Insanely Epic Music... Just Try It Out, Please?

So most of you would probably groan if I said the word "orchestra" to you. But this is just not what you would expect.This stuff is probably the cure to keeping you on track to exercise (i.e. running).I present to you...Fired Earth Music! Vulcano section contains heroic music for epics (like Lord of the Rings). These ESPECIALLY get you going (in fact, this section...
November 29th, 2010 at 01:01am

Dreaming of Becoming Independent

Hmmm... yes, as you know, poets and authors are born with spacial intelligence. I'm happy because I was, and I'll never stop daydreaming, writing down my dreams and fantasies, thinking about the possibilities that the world will creep out of this dark abyss. I think like this because I'm a hopeful and faithful person. Self-disciplined and very independent, I find myself thrust unfairly into a...
August 8th, 2010 at 08:54pm