhood with pillows strapped to your chest. Personal experience... it didn't turn out so good for anyone involved. But that's another story.

    Six weeks is like... less than half of our summer vacations. I would be pissed, man. I love having four months off of school. I get so burnt out going to school eight months out of the year. But what are your hours for school? Like is it an all day thing or do you go like eight to three like our high school ... ?

    Coincidentally I am wearing a shirt right now from my senior year in high school, haha. I think pretty much everyone strolls around in their high school gear. Schools are a BIG deal here-- you can tell a lot about people just from where they went to school. Like, where I went, was the typical snooty all-girls school and where all my brothers went was the snooty national honors all-boys school. It's rather annoying to categorize everyone based on their schools but it's just the way things are done, I suppose.

    Oh no. That's so horrid! I can't even imagine something like that. His poor wife and family. I remember reading something about how he died but I didn't know it was suicide. Ooh, I feel so badly for his wife and baby. Was he a really good soccer player ?
    November 14th, 2009 at 08:04pm
  • I know Europe isn't really into Halloween or Thanksgiving because we all don't celebrate the same holidays obviously, but the idea of not celebrating Halloween is mind-boggling to me. Halloween is my favorite holiday, right before Christmas. I couldn't imagine NOT celebrating it, you know? But that's just because I've always done it.

    So did you have fun celebrating it at Homecoming? Autumn is like the season for Homecoming and all the highschools over here are going crazy with their parades and dances and games and whatnot. I never went to the Homecoming festivities just because it seemed pointless to go psycho over school spirit for one week and then revert back to being apathetic the rest of the year. But I'm glad you went and experienced it. :)

    I think it would be rather fun to go to school in Europe for a bit. My friend who was in Germany for a few weeks over the summer in that exchange program had to go to school because apparently you guys were still in session? And he said you have a really long school day too. And I thought eight to three was bad, haha. But anyway, I'd like to go and experience it (school in Europe, that is). I think it would be really interesting to see all the differences between the schooling systems, as dorky as I now sound.

    Ahaha! Awwh, that's cute. See, I'm the exact opposite. I was the kid who was outside from the moment I woke up until dark when I was forced to come inside since it was dark. I was always climbing trees and biking to my friends' houses-- I can remember one time my brother and I... the house I grew up on was built into a hill, if that makes any sense. So the front yard was up really high and the side yards were all steep hills and then my back yard was low and that's where our basketball court was. Anyway, I can remember us making a ramp at the bottom of the side yard hill with like.. a piece of plywood and some cinder blocks and we thought it would be a brilliant idea to start at the end of the driveway, pedel as fast as we could and ramp off the jump on the bike. My bike had a flat tire so I remember standing on his pegs on the front wheel and Michael took off. It was fine all the way until we started to come down after ramping, he landed and lost his balance but I was flung off the bike and flew across the yard and landed face first on the concrete of the basketball court.

    I just remember standing up and looking over at him and my face is stinging and I look down at my shirt and there's just blood pouring down. I ripped all of the skin off of my nose and my entire face was all scratched up and bleeding. I had to go get staples in my head, ahahaha. So it totally wasn't our best idea ever. I had fun doing it though... until I kissed the concrete and almost gave myself a concussion. Sometimes I just don't think things through, that's all.

    It's got some advantages though, my knee I mean. I had to sleep on the sofa on the first floor for a few days because I couldn't handle going up the stairs with crutches. My dad eventually started carrying me, haha. And I get catered to a lot which is rad. The only thing that really bothers me is that I can't just get up and go and move around, like I'm used to. But only a few more weeks and my uncle said I could take the brace off. Hopefully, it'll be better by then. :)

    Oh no. Are her fish okay? Why would he do that? Listening to people fight is no fun, the yelling is scary. Maybe when it happens, go out on a walk with your sister or something ? I'm sorry that they're fighting though. :(
    November 5th, 2009 at 04:54pm
  • I know what you mean. I'm really, really close with my little brother. He's only fifteen but still, we get along really well. I have a pretty good relationship with all of my siblings (there are six of us!) but I'm also alright on my own, as well. I cannot even imagine having a twin by my side all of my life and then having them taken away from me for five months. That had to have been horrid. Maybe you can patch up your relationship again? Maybe ask him to hang out with you on the weekend or something? I'm sure he misses your company too.

    I wear t-shirts all year round, haha. But I layer it so I can get away with it. I always manage to have a hoodie with me too. Because I get cold so easily. I like winter just because I think snow is gorgeous and I love Christmas. And I love fall because I love Halloween and Thanksgiving. But you're right, out of all of the seasons, summer is and always be my favorite. No school and it's sunny! Two amazing reasons right there. :)

    Soo... I'm an invalid for the next couple of weeks. I'm SO pissed. My little nephew, Chase, was running down my driveway (He's only about a year and a half and just learning to run) and I thought he was going to fall so I sprinted after him at top speed. But then he stopped and I was still running so in order to miss knocking him over, I did an amazing leap over him. But then I landed funny and my knee is all fucked up now. I went to my uncle, who is a bone doctor, and apparently, my kneecap is separated from the rest of my leg because I landed at the wrong angle. I'm like SHIT. So now it's all lovely and swollen and I hobble around everywhere. And I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and I can't dance-- I'm more upset over the lack of dancing than the actual pain part, haha. I'm sure I'll look waaay hot out on the dance floor in my knee brace and everything. :P

    How're you? Is school getting any better for you ?
    October 30th, 2009 at 01:58am
  • Well yeah, it was a bit weird at first living in a house that wasn't mine. It took me forever to find anything but ... I still couldn't make myself at home, like the woman told me to. I felt super awkward sprawling out on their sofa to watch television, haha. It was a little bit better when my best friend stayed with me because than she helped to ease the tension. To be completely honest, I was so creeped out showering in their shower. I don't know why. I guess it's just because I think of bathrooms as personal, private, intimate places and... it was just awkward for me to use their shower. :(

    Oh my. That's so horrid! I can't believe your host family was so rude. I feel so bad for you! It makes me wish you had come to Ohio and stayed with my family instead, haha. But I can empathize with the not feeling at home bit. I'd imagine it'd be pretty awkward to get dumped into someone's home and be expected to adjust immediately.

    Liv Tyler is pretty. And as bitchy as this is going to make me sound, I don't think she's that pretty that your host person had to rave over it. But it was a good film and she's cute, so it's all good. Uhhhhhm yes I know. Peeing when someone else is in there is always so awkward. If it were anyone other than my best friend, I couldn't do it.

    See, I'm the opposite after I watch scary movies. I'm fine when the lights come on and I'll be fine all the way up until I climb into bed and turn my light off. And that's when I think about the movie and freak myself out. Case and point, Morgan (my best friend) and I saw Paranormal Activity in theaters two nights ago and I was freaked out during the film, but when it ended, I was fine. And then as we were leaving the ice cream parlor, I was like "Come stay with me! You can use the pullout bed in my room but I'm so fucking freaked out." And then she was like "OMG, I was JUST about to ask if I could come over because I was scared to go home" So it was alright in the end. :)

    Oh jesus christ. Does your teacher do a curve or something? Like since obviously all the students bombed, are they going over the material again and letting you retake it? Because that's so uncool if they're not. >:(

    PS-- Soo lucky you have your own bathroom! Though I mind as well have my own as I share with my little brother and he has all of like two things in there. And the rest is all mine..... :)
    October 26th, 2009 at 05:03am
  • Haha yeah, I did sit around and watch a shit load of television. But I also went to school some days (but mostly I skipped just because.. I was home alone and I could and so I did ;]) and since their house was in a different town than the one I live in, I explored a bit with my best friend. We went into a bunch of little shops and had lunch out a few times. My favorite was the pirate store! Except the worker was a creeper and asked me out and he was like 30 and the ultimate geek. So that wasn't cool. But it was really cool, I felt like I was living on my own which was awesome. They left money for me to have meals and to buy gas for my car so it was pretty much like a week long vacation for me- sweet !

    Yes, I think I have! Liv Tyler is in it, isn't she? I watched it at like two in the morning with my sister once when she was like eight and a half months pregnant and she kept warning me to not let her go into early labor, hahaha. And then we both got so frightened that she didn't want to go back to her apartment and spent the night on my floor. We're so brave, I know.

    I hate when you're hanging out with your friends and you watch horror films and everyone gets freaked out. The last time that happened, as soon as the movie ended, I had to pee so I made my best friend come into the bathroom with me and stay so I didn't get murdered. It's also why, whenever I go into a bathroom, I look behind the shower curtain/door because I'm so freaked out that a person might be behind it. Pathetic, I know. And I'm not even too sure what I'd do even if there WAS a person behind the curtain one day, haha.

    Oh my god, you poor thing. Ten periods a day?! And I thought twenty credit hours in college was horrid. I feel for you, man. At least you're almost out though, right? And is November this massive test thing you were telling me about or is that something completely different ? I know what you mean about time going so quickly. I have two more weeks and I'm finally finished with this term and I get seven days off to recover. I'm like halleluijah! I just want to be able to sleep late for once and then stay in my pajamas all day and write. Is that too much to ask for!? :P

    I feel you on this cold thing, dude. It's been freezing here for the past week or so and I'm not ready for it to start snowing. I woke up this morning and had to put on my heavy jacket so I wouldn't freeze on my way to breakfast, haha. Right now it's 11 degrees outside, ELEVEN. I walked from my dad's car to the restaurant and nearly froze to death. I miss the summer and the sun. :(
    October 18th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • Bahaha! I'm not going to lie, that is amazing. I'm just picturing him like falling off the stage and all the fans going WTF?! And then Billie like leaping back up and being like I'M ALIIIIIVE and everyone going crazy. God I love those boys<3

    So I've been house sitting for the past week. I was supposed to get back tonight but the people came back a day early so I got to come home. It was so creepy! It was this massive house and it's in the middle of the woods and it rained nonstop for the entire week that I was there. My bed was in the basement on one of the pull-out sofa beds and I'd be trying to go to sleep and it would lightning and light up the whole room and I got so freaked out, I ended up calling my best friend at like three in the morning and being like 'come stay with me!' I felt like a little whiny bitch but I was scared. :( I'm just thrilled to be back in my own bed. :)

    How've you been?
    October 15th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • Holy balls, I am so jealous!! That definitely sounds like an amazing night, I'm really glad that your dad's friend came through and you got in-- how exciting that you were on the guest list! You had to have felt like a VIP :)

    Bahahaha. I love the fact that Billie has a little gut hanging over his jeans. It makes me feel like he's not even famous, like he's a regular guy. Awh Green Day:)
    October 12th, 2009 at 02:04am
  • Ooh clothes. I need a new winter jacket. I had a huge puffy parka last year but I think I left it back at my old house. This year, I'm aiming for a peacoat just because I think they're cute. :D

    I love autumn and winter though. But that's because my two favorite holidays fall in those seasons: Halloween and Christmas. Other then that, they can just go away, I agree. Summer is the best season. I miss summer too.

    Ooh silly. I hate, hate, hate when your sibling meets this really incredible person and everything's going amazingly and then they break it off and you can't see them anymore. One of my really good friends is dating my older brother now and they've broken up a handful of times and each time it's like.. do I have my brother's back and distance myself from her or do I have my friend's back and support her? It's always terribly hard and it's no fun to lose someone fun like that.

    Haha, yesss! I'd panic and be like "quick, say something in German to distract them!" and then end up like... blushing furiously the entire time because when I get nervous, I ramble. So you'd be staring at the floor and I'd just be babbling about something totally pointless and Green Day'd be like "Holy shit, get us out of here!" But on the plus side, we'd have met Green Day....

    Ahahaa! I loved his chin(s). Though when he wore that cheetah print thong and danced about on stage, I almost lost my lunch but that's okay. He still is amazing in my books.

    I frikkin' love writing Billie's character in my story. Wait scratch that, I love writing Green Days characters in my stories. I couldn't tell you why, I just think they're really interesting and relatable. Plus I love Tre's character a lot. I'll be writing a conversation with Tre and Billie and be sniggering at the computer. It's no wonder my family thinks I'm insane. ;)
    October 10th, 2009 at 07:12am