shakethesky / Comments

  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha, thank you for the birthday wishes! It means a lot. At the moment, I'm in San Francisco with my sister and her husband and my niece. Chris, her husband, might transfer out here because of his job and so they all went to see how they'd like Cali and everything. And I want to move to Cali too, so it was my birthday gift from them to fly out. It's absofuckinglutely perfect out here! I spent a few days literally just lying in the sand with my niece and I've been to Berkeley and I went to Gilmans Street too! It was soo cool and yet at the same time, I felt like a bit of a creeper. Like I was stalking Green Day or something. But yeah, we were in LA before that and San Diego before that. We've been making our way up north slowly but surely. I think we've only a few more days before we fly back out to Ohio, in time for my Blink182 concert. But I'm absolutely certain that I don't ever want to leave California.

    Haha! I'm actually in the final stages of adjusting the plot to my liking and everything for the new story. I'm soo excited to write it, I think it's going to be really fun to write. And I'm also pumped that you're excited to read it!

    AHH! That's awesome! You know, for the longest time, I had no fucking idea who Brittany Cade was and people were talking about her to me and I was like... soo confused. Yet I knew Mike was married to a Brittany and I didn't piece it together. I'm such a genius sometimes! :) Anywaysssss, as if it weren't obvious enough, I don't know a lot about her, I wonder what she's like. Because.. everyone sortof makes her out to be this gold-digging whore or something and it's like.. I don't get why. If she makes Mike happy and that they're happy together, why does everyone hate her so much, you know?

    I know it doesn't come off as much and it really doesn't matter to change how you feel, but I don't think you need to be self-concious at all. I think you're beautiful. :) And the wig thing sounds like a good idea. I just normally go to my friend's mom who does my hair and tell her to go to town on it, haha.

    I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano! I love pianos, I think they sound so beautiful. I can play a bit of the guitar and I play for some songs in my band. I'm slowly teaching myself and it's quite difficult. Well for me, anyway. I have tiny hands so it's hard for me to stretch my fingers out over the frets and everything and plus, my fingers hurt if I play too long. But it's really exhilerating and exciting to play an instrument and I absolutely love putting music to my lyrics.

    Ahahahaa. He's such a dork! I LOVE that hair-do on him, it's hysterical. Plus my mom had hair like that too back then and it just made me laugh harder. I totally won't lie, I started singing along halfway through and now I'll walk around all day singing Christmas carols in the middle of August. :D
    August 10th, 2009 at 10:57pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    It looks fine when I style it but I didn't yesterday just because I had to work this morning and so I knew I'd be pulling it back anyways. I have blonde hair too! I've always wanted to go darker, not like black because I think I'd look terrible with that dark hair, but like.. a chocolate-y brown or something. But I'm terrified to try it in case I do look horrible. But I honestly think you wouldn't look bad with brown hair. I like you as a blonde too. I think you're beautiful. :)(Shit, I sound like such a creeper, haha.)

    Haha. Well thank you! I'm flattered, honestly. I first started writing when I was thirteen, so I've been doing it for six years. When I first started out, I was absolutely horrible. The very first story I ever wrote... the main girl's name was Helen Martini and she was married to this guy named Andreas. But he died and she was pregnant with triplets or something godawful. I never finished it just because I ran out of ideas buuuut I will never, ever forget how horrid that story was. Writing is pretty much like anything else. You need practice. I've come a long way in six years but I'm still not claiming to be fantastically awesome at it. I know I can always improve, you know?

    And as always, I'd be more than willing to help you out with a story, if you do decide you'd like to write one. I have an over-active imagination and so I'm constantly coming up with new plots. :)

    Awh! Nerds are adorableee. Unless they're the annoying kind and then you're like pfft. Lame. Haha, because that made so much sense, right? My friend just got back from Hannover, he was an exchange student for three weeks there and he loved it. It just makes me want to go to Germany even more now. How was the party/exchange student?

    Oh my god. You're already going back to school!? I still have over a month left of summer. That's insane. Are those tests the same as England's GSCEs? I remember my friend from England taking those--- they counted for a lot of their future schooling and whatnot. Good luck with all of that! Though I'm sure you'll do just fine. :)
    August 3rd, 2009 at 09:02pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Yeah, she had no problem applying for a student visa and for her green card when she decided she wanted to live here, instead of England. She's got a really cool job now-- the fact that she's not originally from America didn't weigh against her in the least. :)

    Of course you're nervous! To be quite honest with you, the thought of moving to like.. Germany on my own to go to school makes my tummy do flip-flops. I can't imagine doing it without dragging a friend (or two..) with me to make the transition a bit more easy. But whatever decision you make, you just have to decide what makes you happy. If you think America'd be better for you, than come on over. You have friends over here that'll make the shift easier for you. :)

    Right now I'm on break but when I am in school, I pretty much take whatever I want. Of course you have to take the silly general classes. Like I had to take three courses of English composition and three biology credits. It was also a requirement to take a public speech course at the university I go to. But in the upcoming term, I'm taking a literature course, a biology credit, a creative writing class, German 101 (for my language requirement! ;P) and a music class. There're the silly prerequisites of course but for the most part, you get to pick fun electives. Like my friend Edward took racquet ball and then he took rock appreciation. :)

    Soo... I'm trying to update my story and I'm having like hardcore issues. I have two chapters written and I can't decide which one to use. I can't decide if I want the next one to be in Billie's POV or if I should introduce my female character. It's driving me insane.

    I got a haircut a few days ago. And my hair was almost halfway down my back. Now it's cropped super short, like to my chin. My mom just informed me that I look like a little Swedish boy. I'm like FANTASTIC MOM. Love you too. :|

    How're you?
    August 3rd, 2009 at 06:20am
  • R!oT_GrRrL

    R!oT_GrRrL (200)

    United States
    well, you can pretty much take whatever you want (my school even offers a Stand Up Comedy class! haha)
    but right now, it looks like I'm going to take something called a core course which is basically a class where we read and discuss books I think. I'm not too sure yet =]
    and I'm going to take Intro to Theater Design, and Sexuality & Globalization.
    what's school like in Germany?
    August 3rd, 2009 at 03:13am
  • R!oT_GrRrL

    R!oT_GrRrL (200)

    United States
    I'm going to Santa Cruz. It's around Monterrey Bay, not the San Francisco Bay, but hey...still bay area =P
    they're only a couple of miles away.
    thanks for asking =]
    August 1st, 2009 at 12:11am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    That's probably it-- you'd need to take the AP courses or something to equal the credits out.

    Yeah you'd need a green card, but I wouldn't think you'd have a problem obtaining it. You can get a student visa when you come here for college and then just apply for a green card from there. My friend's from England and she's got her green card and from what I understand of the process, it wasn't too terrible.

    Ooh silly. Well maybe he'll change his mind in a few years? And plus, he can always go back and visit Germany.
    July 30th, 2009 at 08:23pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I wouldn't think it would be. I mean, yeah, whether or not you attend an American school or a European school, the credits will transfer over funnily. But a degree is a degree, regardless of where it was obtained.

    If that were true (I'm not flat out saying it isn't, just because I'm not one hundred percent certain), don't you think all of the people who come to America specifically for an education would stop once they realized an American degree wouldn't get them the job they need?

    .... So I sound super bitchy or something right there. But I'm not. I swear. :)
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:09pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    No, no, you don't suck at explaining. I got it, don't worry. :)

    It seems like your educational system is a lot more easy on the kids than it is here in America. Like I'd love to be able to not study the silly general classes here in college. Right now I'm busting out my Associates degree and pretty much all it is, is the boring, general, pre-requisite crap that I need to take in order to go on and get my Bachelor's degree in English-- which is the plan anyway. We'll see how that actually works out for me in the end. ;)

    I think you said you had two years to figure out what you wanted to be? Or maybe I lied and just made that number up in my head. Either way, you've got a bit of time to pick a profession.
    July 28th, 2009 at 10:54pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Well honestly, wouldn't most parents think their kids are good enough to go on? Because most parents think their kids are the smartest kids ever and so on and so forth. So it seems really unfair to have to decide so early. For some people, school just isn't an option, like they just aren't made for it.

    This one guy that my dad worked with was from Germany and he said that kids have to decide at a really young age what they want to be when they grow up, because then they spend the rest of their education "training" for that specific profession. So I guess kindof like college, except it starts at a much younger age. I'm not sure what age, but I wanted to know if it were true. Because that just sounds crazy to me-- what I wanted to be has changed a million times from the time I was in just seventh grade. So how can a young kid be expected to pick!?
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:19pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oh my god. I'd feel terrible if I didn't get into the one school. It's like you're labeling all the failures or something. :(
    July 21st, 2009 at 08:08pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Ooh so you're going to meet her? That's exciting! She was German too, right?

    Holy crap, you got up at seven?! ... that totally puts me to shame. I didn't get out of bed today until two in the afternoon. Wow I'm lazy. But in my defense, it was my first day off in several weeks so I just crashed and slept. I love how it was nine and you started getting ready for work at noon. You could be like me and roll out of bed at eleven fifteen and show up for work at like five past noon. :)

    I didn't know you guys had thirteen years of school. That's crazy. And I thought twelve was bad. Those thirteen years are the equivalent of our grade and high schools, right?

    Where are you planning to go in America ?
    July 21st, 2009 at 01:55am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Haha, I love when you comment because it makes me smile. I'm so happy that it's one of your favorite stories. That means a lot. :)

    And whenever you need me to proofread anything, I'm totally willing to do it. I love editing things for people- I'm such a nerd.

    Oh wow, you've only two weeks left?! I have.. two months left. Or a little less than, I'm estimating, haha. Why aren't you going with your sister to visit her friend, if you don't mind me asking?

    PS- When are you coming back to America ?
    July 19th, 2009 at 08:19pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    I've got the next update ready to go but unfortunately, I've been pulling forty-hour weeks at work. So by the time I come home, I'm so exhausted I just collapse into bed and sleep before waking up and doing it all over again. Thankfully though, I've a few days off coming up so I'll be writing like mad then to try to post a few times. :)

    I know I'm not like a writing genius or anything but if you're really interested in writing a story in English, I'd be more than happy to help you out with the grammar and everything. I think you've a really good grasp on English though personally, just from speaking to you on here and whatnot. It's totally up to you, but I'm totally willing to proofread things for you and everything. :)
    July 18th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Hmm. I rather enjoy that idea. I've got a few ideas to introduce her into the story, though I'm not sure which one to pick. But yeah, I'll absolutely have to throw a girl into things, just to see how she shakes things up. ;)
    July 13th, 2009 at 09:52pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    You mean like have him meet a girl while he's revising for his finals ?
    July 13th, 2009 at 09:36pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    No I don't mind, go on ahead. :)

    And you're right. Billie's just nervous that they'll think he's flaking out on Green Day. But he's not. He's doing it for Green Day... in a way, haha.
    July 13th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • baby eyes.

    baby eyes. (100)

    United States
    I'm Emily. Sorry for the random add, I just saw your Green Day banner and thought I'd add a fellow fan.
    July 13th, 2009 at 07:24pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Lizzie's based on my nephew, Chase. :)

    And I'm proud of Billie too! Even though.. it's just a story, haha.
    July 10th, 2009 at 06:42am
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Well that's a relief to know that not all German people think Americans are silly for attempting to speak their language, haha. I want to visit Germany one day and I was terrified of trying to speak German and having everyone just be like Alex shut up. Whoo, the relief. ;)
    Do you and your sister have to go to the same college though? I mean I get that it'd be difficult to go to college in America and have her in Berlin but if it's really that important to you, you can just go by yourself?
    I would think it would be possible to lose your accent. It's kindof like how if you go to say, England. You'll start to pick up the accent. So if you stay in America long enough, I would think you would lose your German accent. I don't know why you would want to though-- I think German accents are so cool sounding!
    Plus my friend had a German exchange student stay with him and she lost her accent --for the most part anyway-- after a few weeks. I mean there were still traces of it in her speech but she spoke like she had lived in Ohio all her life, haha.
    Ooh that's exciting. I love smart people! More importantly, I love smart friends. My best friend is really smart as well and I'm not going to lie, it's because of her that I passed some classes back in high school. The ones where I had no fucking idea what was going on and she would do my homework for me. Good times. ;P
    I'm still stuck on this whole you-wanting-to-lose-your-accent thing though. Why do you want it gone so badly?
    July 5th, 2009 at 03:16pm
  • lifeline

    lifeline (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, noo! People always ask me if I'm faking it or something and I'm like sorry no. This is just how I always sound. I sound like an American impersonating a British person really, really terribly. Last night I was at a party and everyone kept asking me if I was from England and I was like. Nope. I'm just a bit drunk, sorry. Although I do use it to fuck with people which is always amusing.
    AHH! I know where Hannover is. :D I'm so proud of myself! That's how it is here. You drive like.. an hour or two and you'll hear different accents which is terribly amusing.
    I didn't know it sounded cute. I speak a bit of German that I've picked up from my uncles and my mom and stuff that I've taught myself over the years. But the only person who actually lives in Germany that I've talked to in person works with my dad and he said most German people would make fun of Americans when they try to speak German because we sound so atrocious.
    There are some German words that no matter how hard I try, I just can't say. And it's so frustrating! Haha. :)
    July 4th, 2009 at 05:58pm