She's pretty but she's poison

She's a viper dressed in blue



we are the sole survivors

of a world no one else has ever seen

We get up too late and take too long showers, we miss the bus, skipp class, eat breakfast in the park. We're the old people of our generation, true seventies kids, giving you just a glance of the style from the forties. We never cry in public, we hardly ever get angry. We laugh and dance and do cartwheels at random places. We spent our afternoons in the park, listening to fleetwood mac and the doors, reading Cummings, getting grass stains on too white clothes. At night the world is ours, running around, drinking enough to let go, breaking rules. We go to that old cinema, quote movies. We swear music is the only religion we know and we don't wanna think about growing up. If we could, we'd be seventeen forever. We eat too much, we're curious and impulsive. We don't listen to anyone, and stubborn is our middle name. We dream, too much, too big, too crazy, but we dream. One day, we'll show them wrong.

Take this sinking boat and point it home

we've still got time

© rehab regular
Image by skinny
do not steal.