Brother Cloud

Brother Cloud
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
August 7th, 2010


Hello, is it me your looking for? Probably not...
I'm a beast?
Back in the day (when i was considered a star) i used to write a lot. Mainly stories about Final Fantasy using the characters, this was when i was really young though. Then i didn't write for years as i played PS1 and Xbox games. And became a pro, oh yeah, Gears of war clan Four Brothers 21st best team in europe on gamebattles 2007. 47W-8L.

I began an RPG story in 2003 based on Halo, called Halo Heaven. It had up to ten members at one point and spanned over 4 years until i was on my own and started to finish it. It is over 800 pages long and is at the end of the 5th story, and the 6th is going to be the last.

I am writing an RPG based on Harry Potter with Red. Uh yeah, lets party on or something.


'You sold your soul to the evil and the lust
and the passion and the money...'

Emma Watson ahh yeah

Oh so victorious

I don't need a single letter to tell me I'm good at something. I don't conform to the Governments system, or the system set in place by the media, be this, do that, follow this, be afraid of that. I stand by morals that few uphold, but are rather simple. Truth, honour, dignity. Self respect is the best respect. Never lie, because really, in the end, it gets you nowhere. Don't follow these mugs that say they try to be individual but infact just do stupid things. Its funny, indy bands all sound the same yet they claim to be in the genre individual? We are, essentially, all individuals. No one is the same. So don't conform to the Government, don't get deluded by the media and its lies. I'm not swaying anyones opinion here, I'm just saying be human, be humane for humanities sake, and do the right thing.