Not To Touch The Earth...
Not To See The Sun...

Call me Pam.
It's not my real name, but to be honest I hate my real name anyway.
I'm obsessed with Jim Morrison to the point where it borders on unhealthy.
If I could be anyone in the world, it would without a doubt be Pamela Courson.
Even though she's been dead 37 years, I can't think of a luckier person.
I believe that the more unique you are, the better. The mainstream is way overrated.
I belong in the 60s. No decade before or after could ever compare.
I value freedom and honesty above all else.
I drink. I smoke. I party hard.
You only live once so you'd better make sure you enjoy the ride.
Psychedelics fascinate me.
I'm a total bookworm.
Music and writing keep me sane.
I'm an animal lover & vegetarian.
I'm in college & studying to be a pre-school teacher, because children can put a smile on my face even in the darkest of times, and working with them would never be a drag.
I believe that having a career that you truly love is much more important than making money.
I love food, but for the life of me cannot keep any weight on.
I'm a redhead and love it!
I believe that there's nothing quite like making a complete and total ass of yourself.
When you stop caring what other people think, and just let loose, life's much more enjoyable.

"I'll always be a word man..."

Title: Wild Child (Love Cannot Save You Part 1)
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Fan Fiction
Starring: Caroline Andrews
Featuring: Jim Morrison
Status: Complete
Chapters Uploaded: 10/10
Setting: Early 1960s

Title: Realms of Bliss (Love Cannot Save You Part 2)
Rated: R
Genre: Fan Fiction
Starring: Caroline Andrews
Featuring: Jim Morrison
Status: Active
Chapters Uploaded: 0/61
Setting: Mid 1960s-Early 1970s

"Words dissemble, words be quick..."

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Wild Child (Love Cannot Save You Part 1)