
So I'm going to go and get help, yet again. I mean I thought I was okay and everything but when you go 6 weeks without being able to really talk to people your mind screws with you and this time it's bad. I have anxiety and it's taking over my life I can't get drunk without have an attack I can't really sleep at night becasue I fear what I'll see. I have this reccuring dream that I die in my sleep...
September 3rd, 2012 at 07:35pm

rant about bullying

I actually don't know anymore I don't see the point in trying, if all you're going to do is judge me I'll take my so called "shit" somewhere else. You need to realise that what you say and do affects people. If you bully people you're hurting them, it can be physical bullying which causes then pain on the outside, or it can be mental bullying which causes them pain on the inside, you can cause so...
March 22nd, 2012 at 11:32pm

I'm scared

I don't know why, but I'm scared. I'm scared constantly, and I can't seem to find happiness again, I had it for so long, I guess I jinxed myself when I thought I was getting "better" How stupid of me.why would the universe let me get better? I don't deserve it, I don't desereve to get better. I screw things up so much all the time that I should just stop trying to make it all right and let them...
September 30th, 2011 at 07:53pm

How can I *** up this much?

We all fuck up right?Well let's just say I have in every way possible. I push people away and I get angry way to easily, I am strong and independent and even though people say that's a good thing it really isn't. I wish I could open up to people who are only looking out for me. I am sorry to everyone I've offended because I really didn't mean to. I promise. I just thought I needed to do this on my...
February 22nd, 2011 at 05:09pm

FML I guess fit's

Hi,I am going to the doctor's tomorrow, to find out if I have depression. You want to know who told me I needed to see a doctor, my social worker who I have just started seeing. We don't really talk about a lot of serious stuff because it's meant to be about this thing called young carers but she said that I needed to open up a bit more. Which was really hard for me to the point I was in...
February 8th, 2011 at 09:40pm

People who are horrible about disability's.

Right I have a mum who is deaf and an uncle who can't speak. So obviously this is not being horrible about disabled people this is about people being horrible about them when they are right there.Today we had five 7 - 8year old girls come over for my little sister Sophie's birthday party, and one of the girls, Amy had downs syndrome, and to be honest she is the sweetest girl I know now she makes...
August 21st, 2010 at 11:38pm

I don't care any more. Let Me Vent Please.

I just can not be bothered any more if you want to go and commit suicide you're taking me down with you. If you go I go and I need you in my life. You say you don't want to live neither do I without you and you need to be strong. Please for me I need someone who isn't as fucked in the head as me. I need you to let me go crazy and cry. I need you to stay alive for me. because if you go i go honey....
August 19th, 2010 at 11:09pm