shakethesky / Comments

  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha, you spend all your money on clothes... I spend all mine on shoes and books and music. I spend waaaaaaaay too much money on new things but I feel like it's okay because I work hard and I deserve treats too. I'm very material apparently. :P

    Was your brother's split with his girlfriend a good one? Like are they still talking and whatnot? Because if it's still friendly, can't you just ask her for pointers? Like facebook her or text her or whatever.

    Yeah I watch their shows on youtube all the time and I'm still not even sure what to expect show-wise from them. They obviously put on a fantastic show though. I'm soo jealous of you, dude-- yet another reason I wish my dad were in the music business! I'm about to buy a ticket to Germany and show up just so I can possibly meet the band with you, bahaha. Just kidding. ;P

    Haha! Yes I know exactly what you mean. I was fine with it all the way up until they started kissing and bullets were flying. I was like what the fuck man. So not cool. I think they had regular walls, but the bullets came through anyway just because bullets can shoot through walls, you know? From a really, really powerful gun or something. Or maybe they were paper walls and I just missed that entirely. I don't know. I vaguely remember the video- it isn't my favorite soo... yeah.

    He was so cute back then ! He wasn't fat or skinny, he was just meaty. I love guys that have a bit of a tummy on them. Which is probably why I think Mark Hoppus is so fucking adorable. He's rocking that little gut and it's fantastically cute.

    No, no, no. I didn't stand next to him, haha. I WISH I stood next to him at one point (though, between you and me, I'd probably just blush and stare at the floor the entire time but that's not the point). What I meant was if I were to stand next to him, he's so fucking skinny, I'd feel so fat next to him.

    Isn't his response to Abigail brilliant ?! I was actually giggling at my computer as I wrote it. It's pathetic actually. I'm writing right now too and I'm updating tomorrow, yay! I'm on a roll. :)
    October 4th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    A sewing machine? I had to use one for my life skills course back in my freshman year in high school. I would freak out if my fingers got too close to the needle, haha. I honestly prefer sewing by hand, just because I find it's easier to work with whereas the machine just sortof goes. I could never control the machine too well so perhaps that's why I prefer doing needle-work by hand. Though I'm sure a machine is so much more convenient, when you really think about it.

    Anyways, I still say your mom should let you take your fashion classes in the winter, or whenever you wanted to take them. Because everyone needs to know at least a little bit about clothing, whether it be to make your own or to mend, you know?

    Whoo! That's fantastic-- I'm excited FOR you! Take lots of photos, dude. I'm rather jealous, they didn't come anywhere near me so I couldn't go. Hopefully when they come back to America, they tour all the places they missed so I can go. I haven't seen them live either. Where are your seats?

    I've not seen the making of the video (was it just me or did you not really like the video? I feel like the video had nothing to do with the meaning of the song. Though I suppose that's up to personal interpretation.) But I remember watching them perform back in like.. Warning, I think it was and he was a bit chunkier. Not like fat, but he put on some weight. He still looked cute though. Anyway, then he got like fucking skinny as hell. I would stand next to him and feel fat as hell. So not cool man. :P

    Bahahaha! I love that part. Where he's lying on the floor of the van like "Yeah I know Billie Joe Armstrong, he's my friend. Perhaps I'll introduce you someday." But my absolute favorite, favorite part is when Billie swings from the chandelier and like rips it from the ceiling. Or when Mike comes out at the beginning of the DVD like "Shut the fuck up, we're trying to fucking meditate in here!" Or when Billie pisses on the wall, zips up his pants, flashes the camera the thumbs up sign and then runs on stage. Cripes, now I need to go watch it....
    September 28th, 2009 at 05:11am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Balls that sounds amazing. I want to see her skirt! Ughh. Why wasn't I paying attention when they showed it!? Lol.

    That would be awesome! I've made shirts before. But I'd probably fail hardcore at making a skirt or anything. I've also made pillows, hahaha. Oh! But I used to make clothes for my Barbie dolls, does that count?!

    Totally! AND with Adrienne out in the audience, too. And then the stupid girl just looked so awkward standing next to him on stage while he helped other people up. Though, to be honest, I probably wouldn't be any better. I'd have probably ended up like awkwardly swaying and edging towards the back, haha. Hmm. Well I thought the majority of the people up there were girls and plus, I don't think a lot of the people there are really used to mosh-pit tendencies. I can see it being like that because security shut it down almost immediately too, you know?

    Yeah Billie's skinny and I'd feel like a whale next to him. Soo not fair, haha. :P

    Exactly! I do not see Gerard and Billie having a lot in common. Gerard, I always thought anyway, was that artsy fartsy kid who was quiet and sat in the corner, away from everyone. And I've always pictured Billie being really obnoxious (and not in the bad way) and just out-going---totally the opposite of what G is in my mind.

    Speaking of Blink and Green Day, have you seen Riding in Vans with Boys? It's a DVD of Blink/Green Day/Jimmy Eat World/Kut U Up touring across America on Pop Disaster, I believe. Soo funny watching Green Day and Blink goof off backstage. :)
    September 24th, 2009 at 03:54am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Nooo ! I didn't see it. That's upsetting times like a million. I did, however, see Adrienne and clapped for her ahaha. She looked so pretty. :) What did Brittany's skirt look like?

    It did make him look younger. But, to be honest, I don't think he looks 37.. or however old he is. Or maybe I'm just a terrible judge of age. Gahaha, I was dying laughing when he like stumbled trying to pull her up. And she was clawing at everyone trying to get up and keep her fucking private area covered up. If I were Billie, I'd have just given up and moved on to the next person, like too much effort involved in hauling your skanky ass up here. But that's just me:)

    I know right? And then it bothers me when everyone makes Gerard and Billie out to be like BFF. When in all actuality, they probably have each other's numbers but don't really call. Because I cannot see Billie texting; therefore, I don't see them being great friends. But I don't know.

    Yeah it looked like Pete hadn't washed his hair in days, it was gross. Did you see security though? They were pissed when Billie asked everyone to come up. The little 14-year-old Green Day fan in me was secretly a little jealous that they all got to rush the stage and dance with Green Day. Haha. I think Billie (and I'm not just being biased because I love him) is pretty much one of the only guys who can successfully pull off skinny jeans. I don't know a lot of guys who can honestly. Yeah, when you're super tall and you're a dude, skinny jeans are a no-no. No one wants to see your junk emphasized like that, thanks.

    Billie circa 2005 VMAs:
    September 20th, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    ALSO how stalker-ish do I sound knowing when/where Billie wore that outfit!? I totally didn't mean for that to come off as... creepy as that did. But it's honestly the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Pete's outfit. Oops?
    September 19th, 2009 at 05:32pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Uggh that sounds frustrating. Do you have a technician coming out soon to fix it?

    I busted out laughing when I saw Billie's hair. It's so random and yet I think he pulled it off. They looked like big puppy dog ears coming out of his head, ahaha. And Mike's nerd glasses-- those were adorable. I about died when Tre was getting interviewed on the red carpet. Their performance was AMAZING. I think when that girl was hauled up on stage, my mouth was just sortof hanging open. I can't believe she went out into public in a skirt that was that short. It's ridiculous. But anyways, did you see Billie's like crotch punch?! I was like... uhhh okay. And his creepy ET voice "protest meee!" But yeah, their performances are always fantastic.

    Here's the thing. Pete was channeling Billie Joe. Billie wore an outfit just like Pete's black one to the '05 VMAs when they performed, I shit you not. I feel like all Pete and Gerard Way do is copy him and that bothers me a lot. Because it's kindof like.. get your own style. Idk. But Pete's a tool-- almost flashing Saporta's number across national television AND Pete rushed the stage when Billie wanted everyone to come up. He looked like an absolute fucking idiot, dude. I was laughing so hard at him. Can you tell I don't like Pete at all!? :P

    Haha awwh. Yeah. I detest changing when someone else is in the room. I mean, I'm fine if it's like my best friend and I'm changing shirts or something. But I can't like whip my bra off and be strutting around. That'd be awkward times like a million.

    I think if computers are used improperly, they are a waste of time. But computers are some peoples' jobs and they're really useful for research and storing information. Like I'm on the computer a lot just because a lot of my classes require response papers and research papers. Plus we do like posts on discussion boards and everything so I have to have a computer. And also just because I write so much. But when you turn into one of those pasty zombies who rarely leave their computer, that's when it becomes a problem, haha.

    Haha I'm impatient too. But it's still fun to watch yourself progress as you learn. Or maybe I'm just a nerd who notices the stupidest things...
    September 19th, 2009 at 05:30pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOD! I did it again. Fuck my fucking life. Jesus christ. That's irritating times like a million. Stupid comment box.

    Anyways! Sorry I took so long to comment back. I've FINALLY got internet in my new house and so I'm scrambling to respond to everyone/everything as quickly as I can.

    I've no idea who Michelle is. I'm not up to speed on the Hollywood gossip, which I realize sounds a bit hypocritical since I knew about the whole Ashlee thing. But yeah... I don't watch Gossip Girl so I wouldn't have seen her on that. I do, however, watch House-- it's my favorite show. I vaguely remember that episode but I can't recall the face. Which brings me to my next point: how the fuck do you even get a tick in your vag?! That sounds super uncomfortable.

    You're right. I'll never understand the big hype about taking naked photos of yourself. I don't know if it's because I have shit self-esteem and I ... feel super awkward being naked or if it's because I don't photograph well or whatever! But still, I mean it doesn't matter if you're famous or not. If you take naked pictures of yourself, they're going to get out. It's just the way things roll.

    Oh wow. I don't even want to think about what'd happen if my mom found a joint in one of our rooms. She'd probably hit the roof and then send us all to rehab. My mom has a flair for the overdramatics, haha. But at least your mom's understanding. I don't even think my mom'd take the time to listen, you know?

    Why is she so anti-computers? That idea seems so foreign to me. I suppose it's because my dad's a computer engineer and so I've been raised with them my entire life. But still. It's 2009, shouldn't we be used to computers by now?

    I'm teaching myself guitar and so far, I can play a few songs and whatnot though I'm nowhere near being considered accomplished. I wish I could play piano; it's so pretty sounding. Why'd you quit? (I feel like I've probably already asked you this, to be honest. So my apologies if I have.)

    I'll go check out your dad's band then. Though I'm not making any promises of understanding if they're singing in German. I take forever to translate in my head, haha!
    September 8th, 2009 at 05:17pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Fuck my life. I accidentally clicked out of the entire fucking comment box and I had typed out a nice response and everything---ughhh. Let's see if I can remember what I wrote.

    I don't think I've ever even though of them doing their laundry. I guess they either stop at a laundromat or just.. don't wash them, like bring enough so your clothes don't get too rank. Though I suppose their stage outfits would get absolutely gross. Maybe tour buses have washing machines in them? I know they've each got their own bus, so perhaps they've just got a washer in one. I feel so creepy thinking about that, to be honest.

    S'alright. It's not like I loved Andrew or anything. I'm completely over him. Plus I'm with a new guy now. Frankie and I have been together for six months and I'm much, much more happy with Frankie than I ever was with Andrew. Frankie treats me a lot better than Andrew ever did. And also, Andrew was shit at kissing and everything. ;)

    See, I have absolutely no idea who Michelle Trachtenburg is. I just read it somewhere because Ashlee got drunk and screamed it at Michelle during a charity event and I was watching the video so I was like whoa! So I had no idea he dated her either. But still, a cheater is a cheater and it's unforgiveable, no matter how famous you claim to be.

    Bahaha! The "nude" photos. My favorite part about that entire thing is that my best friend and I were looking at them together and after we saw them, we both turned to each other and at the same time, we were like "I've seen bigger." And so now every time I see Pete, I just laugh and think about how... unimpressed I was. :P

    Holy shit! How the fuck did your mom not even tumble out of the car!? That is so impressive. I'm impressed with your mom, not even going to lie about it. That's kickass. My mom... went to a snooty boarding school and got straight A's and then married my dad at 20. She was the youngest in her family to get married-- that's the most rebellious she's ever been in her entire life, haha.

    That's really cool. Is there anywhere I can hear your dad's music? I'm actually really interested. That must be really cool to grow up surrounded by music in that type of environment.

    Gahaha! Oh christ, your poor father. That's actually hysterical. My parents would have a panic attack over the thought of two men being together. They're really conservative like that. And I'm pretty sure you're in luck with the masturbation bit. I know they always play Hitchin' A Ride live soo looks like your parents'll be seeing Billie get his groove on onstage. ;)
    August 28th, 2009 at 06:17am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Awh, that's cute of Billie to do that! Though, I'm not quite sure why his mom's on tour with him. Adrienne, Joey and Jakob I can understand.. but his mom? That's a bit odd, haha. But it's still adorable. :)

    Yeahhh. His name was Andrew and we were going out for a few months and he's a guitarist in a local band here. He and the band went on a little three week tour around Ohio and the states around us and apparently, he cheated on me from night one. But I was there at his apartment when he came home and I had cleaned up the place and made dinner. And then the next day while I was at work, he texted me like "Oh, I'm not ready for this serious of a committment--my heart is fragile and I'm not prepared to give it to you completely." I was upset because I had been with him for a few months and because he broke up with me over a text message but then the lead singer in the band called me up and told me that Andrew had cheated on me while they were on tour. I was devestated--I really liked him and then he threw away four months for the drummer's sister. She went with them because she wanted to travel and because she helps with their equipment and everything. And the shitty part is that we had been friends soooo... yeah, that didn't work out. It just makes me so pissed whenever I think about it, especially since my good friend dated the lead singer for a bit so I had to see the band every time we all hung out. Thank god they broke up so I don't have to see him anymore, ughh.

    He didn't cheat on Ashlee Simpson. He cheated on his then-girlfriend-Michelle Trachtenberg with Ashlee. So Ashlee was the other woman. That's just what turns me off of him so much. Speaking from experience, being cheated on is absolutely horrendous. You feel like you're not even worth their loyalty and if you've already got crap self-esteem, it's just another low blow, you know? So that's why I detest Pete Wentz. :|

    That's totally what my mom thinks too! She thinks they're just stoners who got lucky. And I'm like.. this may be true to a certain extent, but they have talent! You can't deny that they are fantastically talented. Ahaha, your mom sounds cool! My mom never did anything rebellious like that. She was like a saint.

    That is so fucking kickass that your dad's a musician! What band does he play in? I want to hear them! What's he do in the band?

    I think the only song I really skip on 21CB is... Horseshoes and Handgrenades. I don't know why--it's a good song. But I think it's because I listen to it in the car a lot and I always have the baby in the backseat and they drop the f-bomb a lot in it so I skip over it just because I feel like the baby is listening or something, haha.

    Ahahahaha! That is AMAZING! See, my mom just would have wrinkled up her nose and been like "It's just Alex's music--turn off that filth." And then my dad would have been the one like "Green Day, yes! Turn it up!" My mom wouldn't be able to recognize a Green Day song if her life depended on it, sadly enough.

    Though, to be fair, she was walking around singing a Foxboro Huttubs song I was belting out the other week. Win for my momma. :D
    August 23rd, 2009 at 12:10am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Dude I say "you know" a lot. I never noticed that before. Crap, that's irritating now that I've realized it...
    August 19th, 2009 at 01:36am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    He was just rude. Like my friend said hi to him because she's in love with FOB and he just did this like head bob thing at her and got a drink at the bar (not an alcoholic bar, like.. a refreshment bar. We were in the VIP area) and then just like ignored her. I would have been terribly offended. And I don't care if he had something to do. They didn't go on for another hour and the least he could have done was stop and say hello to her. I mean she is a fan and without the fans, he'd be nothing. It just doesn't make sense to me, you know?

    I think I stopped finding him attractive when he got this huge ego inflation over FOB's "success". And when I found out he cheated on his girlfriend with Ashlee Simpson. Because to me, and also because my ex cheated on me, cheaters are unforgiveable. I can get past just about anything, but cheating does it in for me.

    Haha, awh! That's such a kickass memory. I have no idea where I was when I heard AI for the first time. It was '04 and I ... was a freshman in high school which would have meant that I probably listened to it in the car with my mom since I couldn't drive myself anywhere yet. My mom hates Green Day, it's rather upsetting. She thinks they're horrid because they swear and what they talk about in their song lyrics. Which is hysterical because some of my very earliest memories are of me and my dad in his car, driving places and belting out Green Day/the Ramones/the Who etc etc. So it just makes me wonder how the fuck my parents ever got married in the first place, haha.

    Anyway! Back on topic, self. American Idiot was the perfect album, the perfect comeback album, the perfect way to draw in the younger audience. It's just.. it's amazingly good. Normally when I get a CD, there's at least one song I always skip over just because I can't stand it but with AI, once I put it in, I have to listen to it at least once through because I can't stand to skip any of the songs, you know? I'm still not sure which Green Day album is my favorite just because I love all of them, just for their different attitudes, you know?

    Guys just need to be taller. It's a scientific fact. They're better to cuddle with when they're bigger than you. :)

    I think the reason Tre is Billie's kids' godfather is because, now don't quote me on this because I cannot, for the life of me, remember why this comes to mind, but I think he's the godfather because they didn't think he could have kids. Or something. I always thought Ramona was the oldest of the Green Day kids but... I really don't know any of their ages, to be honest. Or maybe they just did that switch-off thing, so that way they all are their kids' godparents so it's fair and they didn't have to pick between the other two. That would seem more rude and unfair to me, you know?

    I would probably laugh hysterically if both Joey and Jakob turned out to be like super tall and both Billie and Adie were short. That would just amuse me to no end. I had no idea he was starting high school. Awh, that's cute! I hope he's not nervous. He's probably super popular and plus, if he's anything like his parents, I'm sure he'll fit in really well. Like personality-wise, haha.

    I love how close you are to your sister. It's cute! :)
    August 19th, 2009 at 01:34am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    And I'm such a stalker !

    It's down at the bottom of the entry. It's ten minutes long, though I only watched like two or three minutes of it.
    August 17th, 2009 at 03:59am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha! Luckily though, he was working at that show. I did one of those fist pumps in the air and shouted "Whoo!". Some drunk guy was like "Oh my god, you're getting backstage?!" And I was like "Fuck yeah!" And he was like "Congratulations!" And he picked me up and spun me around but he was so drunk he ended up falling over. It was hilarious. I love drunk people.

    Yeah FOB played third. I have FOB's first three albums but I don't have the latest one just because I think they got worse as they went along. Pete Wentz just strikes me as an egotistical jackass and not in the good way. Like some people can just pull off the asshole thing and Pete just comes off as whiny and irritating. To me, anyway. Haha, I know what you mean! I've been on a Green Day kick for a couple of months where all I listen to is their cds. Though, to be fair, I've been on a Ramones kick for a few weeks now. But still, I've been alternating between my Green Day albums for a while now.

    Being short isn't all that fun, haha. I'm so ridiculously small though, that everyone thinks I'm all cute and pint-sized and I'm like NO! I can't reach anything and no one really takes me seriously when I try to be intimidating. It's rather irritating. Being tall just sounds fun. Like I can reach the top shelves in my kitchen without using the stepladder, haha.

    Cooking is so much fun! I actually was enrolled in culinary school for a semester last year but I dropped out because I realized that cooking, as much as I loved it, wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I think I'm much better off with writing. :)

    I actually have no idea. I would think they'd do that alternating thing. Like.. I know Tre is Billie's kids' godfather so... I'd imagine it to be like Mike is Tre's kids' godfather and Billie's Mike's kids' godfather. Does that make any sense!? That's just how I would have done things... but it's a really good question. I wonder if Billie had one of his brothers be the best man?

    Yes it was on that website. I don't know.. I'll look for you. Though I feel so creepy trawling through that website for too long. Haha, I think I remember hearing that on youtube or something.

    I'm moving in with my parents and my little brother. I'm one of six kids and I live with three of my siblings and my parents right now. The other two are married. But two of my brothers are staying in this house because it's closer to their schools and everything. And then I'm moving with my younger brother. I'd like to be able to move out, but financially it's just not possible right now. Plus when I live with my parents, I get free food, a free bed and my laundry done. And my parents trust me so it's not like I'm being suffocated here. I have a curfew which sucks but it's two thirty in the morning so I figure it's not too bad. So I'm not in any rush to move out.

    I speak French fluently! Haha, my mom's fluent and she's taught me since I was young. It's pretty cool being able to speak another language so well. Whenever I don't want my brothers (since there's so fucking many of them!) listening in on whatever I'm talking about with my mom, we'll just talk in French and it pisses them off to no end, haha. I'm also teaching myself German. Though I think I've already told you this...

    I was a nanny for a summer! I commuted though, between the houses. I literally just sat outside by the pool and read books while the kids played. And I took them to their swimming lessons/camps/whatever. It was such an easy job and if the pay weren't so shit, I'd absolutely do it again.

    Haha, awwh! The underside of my arm is such a lovely shade of blue and purple. I always lean up against things and I keep forgetting my one arm's bruised so I'll like wince every time I brush something. I freaked out my poor little nephew; he saw the cut and he screams and comes running over like "Aunt Lou, you're BLEEDING!" I was like it's okay, it's stopped bleeding. And he kept asking me if it hurt and I said yes so he made me ice cream and invited me to watch cartoons with him. :)
    August 17th, 2009 at 03:56am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Hahaha. So you must be pretty tall then. You will tower over me then because I'm 5'3 and I thought 5'7 was pretty tall, haha. :)

    I have made some of my own clothes, yeah. Not anything big. Like I've made a couple of shirts and I've even made a skirt. But I alter my things all the time-- I've ruined countless pants and shirts because I'll try to fix them to my liking but oh well. It's all part of the learning process.

    I can knit, I'm just so very terrible at it. My yarn always gets tangled and I get frustrated and everything I knit always comes out lumpy, despite my best efforts. I'm pretty handy with a sewing needle though. My mom teases me because I'm such a stereotypical 50's housewife. I love to cook and sew, haha. One time, I made a pillow and it was giant pink pig. It was awesome!

    You should take a knitting class! I started to learn in my freshman year in high school, when I was 14 and I took all of the classes my school offered until I graduated when I was 17. It's a lot of fun. I say go for it. :)

    I like the wedding photos--I think they're pretty. My favorite is the one of Mike walking down the aisle and he's all like YEAH I JUST GOT MARRIED, HOLY SHIT! His facial expression is hysterical. I also love the one where she's grabbing his tie and he's leaning on the car like 'wtf, someone help!'

    The naked photos were a bit alarming. I didn't know they were there until I was staring at them and by then it was too late. I like squealed and covered my eyes really fast at first, haha. I think the one in the pool is fucking gorgeous but to be honest, I could have done without the one where they were both naked.

    They don't have any problem being naked. I don't think I could ever just like pose naked without being super self-concious about it, you know? I know they all walk around naked all the time but I can see like... Tre trying to outdo both Mike and Billie with the naked pictures. Like starring in a porno or something, haha!

    I had no idea he was in a band until I saw the clip. They were decent. I don't think the audio did them any justice and the one kid who was bopping around was irritating the crap out of me. Ahaha! I had no idea they all had facebooks. I'm addicted to facebook. It's quite sad....

    Sooooo.... I'm moving in like two weeks and I was at my new house today. And it's in the middle of the woods on top of a hill, right? The builders are in the process of finishing building it and they had the hose out today and they were powerwashing the dirt off of the basement windows and everything so the mud was all slick and wet and everything. Anyway, I was carrying a box into the basement and I stepped on a wet spot and I slipped but I saved myself by grabbing onto the back of my dad's SUV. So I was like 'nice save, self!' and I literally like moved an inch and my legs shot out from under me and I landed on my arm and slid down half the hill.

    I literally laid there for like five minutes just laughing at myself but I got up and I was covered from head to toe in mud. And I didn't even notice until I got back up to the house that I had slit open the outside of right arm on a branch. It's seriously cut from like.. right above my elbow down to my wrist. And my arm's a lovely shade of blue. But on the bright side, I've a kickass hot pink bandaid on my boo-boo! And I got ice cream. :D
    August 16th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Yes I met Blink! My friend that I used to go to school with was actually a ticket person. My friends and I had lawn tickets and when he saw us, he was like I have to take you backstage! So we went into the VIP area and I was just sitting at a table drinking a Sprite and then Tom just comes like strolling along. I literally like froze and then stared down into my drink because I was so embarrassed. I kept thinking like 'omg, I'm eating a chocolate bar--what if there's something in my teeth!?' But thankfully there wasn't, haha.

    So I spoke with Tom for a bit and then Mark and Travis came out--Travis was really quiet and he gave me his drumsticks and I got picks from both Mark and Tom. I had just enough time to give them all hugs before they had to go.

    Also Pete Wentz is a douche in real life. I was not at all impressed with him. But other then that, the Blink concert was amazing! I really only went for them, because I don't like any of the other bands so I mostly fucked around for the first three bands. But Mark and Tom were so funny and it wasn't awkward like you would have thought it might have been because of the split. They were so cute and joke-y and they were discussing how great they all looked sweaty, baha!

    I have no skills in the photoshop department whatsoever. So when I finished making that banner (I made like five of them because none of them looked just right...) I was so surprised that it looked decent that I promptly woke up my little brother just so I could have someone to show it off to... he was not at all happy with me.

    We meet the green-eyed girl next chapter! And I must admit, that I really, really like that chapter. I'm so in love with writing this story that it's quite ridiculous and embarrassing, haha. ;)
    August 16th, 2009 at 05:11am
  • Gypsy Rose

    Gypsy Rose (150)

    United States
    Hay i'm co-writing a new story with cityxlights and it's called An Inferno of Mass Hyteria, check it out if you'd like, thanks!
    August 14th, 2009 at 02:27am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I always thought Mike was super tall and I don't know where I came up with that. Haha, I've never actually looked up their actual heights--I'd feel too stalkerish, to be honest. Buuuuut (and now I'm going to sound super hypcritical) I think Billie's 5'7. I'm not sure why that number comes to mind either. I thought he was shorter than that.

    But I'm super short too. So I feel their pain. I'm the shortie you see jumping to reach things on top shelves, haha. But good news, I'm taller than my mom!

    Haha, yay for shy people. I can totally see me seeing him, freaking out silently, smacking the crap out of whoever I'm with, attempt not to hyperventilate and then wave at him and he'd wave back or whatever and I'd try to be smooth and walk away looking all cool. And that's when I'd trip or stumble or something.

    I know they're really nice to their fans so I can see him, if he's not too busy, coming up and talking for a bit. Though I'm sure it'll be super awkward as I'd probably adopt a ridiculous blush and stammer like an idiot the entire time. You know what's probably going to sound silly? I've always wanted to meet Adrienne so I could talk to her about Adeline Street. I love clothes and designing them, so I'd want to talk to her about that. Is that weird? Haha.

    Totally just went and googled this and felt like such a stalker. But here you gooo:

    I think the girl who writes it is from the Czech Republic, but I could be wrong. I can't understand a word of what she's writing, but I can understand photos! :)

    Also there's a video somewhere on there of Joey playing with his band at Gilmans. I think it's like.. ridiculously long and I only watched like two minutes. The three kids fronting the band rather annoyed me, to be honest. But Joey looks good behind a drum set! :)

    Also I'm addicted to writing my Billie story. I've already three chapters written and ready to post. I feel so accomplished, haha.
    August 13th, 2009 at 07:39pm
  • BlacklingXD

    BlacklingXD (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment :]
    I'm glad you like it.
    August 12th, 2009 at 11:48pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I forgot to answer your question about my new story, oops.

    It's about a single mom who lives in New York City. She's a writer and she's under a contract and she's lost her creative streak and so she's searching for inspiration. Her name's Keira and she's watching her brother-in-law's record store because he's on vacation that week and Billie comes in, looking for a present to bring home to his sons back in Cali. Keira helps him out and he's so thankful that he helps her out a few days later. And they keep in touch and he helps her find her inspiration again.

    It's set back in 2004, pre-American Idiot. Like the story starts in June, the album drops in September. I read a quote of Adrienne's that said that their marriage had been pushed to its limits while he was recording AI and I thought.. what would happen if it had been broken before that? So they're divorced in the story, as much as that actually killed me. I love Adrienne and Billie together, so I felt really horrible making them divorcees. However, the split was as clean as a divorce can be and so they remain friends for the kids. That tiny bit cheered me up, as lame as I now sound... :)
    August 12th, 2009 at 09:08pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    It was actually really, really cool! The only thing that took me by surprise though was how it was no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking etc. etc. And when I thought of Green Day playing at Gilmans, I always sortof pictured it to be this smoky dingy little music club hole in the wall, you know what I mean? But it was so fucking cool-- people wrote all over the walls and there's this massive section about Green Day. Some people were hating on them and then others were defending them, it was really cool. Last Friday I even saw some shitty little band play. My brother-in-law had to take me because even though I'm nineteen, my sister was paranoid that I was going to get murdered, haha.

    Berkeley's fucking gorgeous and I can see why Green Day never left. It's adorable here. I want to move here! But then I'd feel super stalkerish. Oops, haha.

    I just hope that my brother-in-law takes the promotion he's offered for San Francisco. Because my sister--she just had Adie, the baby, so she's still really nervous, you know?--but she doesn't want to be all alone in a strange neighborhood with the new baby and so if they transfer out there, I'll be moving out with them! Which means I'll have to find another job and transfer to a college out there... but still. I think it'd be worth it; the home that they're looking into right now is in this little gated community that's literally right on the ocean in San Francisco. It's so cuteeeee!

    Uhm.. are you kidding me!? First off, I can't believe that the dad had the audacity to just waltz on up to a perfect stranger's house just so his daughter could catch a glimpse of the Armstrongs. I mean they're just normal people and I'd be irritated as hell if people kept parading past my house! I just wouldn't have answered the door, if I were Adrienne. That's super creepy. I can't believe she told Billie he was short! Hello, I think he's perfectly aware of that fact. Though I shouldn't be talking either, as I'm only five three, haha, but still! You don't just go up to people and announce that they're short!

    I don't think I'd have the balls to just go and knock on his door, to be honest. I can see like.. if he were walking down the street, going up to him and asking for an autograph. But even then... I'm super shy so I'd have to settle for waving timidly from like.. across the street and hope to god he saw me and didn't think I was creepy, baha! :)

    I saw the wedding photos and the pregnancy pictures where they're naked. That was a bit disturbing, just because.. I didn't particularly want to see my idol naked but y'know, whatever, haha. I do think she's fucking gorgeous---just like I think Adrienne's gorgeous too. She's the only woman I think that can successfully pull off dreads. Maybe it's just because.. I'm not rather partial to the hairstyle, haha.

    I had no idea they went backpacking across Europe. That sounds cool! Though I'm too much of a city girl, I'd probably end up dead somewhere. I enjoy my hotel rooms too much. :)

    Ahahaha! I was wheezing by the time he got halfway through and he looked ready to murder that creepy piano teacher. His facial expressions as he's singing are hysterical. He just seemed... timid at first, like he was nervous. Which I'm sure he was.. I know I'm ready to hurl everytime I get up on stage, haha.
    August 12th, 2009 at 09:02pm