Rachel Racherr. / Comments

  • Besides our name, we have waaaaaaay tu mwuach in common >w< Starting with anime, and ending with the belief that pepsi makes you shmexy!~
    March 25th, 2012 at 08:10am
  • hey ur story is really good can u tell me when u update it plz thankz
    September 22nd, 2010 at 03:58am
  • hehehe
    i haven't spoken to you for a long time LOL hehhe
    September 8th, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • Why don't you like French? Most likely, yea. You wouldn't want to test it out anyways, it makes your computer extremely slow and it crashes all the time, that and it's quite addicting and it would ruin your life. :p Yea, we should oh so totally be! :o lol, I promise I don't actually talk like that. I'm tired, getting up at 5:55 every day for school is really tired, plus the heat is getting to me. We're having a heatwave here in Quebec so it's about 40 with humidity everyday. And our school's packed with over 1000 students, and we're all in uniforms. None of the classes have AC so it's even hotter. It's so eurgh. But on a good note, I've managed to keep up with my homework. I'm so proud of myself. I usually wait 'til the night before to finish it, even on the first week of school, but not this year or ever again. :p Hah. But other than the heat, school's fine. I like all my teacher's so far, so that's a plus. The uniforms is the only thing that sucks. How's school going for [i]you[/i]? My favorite joke? I don't [i]think[/i] I have one. What about you?
    September 3rd, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • i go to a Public school yea
    i hate school the best thing is that you get to see your friends :)
    LOL hehehe
    September 3rd, 2010 at 11:34pm