
I asked my boyfriend what I should write about in this journal and first he said drugs, energy drinks then kitties. I started to laugh. :)Want to know what I want to do? I want to make a movie. You know how cool that would be? Too just get to together with your friends and make a movie. We tried that already, my friends and I. We did a spoof on Twilight and it was hilarious to watch after. I'm...
September 25th, 2010 at 09:49pm


Sometimes, I wish technology wasn't invented.Don't get me wrong, I LOVE internet and watching my shows on the TV and my cell phone. I probably couldn't live with out my cell, but . . .These are the reasons I wish it wasn't intvented:1.) People wouldn't be so lazy as to stay home and play video games or watch TV all day.You'd be more active, I think. Well I know if there was no TV I'd be outside...
September 17th, 2010 at 05:19am


I want to rant.About smoking.Why do people do it? Why do they want to inhale into their body fermaldehyde and tar and every other chemical? I just don't get it. Is it too look cool? Because standing with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of you mouth is not cool. It's gross.Is it to fit in? You shouldn't have to poison you body to fit in. I don't know how poisoning your body could ever bee...
September 16th, 2010 at 05:16am


Math is so hard. :( Why does it have to confuse me? I'd like it if it was easy, please.So as you can tell I gave up on my homework. I decided working on a puzzle would be a better option. It's a puzzle of a country side and I put together 4 people in it so I'm pretty pround of myself! I think puzzles are fun. Though I probably should do my homework instead of doing puzzles and being on the...
September 14th, 2010 at 04:27am


Want to know what makes me happy?When some one comments or reads or subscribes onto my story.I get all giddy inside.:)Haha.I am thinking about a question.What is your favourite jelly bean?I like all of them but I must say I kind of like purple better.Also, does anyone like the show Supernatural?Most of the people I know do not like it. I am wondering why? I love that show. Does anyone out there...
September 2nd, 2010 at 04:42am