shakethesky / Comments

  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    I finally updated Long Road to Ruin!
    February 16th, 2012 at 02:23pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Why are you no longer in my life? I miss you! :(
    November 30th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    I updated Long Road to Ruin :)
    October 23rd, 2011 at 05:13pm
  • ghostfalls.

    ghostfalls. (100)

    Awesome picture of BJ.
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:04pm
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)
    May 21st, 2011 at 04:36pm
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    Updated again :)
    March 6th, 2011 at 04:15pm
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    Finally updated :)
    February 26th, 2011 at 03:01am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness, please don't apologize. You poor girl- you sound so stressed out! And rightfully so, I'd imagine. I cannot even fathom how you're getting through all of this.

    Truthfully, though, you're brilliant and I'm sure you're doing extremely well in your exams. You're almost to your month break and then you can have some breathing time before the abitur starts. And then freedom, right?!

    Are you doing anything for your head/back aches? Is it because you're studying too hard? I find warm, damp washcloths work really well when I have a bad headache. That and I lay down for a bit. Same with a heating pad for my back. As soon as your month of freedom comes 'round, you should definitely have a day to yourself. You of all people deserve it. :)

    Oooh! Tell me about this boy! I'm intrigued. :D

    Yes!! I graduated and they contacted me yesterday to give me my diploma. So I have a college degree. It's really weird to think about it, because I'm so young (or at least I feel young...) Too bad I'm going to another university and getting my second degree, so I still have two more years before complete freedom. Boo. :(

    I opted not to walk in my graduation. And now Mum thinks I'm being a big pushover. I just have no desire to sit through all of those names and degrees and awards, when I can just have my diploma sent to me. Plus I'll save money on not purchasing a cap and gown and whatnot. I'm being thrifty! Sortof, haha. :)

    Please feel better soonxx
    February 12th, 2011 at 01:05pm
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    Thank you very much for the story comments. I'm glad you like my writing! All of my stories are Green Day, if you'd like to read more :). I'll update when I can but I'm having writer's block lately.
    February 6th, 2011 at 12:24am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Mibba's been acting silly like that. I didn't log in for a few weeks -but I did check my email- and then I happened to log in and I had missed a couple of messages and profile comments. I felt horrid, because I didn't want people to think I'd been ignoring them. So I definitely feel your pain on that front. Don't worry about it, I know you're busy. :)

    Thank you. They did do the operation in the end and now he's come home to be comfortable. Mum's trying to prepare me to say goodbye though, which scares the hell out of me. But I guess I'll have to do it eventually, because I know he's not going to be around for forever. It's just scary to think of people close to me leaving and never coming back, you know?

    I completely understand the Alzheimers thing. My mom's mother died from the disease, as well. And in the end, she didn't recognize anyone. She even forgot her husband died a few months prior and she kept asking for him. It was so bad; I hated going to visit her. But she tried to run away from the nursing home, as well. She had her bags packed and everything, so she had to get put into a high security unit so she couldn't escape. I shouldn't laugh about it, but she was so cute and determined to go back home.

    Ahh well done! Congratulations! I'm proud of you! I knew you'd do really, really well. You're insanely smart. So what's next for you in school? I know you said these were like pre-tests to the Abitar (I think there's supposed to be a u in there somewhere. Abitur? Whatever, you know what I'm talking about, haha), so do you just continue to prepare for the actual exam thing now?

    I'm doing better, thank you. I found out I graduate Jan 31, so I am incredibly proud of myself. Especially since I took a break and everyone was telling me I wasn't going to go back. (I'm a bit infamous for my hatred of school, haha). But yeah, I'm super pumped. Also just found that my older sister is having a baby girl, so I get another niece. I am beyond excited. I wanted another little girl to spoil rotten. :D

    How are you?
    December 16th, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I fail at replying back in a timely manner. I'm so sorry for taking so long to get back to you- it's been a ridiculously crazy couple of weeks. I'm only just now getting around to replying back to everyone and I feel so badly for ignoring everyone.

    My trip to Cali got cut short because my Opa had a massive stroke back in my city. And as they were running tests on him in the hospital, they found a cancerous tumor in his intestines. He's woken up once since he's been hospitalized and now the doctors are saying he's in the early onsets of dementia. So he's slowly losing his mind and forgetting people/places/events and it breaks my heart, because he's such a brilliant man. And he's been reduced to this lifeless ... thing and I can't do a damn thing to help him.

    They're discussing his operation, like they're trying to decide if it's going to be worth cutting him open and removing the cancer- there's a big change of him dying because he's so old. And it makes me so unbelievably angry that they're sitting there playing god. This is my Opa; who're they to decide whether or not he can't live anymore?

    So my trip to Europe got called off, so I'm a bit bummed about it. My friend wants me to fly out to Wales to stay with her for a couple of weeks, because she says I sound really stressed out. Which I guess I am. I just have to convince my parents to let me fly out to Wales by myself, hah.

    So between my Opa and me getting put in the hospital myself, I've just been.. ahhh. I want to curl up and sleep until the new years. I wish none of this had to happen and I'm so frightened that he's going to die. I don't know how I'm going to handle myself if he does pass away. If I'm this much of a wreck now, I'm probably going to be a hundred thousand times worse if he does die.

    But! Enough of me and my sad ramblings. On to bigger, more cheerful things, right? Congratulations! I'm so excited that you got the job. Having a steady source of income is a wonderful feeling and while having a job can sometimes be a damper on things, it's alright in the end. :)

    Oh snap. Don't be scared! You're an incredibly bright person; I know you'll be just fine. These are just pre-tests now, right? So I mean, do they count for anything or are they just practice? You're going to be great, I promise. I have the utmost faith in you!

    How did your bilingual history test go? Have you taken any others yet?

    PS- Thank you SO much for your comment on Bluebird. (Figured I'd do one fell swoop and reply to all of your comments at once) I appreciate it so, so incredibly much. I was worried that no one was going to read the story itself and then I found out that one of my favorite commenters is, I had such a big smile on my face when I realized you left a comment. I had no idea you would read it- I remember us having a conversation about TH a while back. But I'm so glad that you are. It makes me really happy. :)

    Haha, the random German word. I couldn't decide if it was going to be super annoying to mix the two languages together, but I figured I could practice my German, right? And hey, I have a native German person's approval, so I must be doing something right, right? And Bienenstich! YES. My Oma made it. I seriously had a fat moment when she brought it out. I'm always pestering her to make it when I go over, because it's SO amazing. And Mum does a shit job at making it. I'm just saying. I'm going to beg her to make it for Christmas, so we'll see how successful I am in this, haha. :D
    December 2nd, 2010 at 04:17am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    That's amazing. I would love to travel all around Europe. I'm such a huge travel nerd- if I could find a career that involved both traveling and writing, I'd be all over that. I think it's so much fun.

    SPEAKING OF, I am going to be in your country in less than two weeks. Yeah that's right. I'm going to be in Germany. I'm unbelievably terrified of the flight over there, but it's all going to be worth it in the end.

    I hope you know I'm calling it the Tea Snuggery from now on, because that is easily the coolest name for a cafe that I have ever heard. I don't even care that the real meaning of the name probably got lost in translation. So you are, for sure, a full-time employee? That's amazing. Congratulations! I'm excited for youuu

    Ugh, I fail epically hard at updating my Billie story. I know it's been ages. But I've started my NaNoWriMo project, so that's all I've been focusing on lately. I'm going to try my best to update, but I've just... sortof lost my inspiration unfortunately. :|

    So how have you been !?
    November 3rd, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oooh, Madrid! I'm so jealous; that's amazing. I bet it's all beautiful and fantastic. I want to see pictures! And I'm glad that you had a good time. You deserve it. You work so hard, so I'm happy that you had a chance to unwind and have a good time. :)

    And ahhh! (I want you to know that I squealed a little bit in excitement for you... because I'm kinda lame, haha) I'm so late on this, but how did it go!? Are you officially a full-time employee at the cafe? What do you do? Ooh, I'm excited, haha.

    Thank you so much for your kind words about my story. It means so much to me and I had such a dorky smile on my face the whole time I was reading it. I'm just glad that my writing lived up to your expectations. You're right; Abigail isn't going to let Billie go without a fight- she'll be showing up in the sequel. ;)

    That being said, the sequel is posted! It's called Fingerprints:

    Und Ich liebe dich auch<3
    October 17th, 2010 at 06:06am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ooh, another cafe. That's awesome! What're you doing? Have you started yet?

    I get what you mean about the listener bit. I can be like that with new people too. I envy those people who can small talk effortlessly. I can't, I guess I'm a bit socially backwards, haha. I get tongue-tied and shy. :S

    Gah. You always find a way to compliment me so well and it makes me blush horridly every time. But I appreciate your kind words from the bottom of my heart and I know I sound like a broken record, but I love knowing that my little story resonates so well with people. Even people halfway across the world. :D

    Oh dear. That's extremely rude, I'll admit. And especially at such a late notice. And to do so via an email is really tacky. The least he could have done is call you at least twenty-four hours in advance. That's what most businesses do: you have until twenty-four hours prior to your appointment to cancel without a servicing fee, otherwise you'll still get billed for their services, even if you didn't use them. You should instate that rule. ;)
    September 15th, 2010 at 06:59am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oh no! That's horrid that you're getting ill. Take some medicine and go to bed early? Get a good night's sleep. I hope you feel better. :(

    Oh, so you are taking the job at the ice cream shop? That's the one at the zoo, right? That's kindof awesome, not going to lie. Where are the other two girls working?

    I had one of those the other day with my brother's new girlfriend. I just kindof looked away and we both sat there. And then I busted out laughing and then all of the tension went away. Thank god she was as nervous as I was, haha. There are a few people that the conversation just sortof goes, you're right. I think a lot of people write me off as obnoxious because I just talk. You know what I mean?

    Bahaha! I love that all of the Armstrongs seem to have this smartass mouth about them. That is awesome. I loved his response. I would get so annoyed if people were only adding me because I was related to someone famous honestly. I'd probably have to make like.. a separate account for privacy, you know?

    Finally, thank you so much for your story comment! I love that you make yourself comfortable before reading my chapters. The mental image is adorable. I work really hard to make sure that Billie is a believable character and I'm so glad that you've picked up on it. I mean, he's a messy 21 year old. He also reminds me a lot of myself in the sense that I have done the stairs thing before and I have sniffed a glass to make sure it's clean, haha. :D

    And I'm so pumped that you picked up on my German. And that you responded. It makes me smile a whole lot. Danke. :)
    August 28th, 2010 at 02:14am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Don't worry about it, man, honestly. I understand. I'm starting school back up again and I fully expect it to eat all of my full time. So don't even stress out over it. I'll be right here when you're ready to respond. :)

    That's too bad that you had to quit the Beach Club thing. It sounded like a really cool job- but hey, at least you put away some money! Did your sister quit as well? And that's excellent that you've a job at the soccer stadium. So is your probation at the fashion store over yet? WORK IN THE ICE CREAM STORE. So when I come over... you can give me free ice cream. Because I'm totally going to be near Hannover and everything... ;)

    YES! I get exactly what you mean! I can talk to people-- I mean really, I'm quite a chatter-box. I don't shut up half of the time. But when I'm around new people, I'm so stressed over not making myself sound or look stupid that I can come off as ... bored or indifferent, I guess. But really, I'm just taking my time and wording out things in my head. The worst possible thing--for me, anyway--when meeting new people is the silence. I hate silence because it's uncomfortable and it's awkward. So then I ramble to fill the silence and that's when I make myself sound like an idiot.

    Yeah, see you know more than I do, haha. I had to research so much to find out all of his siblings' names. I felt like such a stalker. D:

    Mmm, Billie cleaning my pool. That's it. This fantasy needs to work out... but first I need a pool...and a way to make Billie my pool boy. Forget the fact that he's out on tour right now! ;)
    August 17th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ooh. So are you hired for sure there now? Or is this still your trial period thing? And how did you and your sister do working together? Why is this paragraph made up entirely of questions?

    Getting a job in Germany sounds so much more stressful than here in America. :S I only put in two applications when I turned 16 and I got hired right away- I didn't even interview. I'd probably have a nervous breakdown if I had to get a job over there, haha.

    That sounds really cool! Are you going to Maschseefest at all?

    I genuinely have no idea what all of the other Armstrong kids do. I kindof made up a family tree of my own and made rough character sketches of what I wanted each kid to be like/do for a living. I'm probably way off, but that's okay. It's fiction, haha.

    I can't see Billie being anything but a musician. But mate, can you imagine if he were a pool-cleaner? He can come clean my pool anytime he wants. ;D
    August 1st, 2010 at 05:09am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    To answer your question on the story comment (Because I totally forgot to respond to it in first comment, oops): I didn't actually find out that Alan is the one who works in the education department until AFTER I started this story. I just knew that one of his brothers, but I wasn't sure which one it was. But by then, I was already a good number of chapters in, so I couldn't change anything, you know what I mean?

    Plus Rilla is going to find out that Billie doesn't really read in a few chapters. He didn't correct her earlier when she said he did, so she's just assuming. It'll make for an interesting revelation once things all get out. :)
    July 14th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Don't worry about it! I know how stressful and busy life can be- the only reason I always reply back so quickly (aside from this last one, but I digress) is because I can do so on my phone, so I do it while at work. Shh, don't tell anyone. :)

    I will still maintain that you're one of those writers who claim to suck but are really good. You always find a way to make me smile with your compliments. I feel so ridiculous, I'm just smiling so widely. Thank you for your kind words<3

    That job actually sounds quite fun, but it's too bad that your first night was crazy hectic. But at least you got paid this time, right!? How did your second night go? How did your sister's first go?

    Haha! That's awesome that you look older. I still get carded and I'm almost twenty. It's rather irritating, but I suppose I'll be thankful for it when I'm older, you know? :)
    July 14th, 2010 at 09:43pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha, at first I was like what are you talking about? I don't want your music player- I have my own? But then I realized that you were talking about a line in the story. I'M SO SMART. :D

    I love Rilla too. She's the most personal i've ever gotten when creating a character and it scares me a bit at how much she sounds like me. But I guess that's what happens when you write, you know?

    Yes! I think it was the European Music Awards. I'm almost positive that Billie was blonde. I'll go back and search for the video though to be sure. Haha, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't understand it either. :S

    Awh man, she must use beastly antiaging cream. Well done. Plus French is an awesome language. I could listen to it for ages.

    Whoa. How is not that not illegal!? Here in America, if you work over five hours, you legally have to take a thirty minute break. And if you work under five, you're entitled to take a fifteen minute break if you want to. I can't believe that that's legal in Germany. How horrid. Did she not make good tips or something?

    Why didn't you get paid for your first day? That's really shit, man. I'd be really annoyed. I hope you get a job soon. As annoying as they are, they're necessary because everyone needs money. Also, random side note, how kickass would it be to work in an ice cream shop!? I'd be so fat...

    I do actually have a job. I've worked at the same place since the day I turned 16, so almost four years. I'm a manager in a restaurant. :)

    As far as advice goes, when someone comes in looking for a job, I get to interview them if we're not busy. I always look for someone who looks clean and dependable, someone polite and eager. I get really annoyed when someone calls repeatedly to check on their application, so don't be pushy about getting hired. Other then that, just relax and be cool about it. You'll get hired some place eventually and yeah, it may be shitty, but it's a place to start, you know? Everyone has to start somewhere.

    I dunno how much any of that helped you, haha. I'm quite terrible at dispensing advice honestly. :)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:55am