
United States
Joined date
August 12th, 2010

That's What's Up!

Name: Cassie Love Miller.

I love acting.
I can't sing at all. haha.
I like the color orange; Incase you didn't realize.
My besties are Lauren Kendall Chloe & Tiffany.
I'm loud and loving :)
I'm that girl who dances around squealing when she has to pee
and the bathroom is occupado :DD
I always do my 11:11 wishes.
I like to write poems.
I volunteer at/ donate to 5 diffrent charities.
I love talking... A LOT :D
I hate when girls act dumb because they think it's cute.
I like to party with my friends.
I like going out to eat.
I love Austin Scarlett (the fashion designer)<3
My favorite movie is Zombieland :DD
I'm straight, but I always tell my friends
If I could be a guy for a day the first thing I would do is fuck a bunch of girls XD
I strongly dislike soda and carbonated bubbly drinks
That's why I don't like liquor unless it's like a frozen margarita or something :)

Massey is my Horny Bi-polar bear!
Joel rocks my multi colored socks!

"If I gave my heart to you
I must be sure
from the very start
that you
would love me more than her" -- The Beatles, If I Fell