shakethesky / Comments

  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ooh that's no fun. That's such a shame that you stopped playing- do you think there's any possible way you could start playing again now?

    Haha, I forgot my camera on Monday regardless. But I'll definitely tape us the next time we practice. And then I'll obsess over it because I'll be paranoid that I sound ridiculous. I'll also probably feel the need to be constantly looking and/or spouting off something like a smartass to keep you amused, haha. :S That would be so cool! I'm just really curious to see how they used to act before they got famous. Like.. I'd give anything just to have gone to school with them or something.

    Baha. My really, really chopped German. I'll try and speak some German for you at band practice, how about that? I'll sound atrocious, my German is way bad. But I'll attempt to speak a few lines. I make no guarantees to how good I sound, haha. Awh! That's cute. Poor little Billie getting confused by the pronouns- I saw this really cute video the other day of the boys. I think they were speaking German, I don't really remember. Actually yes they were, because the twins from Tokio Hotel were on it too. Anyways, they had a bunch of celebrities try to say this paragraph in German and like everyone stumbled through it. Billie's was terrible- I was cringing the entire time he was reading. But Mike's wasn't bad. And Tre should've been awesome at it, but he didn't get to speak. :(

    Rilla reminds me a lot of myself and so I think that's why I'm so partial to her- it's why i kindof baby her, like I'm really protective. But I also feel like Abigail is this cool, sassy kind of girl that I think would compliment Billie really well. So I just don't know, haha. but I understand what you're saying.

    Ah! That's exciting. So she came from Canada just to visit you? That's rad as hell, dude. I love that your parents wanted to adopt her; that's cute. She must be like thirty now right? If she was like 18 or so when she was your Au Pair... or maybe I'm completely making up her age or something. Also, I love big paychecks. I'm working full time this summer, so I intend on putting away a huge bit of money so that I can go back to college in the fall. I with things weren't so expensive all the time. A little part of me dies everytime I have to spend some of my hard-earned cash, haha. :S

    Also... it's like 3 in the morning, so I don't know how observant I'm being right now. But I just noticed that it said that you're eighteen now and not seventeen. So happy belated birthday! That's fantastic- you're legal now in America! Even though you already were in Germany to begin with, but whatever. You can... buy cigarettes over here... and vote. So not as awesome as being able to drink legally, but still. Hope you partied too hard and had a good time:)
    June 21st, 2010 at 09:01am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ooh, boo on missing out on swimming. I love swimming. I've only been once this summer so far, but I intend to get a tan if it's the last thing I do. Which it probably will be, because I seem to burn, peel and then revert back to white. :|

    Haha, HR is Honor Roll, my band. I was just abbreviating because I'm lazy. Yeah, it's really difficult to teach yourself honestly. I was able to teach myself some chords, but thankfully my cousin plays guitar and he lived two doors up from me so I was always able to run over and ask him any questions I might have had. It does look so easy when you're watching, like, Billie do it. My hands are really tiny as well, so when I stretch over the frets, it's like ahh! But I manage... somehow. The one instrument I would literally kill to be able to play is piano. I think it sounds so lovely and I'd love to be able to just sit down and play it.

    Yes, we did an interview on the radio. We just talked actually, we didn't bring our instruments or anything. It was really impromptu, there was literally no planning. We just woke up and they were like HEY. COME ON OUR MORNING SHOW and I mean, who were we to say no to free advertising? So the two of us went on the air because Sara, our drummer, was working unfortunately. We don't have anything online at the moment (to be honest, we have a myspace profile but it eludes me completely because I fail at modern technology). We have band practice tomorrow afternoon, so I'll bring my camera and tape a song for you, if you'd like. You'll get to hear me singing and my wonky accent, haha. Lucky you! :D

    Yess, I live in Ohio. The last time they came, I was too young and my mom didn't like me listening to Green Day so she forbade me from going. And now that I'm old enough to go to shows on my own, they've not been back. I'm like boo. Come back! We're awesome here, I promise! Okay, not really. But my city's rad and plus I'm here; therefore, they have to come back. Haha, I make so much sense. WHAT!? Ollie's from here?! I never knew that. That is actually fantastic. I always thought she was from Oklahoma...

    Ughh, the last good like proper rock show that I went to was Blink and that was nearly a year ago. Stupid bands never come near my city. Humph.

    I know what you mean, man. I have one more day. ONE. And my professors are still making me come in to the other meetings because we have to meet the department's attendance policy requirements. So I'm basically going on campus and chilling for hours on end because I've literally nothing left to do until my finals day on Monday.

    Danke für .... the comment, bahaha. My German's awesome. But yesss, thank you for always commenting, even when I take months to update. It means so much to me and it keeps me in such an updating mood.

    Everyone seems to prefer Rilla to Abigail and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why. I actually really love the both of them, but I think I prefer writing Abigail's scenes-- but that might be because she's such a smartass and she reminds me a bit of myself and I've not had too much practice writing Rilla's scenes so far. But that all changes in the upcoming chapters ;)
    June 14th, 2010 at 03:23am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Nah man, I don't mind. Don't worry about it- I know school's terrible. I'm in the middle of finals right now myself and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that I only have three more days and I'm finished for three whole months. :)

    Ooh, a party! I love parties. Did you have a good time? What kind of bands played?

    Haha, I taught myself guitar nearly six years ago. Truthfully, I only did it because our band needed a guitarist. I mean I knew a few chords from writing my own songs, but I really got into it when HR got formed. It is really fun- there's just something about pulling out my acoustic and just playing. My parents joke that they can tell what kind of mood I'm in based on how I'm playing, baha.

    Yeah man, I was on the radio with my best friend (who's also in the band with me). It was really exciting; we broadcasted live on a really popular channel here in my state. It was amazing, I think the DJs said right before we went on the air like don't be nervous, but a lot of people are listening to you right now. i was like.. fuck. But it was fine in the end, we're even in a bunch of photographs on their website. It's, like, one of the best things I've done in my life. I'm ridiculously proud of that, haha. :)

    Haha, I'm not really famous. I mean... people know me here in my city. It's not like I'm a celebrity, haha. I'm just the girl from that one band. Though it does mean I have sweet connections, so I get into certain clubs/bars for freeeeee. That's my favorite part, no lie. :D

    Haha yeah, I speak French and German too. You've just explained it much better then I ever could have, haha. I'm just really strong in the language arts which would explain why I'm so crap in maths/sciences.

    Awwh! I'm so jealous of you, dude! I still have yet to see Green Day live and I'm so bummed out. They never come near us- the closest they've been to me in the last couple of years is Tennessee and I couldn't find anyone to drive down with me, though I was dead set on doing it by myself. My dad freaked out when I proposed that one, haha.

    Yes, that's right. In order to go to college here, you need to take either the SAT or the ACT. I took the SAT and it really wasn't hard. It's pretty much a standardized test that overlooks everything that you've learned in math, reading, writing, comprehension etc. The only tricky thing about it was that it wasn't accumulative scoring, meaning that the ones you got wrong took away from your overall score instead of just adding it all up. So you couldn't just guess and if you got it right, cool. It was multiple choice, if I remember correctly. I took it like two and a half years ago so I'm like struggling to remember, haha. :S

    How are you?! Are you feeling any better and is school getting easier?
    June 9th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I know! I love the weather right now. It's been up in the nineties for me (let's see if I can do the conversion in my head.. like, 30 ishh? celsius) and I have been just lying outside. It's so pretty and I'm all pumped because summer is literally SO close. Just three more weeks and then I am free! :D

    Haha. Yeah. I sing and play guitar in a local band. It's with my two best friends, so we're all an all-girl group. Though one of my good guy friends helps us out from time to time. We're called Honor Roll. We've actually been a band since our freshman year in high school, so six years now. It started out as us jamming in Sara's basement and I jokingly said we should start a band and then I guess we just did. Haha, why do you envy me!?

    Awh, I'm sure you're not that bad. Why do you think your not singing here in America had something to do with the way you sound now? I don't think anyone really likes their voice- I was on the radio the other day and I heard my voice and it was like WHAT THE SHIT. I sound like that!? How do I even have friends if my voice is that annoying!? I like the way I sound in my head, haha. Wow, I don't sound psychotic at all.

    I've been taught Latin my whole life. The academy where I went to school started teaching it in kindergarten and I studied it all the way until I transferred out in the 7th grade. Plus I was learning it before I started school, so I have a good 8+ years of experience with it. I don't think it's hard, but languages come fairly easily to me (I am not stuck-up, I promise!). It's really just roots of words, it really helps with being able to define things, you know? My brother is studying to be a Dean of Medicine and he's having to incorporate Latin into his studies as well. I guess it's a useful thing to know, haha. People look at me all funny when they find out I can speak Latin since it's a dead language and all, haha.

    Nah man, you didn't sound stalkerish. I'm the same way; I'd LOVE to be able to go back in time and just see them before they got all super famous. I just think it'd be awesome to have grown up with them, you know? I feel like yeah, Billie can be obnoxious at times. But can't we all? And just because he's embraced the punk lifestyle doesn't mean that he's a stereotypical punk who sticks their middle finger up in everyone's face and flaked out on school all the time. I dunno if I'm making any sense, I'm kindof just rambling at this point. But when people characterize him like that, it just drives me insane.

    Yes, I have a facebook. I practically live on that thing, haha. Ooh, I'll definitely have to add him then. I have a thing for adding famous people, or people indirectly connected with famous people. I just think it has to be annoying for them to get all these random friend requests, you know?

    Tre's house is probably chaos squared... I want to go, haha. How awesome would that be to like... nanny his kids? Or really, any of their kids (even though they're all old enough to watch themselves...) I feel like Mike is laid-back and chill the majority of the time, but I can just see him being super protective and uptight when it comes to Stella. That's his baby girl, man. He's gotta watch her back. :)
    May 26th, 2010 at 05:26am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oh no! That's horrid-- are you feeling better now at least? Just take it easy and stay in bed. That's so crap dude. I'm sorry. :(

    Baha. No, I get it. I'm like that in math. Math goes right over my head, I don't get anything in math. Like right now I'm taking statistics and I am literally so frustrated because I don't understand it at all and I NEED to pass this class to graduate. It's so stupid. So I feel your pain.

    I think I get what you're saying about the music thing. I taught myself guitar and I can play a few songs on the drums and the bass, right? I also sing in a local band and whatnot. But in school, I had to read music and play this stupid xylophone thing and I could not do it. Like no matter how hard I tried, I could read the music fine and I could tell you what notes they were and everything. But I couldn't just stare at a sheet of music and play it. Like it would not translate in my head. I'm such a genius. :)

    And by owning my professor, I meant... I know Latin and she mispronounced something and I raised my hand and I was like "I'm pretty sure you pronounce it like this..." and she was like "Oh really? I'm the one with the college degree here and I'm pretty sure I know my own speciality" and so I fired off the entire paragraph in Latin to her in front of a class of like thirty. And then I translated it for her. I felt really smart. Coincidentally, it was in my musical theory class. She doesn't like me so much anymore... but I truthfully did try to be respectful about it but she sassed me. :|

    I can see Billie being the quiet dude in the back. I feel like he's actually really quite brilliant, but he never applied himself. But I can totally see him being that guy. It really bothers me in stories when people write him as this obnoxious jackass to his teachers and everything. And I really honestly feel like he just tried to get through school without drawing too much attention to himself, you know what I'm trying to say?

    WAIT. Totally just had a kickass connection moment in my head. Is the hill he always looked at Tight Wad Hill?! I mean, isn't that the hill they used to sneak onto to watch the high school football games without paying!?

    Yeah. I can see him being strict when needs be, like.. I can see him being like 'do as I say, not as I do' (now I'm singing Walking Contradiction...) and really wanting the best for Joey and Jake. But I can also see him being the laid back one at the same time. Baha, Adie the Inforcer. That's hilarious. :)

    For some reason, I picture Mike as being the strictest with his kids and I'm not sure why.
    May 17th, 2010 at 02:59am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Aren't those tests the worst? When you're like, yeah I totally got it-- it was simple! And then you get it back and you've totally failed it. It's like fuck my lifeee, haha. But all joking aside, I'm sure you did really well. And hey, bright side: you're one exam closer to freedom ;)

    Nah man, don't be embarrassed over it. I took chemistry in my junior year in high school and I destested it so much. My lab partner and I got into so much trouble in that class-- we almost blew our class up several times, no joke. I had to be supervised whenever I lit the Bunsen burner. Because I'm a bit of a pyro, soo I had a little bit too much fun with it.

    Ooh ouch. Those teachers are shit, man. I feel like that all the time in college. I mean I'm a fairly bright person, but I have this unholy fear of speaking up in some of my classes and just getting torn to shreds. Because a lot of the professors that I'm taking this term are like that. So I just kindof keep my head down and doodle in my notebook instead of paying attention, haha. Although I did completely own my music professor the other day-- I was so proud of myself. :)

    I think it'd be weird to have, like, a parent who has a kid who's a fan of Green Day. And then one day, out of the blue, they're just like 'yeah, Billie was in my english class-- he never showed up!' I think I would probably pester my parents to remember every single detail of what he was actually like in school so I could encorporate it into my story, haha.

    There's also a part of me who wants something like that to happen so I can show back up at schools and march up to teachers who hated me and told me I'd never amount to anything and just be like HA! I WIN. But that's just the obnoxious side of me coming out, haha.

    I can be having the shittiest day ever and when I come home and see the puppies excited to see me, I feel a million times better. It's such a fantastic feeling. My mom was a bit hesitant to let me get dogs because she doesn't like pets at all. And it took me almost twenty years to convince her, but I did in the end. :D
    May 14th, 2010 at 02:25am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    WAIT, I FORGOT TO ASK YOU. You said French was on Monday and today is still Monday for me (Thank you, Captain Obvious), so I meant to ask you how it went! But I totally forgot in the last comment because I'm so smooth like that, haha. But anyways, how did your exam go?! Did you kick ass?
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:41am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    No worries, man. My last day is June 21, so I completely feel your pain right now. I keep myself up with the mentality of eight weeks, just eight more weeks. It's definately the only thing keeping me going at this point.

    Haha, I JUST finished my last biology/science credits. I scraped by with a C and that is totally fine with me. I detest sciences; I think the only reason my grade was so low is because I started crying hysterically during the fetal pig dissection and I couldn't finish and my professor got pissed at me. :|

    I'm sorry, I totally just started laughing at the alcoholic bit and I know I shouldn't have. It was just so funny and thrown in point blank. But I'm really sorry that your government test didn't go as planned. How is that going to affect you school-wise?

    I think I get what you're saying. His head just isn't shaped properly for shaved scalps-- I think that's what you're getting at? I do enjoy his hair style now, it's quite nice. Also, I had to go back and rewatch Longview just because I couldn't remember what he looked like. But I concur; that hair looks damn fine on that boy.

    I feel like it's always like that with any band. The lead singer always gets the most attention. It's almost like they're marketed on just one specific person and the rest are just extras. Which is really unfair, because everyone deserves the credit if they're in a successful band, you know? I just wish they would show more of Mike and Tre in their videos, because I adore their personalities. BIAB was phenomenal in the sense that we were able to see different bits of the both of them. And I feel like that was such a relief to me, as a fan. If that makes any sense whatsoever, haha.

    Awwwh. Yeah, my puppies have me whipped. All Blitz has to do is whine and I'll do whatever he wants. This is exactly why I should probably never reproduce; my kids'd be horrid. :| Blitz loves to cuddle! He'll put his head on your knee and if you just scratch him, he'll like clamber up onto the sofa with you and practically sit on you. But Insomniac prefers to have his space because he's so hyperactive. However, Insomniac's scared of thunderstorms so every time I hear lightning, I can open my bedroom door and he'll just be waiting for me outside in the hallway. :)

    I'm going to level with you, I totally just had to Google Orlando Magic to see if it was real. And it is. But I much prefer the idea that she named her dog after Disney World because that's so much more rad than a silly little basketball team. :D
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:38am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Bah! I wrote out your entire comment and then I accidentally clicked on a bookmarked link and it all disappeared. I was furious. Okay not really, just highly annoyed, haha. So now I'm just going to recap at top speed and hope I make sense. :)

    You're coming up on your summer break, aren't you? You have that to look forward to, so you'll have all the time to sleep in and be lazy. That's my favorite thing to do in the entire world, haha-- laze around in bed and roll out at like eleven or noon, haha.

    Ewh finals. You can do it! You're a smart girl. Just study a few days in advance and be sure to get to bed at a good hour the night before the exam. And be sure to eat breakfast on the day of and listen to Green Day for good luck. You'll do fantastically amazing-- let me know how it all goes !

    Bahaha. I know, right? I hated Billie's hair in that video. It was like he should have just shaved all of it off or something but that could be because I have a weakness for shaved heads. I think they're ridiculously sexy, haha. That being said, BJ would have looked crap being bald. I think my favorite hair style of his is the AI days, when it was all long and shaggy and black and messy. That, or the blue hair. I LOVED that hair so much.

    Speaking of Green Day videos, I finally got to watch the LOTAG video. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I didn't really understand what the point of the blonde dancers was for the entire concept of the shoot. I did, however, really love the scenes of Gloria's bedroom. I just thought it was really cool to see into her room without walls, I dunno. Maybe I'm just a dork or something. Also, was it just me, or was there a disturbing lack of Mike/Tre in the band scenes? Because for the life of me, I cannot recall a standout moment for either Mike or Tre in the video.

    Awh! You have the cute puppies; I feel like they would be amazing to cuddle with or something. They just look all cute and adorable. Yes, Blitz and Insomniac are German shepherds. My mom didn't quite realize how big they got when we first got Blitz and then she freaked out for ages because of the grandkids. I have a two-year-old nephew, a one-year-old niece and a two-month-old nephew and my mom was worried that the dogs would be too big and rough with the babies. But Blitz is a big softie and is so good with them, even when Chase and Addy (the 2 and 1 year old) pull on his tail or try to ride him, haha. He's a good sport. :) Insomniac, however, we're still trying to teach him to be gentle. He's so much more aggressive than Blitz, but he's learning. Slowly but surely, haha.

    Was Magic named for Disney World or Orlando Magic, the basketball team? Because for some reason (don't quote me on this; I'm so crap when it comes to sports), I seem to remember Orlando Magic being a basketball team. I'm not sure, I'll have to google it now to figure it out, haha.

    Ewwwh. Finals. Like I said before, you're a brilliant girl and so I know you'll do really well. Just don't stress out over them. And you're almost finished and then you can sit down and be lazy for a few days. I've also found a few more Green Day stories for you to read, so when you get through my first list, I'll shoot some more your way. :)

    Exactly! I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to take a moment or two to write out what they like/didn't like about the chapter. It doesn't take that long and it ends up meaning so much to the writer. It makes all the time spent writing and editing worth it. I try to do that for all of the stories I read. Granted, I don't always leave fantasticly-worded, brilliant thesis statements critiquing their work, but I like to think I leave them something that makes them smile, you know? I'm just glad that you understand and I don't come across as a greedy comment-whore or something, haha. :P
    April 24th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Don't feel bad; I didn't even notice you wrote 'hapy' instead of 'happy'. So we both fail, but that's okay. We're still ridiculously awesome. ;)

    Anyways. Happy Easter to you too! Did you have a good holiday/spring break? Unfortunately I did not get a spring break, but I did get a week off between terms, which I'm on right now. I go back on the 19 and I'm bummed because it's practically summer and the weather's been so lovely-- high 80s and sunny. :)

    Oh man, I feel you on the French thing. My mom is fluent in French and she's been teaching me since I was really little, like how my dad's been teaching me German since I was little. I feel like I've clicked more with German than I have with French in all honesty. And even though I speak both languages really well, it still takes me ages to read/write in French. I can get by fairly well in German but French is like... it's hard for me to focus on it, if that makes any sense. Oh! Wednesday of next week, which would make it due today, right!? (Well today for me... yesterday for you). How did it end up coming out? Ahh, I didn't think of the translating factor, but I understand what you mean. Why does your paper have to be done in English though? I mean.. it would just make sense for it to be in German as well, you are in Germany, haha.

    Baha. Billie does say y'know a lot. I think it's cute. Secretly I say it a lot too. That and 'uhm'. Especially when I get nervous, my sentences all sound like "Ahh... uhm, y'know--errr". I have such a way with speaking. ;)

    Ahh no! I haven't seen it! My internet went out a week ago, so I've been without my computer and I have loads of things to catch up on. I must go off and watch the video now. Though I'm kinda leery of it now, if it's really that crap. The only other Green Day video I truly didn't like is the Macy's Day Parade (though that is one of my favorite Green Day songs [so much so that one of my baby names for the longest time was Macy for a little girl, haha]). I think my favorite video though has to be Boulevard of Broken Dreams and/or Holiday. Sam Bayer's directing is flawless and I LOVE the grainy black and white distortion of the film. It makes me drool. Oh and WMUWSE was really cute too. :)

    Cairn Terriers are those itty bitty dogs, yes? If so, those are so cute! My friend has two of them and they're so fucking adorable. I love playing with them. Awh, Benni and Mia. That's cute. I really like the name Benni actually, not going to lie.

    Thank you! Blitz and Insomniac are both German shepherds. Blitz is almost a year and Insomniac is still a puppy; though Blitz is much darker than Insomniac. I love their names- can you tell I was the one who named them? My mom thought I was crazy when I announced what I wanted to call them. Blitzkrieg is after the Ramones song and Insomniac is, obviously, from the Green Day album. I'm just a teeny bit obsessed. ;P

    Also, I really like the name Magic for a dog. That's brilliant. I kindof wish I had thought of that, haha.

    You're so very welcome for the stories, I'm glad that I was able to help you out. Hopefully you've not read any of them so I've introduced you to some good reads. Have you started any yet?

    Also, thanks for the story comment. I always smile so widely after I read your thoughts because you actually give me proper feedback. It truly means so, so much to me. :)
    April 15th, 2010 at 05:52am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Balls, I forgot AGAIN to give you the list I compiled of stories that I read on here. I even wrote it all out and everything and I forgot in my last comment. And then last night when I wrote out my second comment of the night for you, Mibba crapped out on me, so I literally copied and pasted my comment into a Word document so I wouldn’t have to rewrite it all again later. Me = lazy. I suck at life apparently, gosh. Oh well, better late than never, right? Also, I apologize if you’re already reading one or some of them. Hopefully you find one or two new things to read over though.

    Anyways, Green Day-wise, the best story on Mibba, in my opinion, is Roxanne. It's only got 16 chapters and she's not updated in months, but she is a lot more active in the summer I think. The girl is significantly younger than Billie and he-- just ... you have to read it. Her writing is just brilliant. I really recommend it, if you're not already reading it. And even if you are… well, read it again, haha. ;)

    Other than that, anything by Mistress Simone is brilliant if you want a Green Day story. I'm reading her Demons story at the moment and it's amazing. I think everything she writes is Green Day related, so you can lose yourself for a few hours in those.

    Errrm, iATEjimmysWORLD is kickass too. It's a Tre story and in my opinion, Tre doesn't get nearly enough credit. Oh! Cripes, I read this phenomenal Tre story a while ago and it was just amazing, but I can't remember the name so I'm going to search through and find it for you because it was awesome. I do remember the girl’s name was Ava and she met Tre on a plane and she owned a bookstore. Or something. I must find that for you!

    And finally (because I have a feeling I'm probably overwhelming you or something, haha) ThisIsGreenDay writes really good GD fics as well. Though she’s sortof disappeared off the face of the planet now as well.

    And so now, I'll link you. :)





    I’ll also try my best to find that Tré/Ava story, because it truly was a fantastic read. Yay! :)
    March 28th, 2010 at 12:55am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it was by far my favorite paper I've ever had to research for-- I'm actually taking a course this term called Drugs in Society, so we spent the whole time learning about drugs and we've had guest speakers, like students who attend my college who used to be crack heads or shoot up heroin. Right now we're on intervention and prevention and we just had a guest speaker that I started crying during because it was so heart-breaking. This class is, hands down, my favorite college course I've taken, aside from my creative writing courses. But our final grade is the research paper on a drug of our choice and a two-page blurb about what we've learned in this class. I went into the course knowing, like, really basic things about drugs. I've lived a really sheltered life, I suppose. Because the things that we discussed in there just bowled me over. But it was such a fantastic, amazing class.

    I really had way too much fun researching meth. Apparently in California, they dye the crystal meth with bright colors so it looks like rock candy and then the meth cooks sell it to young kids as "candy" and then the kids keep going back to them because the candy's so good and they don't realize it's actually meth. They also flavor it with Coca Cola or Red Bull. I'm just.. flabbergasted because honestly, I would never think of half the things they do to disguise their drugs.

    Let's see.. you're 8 pages in and it's to be 15, so you're about halfway there! You can do it-- I have faith in you! Is your researching getting any better/easier? Haha, awwh. The other night I dreamt in German, it was an odd sensation. I woke up because my mom was waking me up and I answered her in slurred German-- it was an experience, to be honest. Anyway, must your paper be in English? Could you write it in German and then translate it into English? I mean, would that be any easier on you?

    Thank you so much, that truly does mean a lot to me. And yes, your sentence did make sense, don't worry. I'm glad that you would feel comfortable enough in telling me if your character made you uncomfortable. I'm such a worrier, I fret over the smallest things because I just don't want to offend someone.

    Uhm I believe it was in Germany honestly, which is such a pity. Because I truly believe that people in Germany should be proud of them. I mean, TH is really popular-- aside from Rammestein, they're the most popular band I can think of at the top of my head from Germany. To be honest, I don't know anyone who listens to TH, aside from my little brother because I got him into them and my best friend. So I'm not really sure what people here in America think of them. They don't get any airplay whatsoever on the radio, at least in my city. However, when you see videos of the boys coming to America, they're always swarmed by fans. So I'd like to know where they're hiding, because I don't know of any other TH fans in my circle of friends.

    Awwh! I love puppies. :) That's awesome. What kind of dog is she? I feel so badly for your older dog. It's always horridly difficult when you have a pair of dogs that are so close and one passes on, because I feel like the other dog doesn't last long afterwards. Or at least that's how it was with my grandmother's dogs. They were brother and sister and the boy, Reggie, died of kidney failure and Holly died shortly after because she missed him. Wow, I don't sound morbid or anything... To be honest, I'm not a fan of the name Emma either. So I'm assuming your father and brother/sister like the name Emma, or they're just impartial to it?

    I got a new puppy the other week. I'm so very excited, I spoil her dreadfully already. It took me years to convince my mom to let me get a dog and now I spoil both Blitzkrieg and Insomniac dreadfully. I've already got both of them sleeping in my bed with me. And in my defense, it's because their doggie bed in the laundry room just looks so small and cold and I have a queen size bed, so I feel the need to share with them, haha. :)
    March 26th, 2010 at 10:20pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Man, don't even worry about it. I fail at replying back in a timely fashion too. I have two research papers due within days of each other. One on a drug of my choice and one on a psychological disorder (on a bit of a tangent, I did mine on methamphetamine and obsessive compulsive disorder--I can legit type all of these medicinal terms about meth with my eyes closed, haha). I literally just got finished with my meth research paper, it's almost seven pages but whatever, close enough, right? Now all I need to do is start on my OCD paper... ;)

    Were you just doing initial research or actually writing it? Because I know when I research, I research for hours and I get a few sentences down. And then I get all pissy because I did all of this work and it's like I don't have anything to show for it, haha. Just out of curiosity, does your sister have to write this term paper as well?

    Awh, that poor man-- he had to of thought he was tripping out on something. I shouldn't be laughing at his misfortune.... but I am, haha. I always wanted a real twin. I say real because (I can't remember if I've told you or not, so if I have, my apologies.. just skip over this completely, haha) my sister and I are the only two girls in our family and we were born on the same day, just eight years apart-- she was late and I was early. I always sortof envisioned pulling Parent Trap-esque pranks on people, switching classes and freaking people out etc. Imagine the trouble I could have gotten into if I had been, like, a triplet.

    Haha, awh. I'm really, really hesitant to do it too. Partially because I feel like you're so polite that even if you didn't like the character I've based off of you, you wouldn't say anything. I just get really worried about offending people or something.

    I think if I were famous and some girl just started sobbing at the sight of me, I'd be a bit concerned for her mental health. I mean honestly, they're musicians and yeah, they're famous and everything. But they're still humans. I just think it would be really, really uncomfortable to have people crying and fawning all over you...

    I just watched this interview with TH and I felt so bad for them. They were talking about how people in Germany were calling them a "teenie band" and they did this survey where random people on the street listened to a sample of their latest album and said that they liked it, but when they were told it was TH, they changed their minds. That just makes me angry. Music is music and it's meant to evoke an emotional response from you. Who gives a flying fuck about whether or not it was made by a "teenie band" or whatever? Blaaah. :|

    I'm so tired right now, so I'm off to bed. It's nearly one in the morning and I have lecture in a few hours. Anyway, I will compile a list of stories for you to browse through tomorrow when I get home from school. Don't worry, I didn't completely ignore your request. :)

    Also, I apologize if this makes no sense. I've been staring at a computer screen for almost eight hours working on that friggin' methamphetamine paper and I'm just rambling now, haha. :)
    March 19th, 2010 at 05:48am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha, I feel like the double thing is just something people say to, like, all twins. Or at least I feel that way. Hell, I get it with my older sister. She's eight years older than me, but we could pass for twins and people always make snide comments about they're seeing double or whatever. It gets really annoying. Like.. no dumbass, we're obviously wearing two very different outfits. Plus it just seemed like a Tre sort of comment. ;)

    Ahh, I'm glad. That's why I'm always really nervous about encorporating real people into my stories because I'm worried that I'll completely butcher their character and they'll end up hating themselves. But I'm stoked that you like your character-- you're quite fun to write actually (wow, that was awkward to type...)

    Hmm. What sorts of stories are you looking for? Like Green Day, or any other band, or original fiction? I only follow a handful of stories because I'm really picky about what I read, but I'll gladly point out a few of my favorites on here. :)

    My cousin, the one who lives in Germany, told me that Tokio Hotel is like the European equivalent of the Jonas Brothers. Which sortof annoyed me, because like... I'll be twenty in August (holy shit, I'm ancient.) and I listen to Tokio Hotel. I think at fifteen, I couldn't have handled the fame that they had. I mean honestly, at fifteen, I was still really awkward and selfconscious-- not that much has changed now, baha. But still, to be that famous at such a young age is frightening. To me, anyway.

    Awh, that's upsetting! I think it would have excited them to meet someone from Germany on their American tour. AHAHA! I can totally see that girl in my mind. I don't understand the people who melt down like that when they see someone famous. I like to think I've handled myself really well when I met Blink. Sadly enough, that's like the most famous people I can think of right now that I've met, haha. :S

    Oh man, I feel your pain. Airports scare me. I almost got lost in the Chicago airport when I was flying to California with my sister. She stopped at a kiosk to buy something for the baby to eat and I was heading for the restroom and I didn't notice her stop. And I'm really, really short so I turned in the crowd to ask her a question and I panicked because I couldn't see over anyone and I didn't see her. Luckily, my brother-in-law is super tall and he spotted me. Otherwise I might have been in the fetal position under a bench or something, bahaha. But I'm still really frightened of flying over the ocean. I don't know why. There's just something about... being above a massive body of water in something that might malfunction at any moment that really freaks me out.

    I'll probably be a nervous wreck as I fly over the Atlantic this summer. I might even get out and kiss the ground at TXL aaaaand everyone'll be like 'what the hell is wrong with that girl!?' ;)
    March 6th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    You always find a way to make me smile with your kind words. I appreciate your comments so, so much. Especially now when I was worried that everyone had given my Billie story up for dead. I'm also really glad that you liked my attempt at giving Rilla a sense of humor-- I just felt like she was so serious all the time!

    Yeah, you're already in the story. I told you you would show up soon! I was going to name you Allison, like you suggested. But then I couldn't think of a name for your twin so I ended up using your real name. I hope you don't mind. I also was worried that I made your character come off as boy-crazy. But I think I saved it in the end. You're a vital part of Rilla fitting into college. I also still imagine you speaking with a German accent, to be completely honest, haha. :)

    Oh my god. That's horrid! I'm so sorry. Are you okay? This makes me want to go cuddle with my puppy. :(

    You have to make your bed in the morning? Yikes. I'm totally not coordinated enough to get ready in the morning with headphones in-- I can see the headphones falling out all the time and me getting pissed, haha. I'm jealous of your skills, man.

    Haha, awh. Yes, Tokio Hotel. I do enjoy them. I guess they're a band that people wouldn't expect me to be into, because the majority of the stuff I listen to is like.. the Ramones or Green Day or the Sex Pistols etc. Basically more punk-ish stuff. They're a guilty pleasure. :P

    I am rather jealous of your sister, I must admit. The last time they toured America, I wasn't a big listener of them so I didn't go to their show when I had the chance. But now I'd go if I did get the chance. My aunt wants me to fly to Germany so I can visit her and she said that if I come over, my cousins'll take me to one of their shows. I think I'm more frightened of flying over the ocean than anything else, haha. I'm such a wimp. :)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ahh thank god someone agrees with me! All of my friends think I'm insane for thinking of marriage like that. But I can't help it. I genuinely do not think I'd do well getting married to someone. I can see me doing one of those partner-ship type deals. Because really, all marriage is is a tax write off and a piece of paper.

    That's awesome that you have your twin to do that with. I'm kindof jealous, not going to lie. Though, I suppose, that that's what friends' houses are for too. As a bit of a refuge or bits. Idk. Maybe I'll change my mind one day if I meet someone I can see myself with in the future, you know?

    I'm sorry, man. But from what you've told me, their entire family irritates me. They just sound horribly rude and offensive. I say you should... delete all of them and pretend it was a massive glitch in Facebook. Even though that would be equally rude and horrid. ;)

    Well that's irritating. I have the top floor to myself so my music doesn't really bother my family too much. For example, I'm blasting Blink and ignoring the fact that I keep nodding off at my keyboard. How do you get ready with headphones on!? I feel like they'd always be falling out as you pull a shirt on or something, dude.

    Ahh lucky. I'm such a night person. I literally cannot function in the mornings, until I have some Mountain Dew in my system. Any time before noon, in my opinion, is a ghastly hour and needs to not be recognized. Honestly I could sleep my entire day away if I were allowed. The other day I slept over fourteen hours, haha. I only got up to get a drink of water and then I rolled over and went back to sleep. I'm a champion sleeper. :D
    February 25th, 2010 at 02:58am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    See, that's what freaks me out about the idea of marrying someone. Because I get really irritated if I don't have my alone time so like... I can't just go into my bedroom and not be bothered if I live with someone. And really, well, the whole... committing to someone for the rest of my life thing scares the absolute crap out of me too, haha. :|

    How long have you been back? And I mean obviously you've been keeping up with them via facebook and everything. So it doesn't sound to me like you're being rude or ungrateful towards them. They still haven't said thank you for your presents?! That's ridiculous. And in case you couldn't tell, I just glared sternly in the direction of Florida for you. I hope they felt that. You're welcome. :P

    Haha. I would drive my little brother crazy because I used to blare American Idiot when I would get ready for school in the mornings. He would walk around with Green Day stuck in his head all day (personally I don't see how this is a bad thing). Now I'm in college, so when I get ready, no one else is home. So I can play my music as loud as I want to-- which is awesome. Because it's pretty much always too loud, haha.

    Your sister sounds like me back in high school. I would stumble downstairs and I'd go right back to sleep at the breakfast counter until my mom would prod me awake. And then I'd drag myself to the car and sleep on the way to school. And then I'd sleep through my classes, but that's besides the point entirely. Sometimes I'd be so groggy, I'd miss the steps and I'd go headfirst down a few stairs. But on the bright side, I was definitely awake after that! :)
    February 16th, 2010 at 05:41am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Wow. Five hundred pages is ridiculous. So maybe you might want to start earlier than week, haha. At any rate, I hope you do really well on it. You're smart, you'll be fine. :)

    Ahaha! I love that, that's hilarious. I still think it's a bit presumptious for them to assume that you and your family would be able to take her in for the whole summer. I can't even imagine taking in someone you don't like for that long. Hell, I had a friend come over for a week in the summer and by the fifth day, I was like GETAWAYFROMEEE. I like my alone time sometimes and she was extremely clingy. :|

    Maybe you can point out to her that she'll have to go back to school with you and since she just got out, why would she want to go back? And then you can work out a time for her to come out for a week or two or something ?

    OR you can downplay Germany-- tell her about like... I don't know. A brutal murder or how dirty it is or something. I'm totally making all of that up, by the way. The only things I know of Germany is where my family is from, so I'm not too sure how similar it is to the states. Wow, I sound ignorant. :S

    ... that doesn't sound stupid at all. I do that at my house too. The best is when I'm home alone (even though I do it when my family's home too) and I crank up my music and dance around the great room. We have hardwood floors and a huge open room on the first floor so I put socks on and dance around. The other day my dad walked in on me air-guitaring to Queen. It was kindof awkward, but I think I played it off pretty well. And by that, I mean I turned bright red and just turned back to the oven where my lunch was cooking. And prayed that he didn't really just see me singing into the spatula. I'm so smooth sometimes, haha. :D

    Well that's upsetting. I'd have snapped up that ticket ridiculously fast. It's Green Day! I also love how you added on 'and I didn't get it either' at the end-- it made me laugh.

    Ooh that's a good one too. I really, really like See the Light too. And Last Night on Earth<3
    February 12th, 2010 at 02:24am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Dear god. That doesn't even sound interesting. The Michael Moore bit shouldn't be too difficult but I can't even imagine writing the Al Gore part. He's a bit of a joke, don't you think? What course is this for, if you don't mind me asking. And you have two whole months! Don't sweat it. I wouldn't start until like.. a week before it's due, but that's just me. And procrastination is my middle name. :)

    Well I'm glad you met some really kind people regardless of Jessica's immaturity. That really just bothers me, to be honest. And I've never even met the girl, haha. And I'm glad that you latched onto Green Day-- you got one awesome thing out of America than. Haha.

    The whole summer!? Isn't that a bit presumptious? I mean, you do have a job and friends and things to do. Maybe you can work it out so she stays like a week or two? She can't possibly expect you to take her in for the whole summer? Besides, aren't American summer holidays different from German summer holidays? Because I know when Erik, my friend who was an exchange student in Hannover over our summer, had to go to school with his German kid because you guys were still in school.

    The bit about you checking her work calender just made me really sad. That's horrid; I can't even imagine having to live in a strange country by myself with a complete wench like that. But your idea sounds brilliant! I'm sure your exchange student would really appreciate it, because you'll know where he/she is coming from. It's a really nice gesture on your part. :)

    Yesss! I did. And I'm SO excited. I really hope that they do another trek through America so I can actually go. Bands never really come to my city but if they come to my state capital, I'm definitely there. I think the last time they came to Ohio, I was really young, like 14 or so and my parents flipped out when I said I wanted to go to their American Idiot show, haha. But I'm determined to go this time! :)
    February 1st, 2010 at 02:38am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean about not having enough time. I meant to get up and work on a paper that's due on Monday for my lit class, but I woke up with a headache and so I went back to bed. Now it's five o'clock and I've yet to start on my paper. It's my last week this term and I'm rushing to get things together for the end of the term. I just really can't wait until my week break--I just have to make it until Thursday and then I'm free. :)

    Ooh I watched it and it looks really good! I caught a few words here and there but my translating isn't quite up to par yet so the majority of it I didn't quite catch. I did, however, laugh hysterically when the cops pulled them over and the American flag fell down and showed his ass. I actually really want to see it; I'm about to look into getting it and just watching it with subtitles. :)

    I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. I can't believe that she treated you that poorly. No offense, but she sounds like a horrid spoiled little bitch. I'm just annoyed that you came to America for five months and had to stay with such an impersonal family. It's such a bad reflection on our society as a whole--I'm just surprised that after all of that, you still want to come back. But I'm glad that you do. Not all of us are rude and horrid, promise. :P

    I can see how you don't want to say no to her, because they did take you in for almost half a year. So just claim that you have to work or you're going on holiday when Jess wants to come over. Or something like that. How long is she planning on staying anyway, if you don't mind me asking.
    January 24th, 2010 at 11:00pm